Scavenger Hunt from Life #1 Nov 10 - Nov 18

Joe, thank you, the mug is a masterpiece, wonderful job.
Angela, Nedl, Joy, nice to read you.
Jo, thank, Triss, wonderful job.
ntl, nice and fun draw.
Anne, nice fall colors. Fun to see you sketchbook. Interesting play with NuPastel, it may be soft to the touch, messy when dry?

I didn't sketch from life yesterday and got behind here. Yikes. Maybe tomorrow, we have adult kiddos coming today.
NuPastel isn't real soft to the touch but still a bit messy. Nothing like soft pastels though.

I'm not a regular sketcher so my participation will be on and off but I enjoy it and will participate when I can.
ams - Brilliant result with the scribbly pen foliage and the wonderful autumn colours. Really enjoying seeing your experiments with the NuPastels.

#4g/5c - Messing about with acrylics today, this one is acrylic ink on A2 neutral paper - some water-soluble oil pastel marks underneath, which added a nice bit of weird texture.

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I'm enjoying the exploration with NuPastels too. It's new for me. I just thought I would give it a try and I am liking it.

triss, your apples and mug are lovely. I like the bright shine on the mug and your experiments with materials too.
Anne, thanks! NuPastel is a dusty pastel, right?
They are a little dusty but not extremely so. Of course, once water is added, they aren't dusty at all. :rolleyes: Glad you liked the results.

Cute toothbrush holder. (y)
Jo- love the open sketch book and having seen that “big book” in person, it’s very impressive that it’s almost filled.

Ntl-thank you for a glimpse out your window. Great job!

Triss- gorgeous apples and blue cup

Joan - I love your shell, it’s amazing how many spirals are in nature

Joe- love your shading on the pomegranate

Ai- nice perspective in your hand holding a glass orb, feels mysterious and magical

Jg- it took me a few swipes to figure out photo from sketch. Great work

Favorite (but extremely impractical so hardly used) mug done with digital Sketches app on iPhone.
Hi Jo, thanks for hosting.

Great work, everyone!

Here we go - ink and coloured pencil, 5x8" page, toned paper

1. handmade mug (which happens to be blue and super wonky)
2. something blue - Magic Bag
3. from a closet - clothes hanger
4. from the bathroom - toothbrush
5. your hand holding one of the items


MaryKnos, love your mug. That is in a class all of its own!

Very good eyepaint. You managed to get quite a few in there. Good combination.
Thanks for kind words from you all.

Great job everyone: Viv, NTL, Mary, Joe, EP, Triss. These art works are inspiring.

Ned: Hello. Glad you find us here.

AMO: Hello.
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Thanks for the info about the hardware store crayons, ntl - I can't believe I haven't come across those (I love all big, clumsy drawing tools!). For less dusty charcoal, you could try Nitram - I've been using it for a while now, and it's clean enough that I'm happy doing charcoal sketches on my sofa). Great toothbrush holder sketch - particularly those lines on the wonderfully wonky toothbrush, love how you gave it a bend to fit it on the page, that's a trick I need to learn!).

NedL - Glad you made it over here - hope you can join in when you have some time.

Everyone has cooler mugs than mine!

Mary - Fantastic sketch of that amazing mug! Love the style & the crooked horizon line - great fun.

EP - Fab sketches - love the handmade mug, great look with your coloured pencils.

Ai - Extra points for your artistic use of the coloured text!
ams thank you for letting me know how to change it. I did that and now awaiting acceptance.

Joe havent used the Fude much but I have trouble with it. Purchased it because I saw a video by Roisun Curel. I can't seem to get the backside to work like she does. And can't seem to hold it upright to get the thinner line. So I end up with a very dark thick line. I have terrible arthritis in my hands and it doesn't help when I try to hold the pen right. I don't have the other nib.

On the subject of my hands., I don't do a lot of comments as my hands are bent and don't fit the keyboard any longer. Makes typing not so easy. And I end up deleting a lot as they hit the wrong keys. I will comment when I can. I am just thankful I can still manage to draw and paint so far. Had to give up knitting and crochet. And can't do much handwriting.
#9 with wheel ... a visitor to my neighbor parked his ride, near our front gate... done with ink
#10 lamp
#11 cat ... our neighborhood cat...she rarely stand still... I sketch her from a distance...
#12 sub shoes with clog ceramic souvenir ... they were made here in a factory in Thailand. The factory owner gave me her surplus pair.



Jeanne - Sorry you find typing difficult, but glad you can still enjoy drawing and painting.

Ai - Great sketches! Amazing work on the motorbike - wonderful shapes, and I love the scratchy line quality. Lovely simplicity with the clog and lamp, and the cat is an adorable sketch!

#4h - (not very blue) distant hills. Have been enjoying the acrylic inks, so tried taking a few bottles out with me. Not much success - still find them just too awkward for outdoors - so this is a bit of acrylic ink, and mostly pastel, A2.

notbluehills.jpg many posts to check out since my last visit!

Many thanks to everyone for your comments on my work.

Joe 1, nice poms...great detail on the second one.

Ai, good shading on the glass pebble. Love the sketch of the reservoir. Sorry you got rained on. Nice detail to the motorbike.

Triss, I'm lucky I can use the tools they give me on Art Rage. lol You are so prolific with your apple sketches and one is nicer than the next. I think my recent fav is the apple with the dark blue mug. I love the liveliness of the bathroom accessories. Sometimes working quickly gives such fun results. You know I LOVE the sketch of the field. I haven't taken my acrylic inks out since that workshop. Your sketch has such energy.

Jeanne, I'm glad you were able to fix your name. Nice sketch of the pencil and water brush. Sorry to hear that your hands have gotten so bad. That is so hard to deal with as an artist. I have a fude pen too and sometimes I can get fine lines but not regularly. I use it a bit and would probably get better with it if I used it more.

Anne, my ArtRage is a very old, basic version. If I ever get a new iPad I will probably try a different digital program or definitely upgrade. Good view out your window. I like the textures.

Vivien, I can smell that chamomile tea over here. lol Nice sketch!

Angela, I'm glad you found us. I know Jo is good at putting info about things on her blog.

Joe, I love your Christmasy mug!! The gray paper gives it such nice tones.

Nti, what a fun toothbrush holder!

Mary, that mug looks so colorful but it must be so difficult to drink from. lol

EP, great wonky mug!! Buce sketches Erin assorted places.

After all this commenting I have nothing new to show. lol Maybe later!
triss, love your bathroom sketch. The mountain range with the grasses in front is very nice. I like how you captured the light.

"J", glad you were successful in finding the spot to change your login. I know what you mean about not feeling yourself with a different login.

Ai, nice sketches, especially the motorcyle. I really like how that one came out.

Joan, if you would like to try a different program before you get a new computer, I have heard good things about Krita and it's free. I haven't ever used it though so I can't speak first hand.

I managed to do a couple more. Both done in my Stillman & Birn Alpha sketch book.

cs Scavenger Hunt 1, #5-6.jpg
ams thank you for letting me know how to change it. I did that and now awaiting acceptance.

Joe havent used the Fude much but I have trouble with it. Purchased it because I saw a video by Roisun Curel. I can't seem to get the backside to work like she does. And can't seem to hold it upright to get the thinner line. So I end up with a very dark thick line. I have terrible arthritis in my hands and it doesn't help when I try to hold the pen right. I don't have the other nib.

On the subject of my hands., I don't do a lot of comments as my hands are bent and don't fit the keyboard any longer. Makes typing not so easy. And I end up deleting a lot as they hit the wrong keys. I will comment when I can. I am just thankful I can still manage to draw and paint so far. Had to give up knitting and crochet. And can't do much handwriting.
Hello J, welcome 🤗
Vivian - Thanks for the encouragement!

Triss - great composition with the apples and mug. So when will we see your lumber crayon sketches? You experiment so much with mediums just know you will try them. The 5 minute sketch is so full of life and the objects recognizable! On the field I like how you did the foreground grasses.

Ntl - Your sketch definitely captured the adorable toothbrush holder!

Mary - Cool mug. Again props for doing so well on iPhone! I like to play with digital but stick to iPad so I can see.

EP - Did you make the mug? It looks great fun. Nice work on toothbrush and hand. What goes in the Magic bag?

Jeanne - I think I am quoting you or ampretty close... “Share your art and comment when you can, but do not feel the need to comment all the time.” Am sure you posted something similar to that many many times in the Hunts on WC. So practice what you preached! Share your art and comment when you can! Thanks for feedback on the fude pen.

Ai - My fav seems to match several others, the motorbike. Something about the line quality makes the motorbike sketch draw the eye. The clog sketches and lamp are well done. The cat seems to radiate ‘attitude’.

Joan - Thanks for the kind words.

Anne - Instantly recognized the mirror as my wife has one like that.

Keep sketching
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I would love to comment on all of the works, but cannot. Will try to do some later.

Well, this is a total muddy mess - some teacups stacked. It is an embarrassing mess, but at least I tried. They just look like dirty old cups instead of shiny ceramic. I tried to paint around the whites, and did not show up en0ugh. Also, the Canson paper in the sketchbook lifts so very easily; any attempts at glazing disturbs the other layers. Trying to charge the darker colors in seem to create blooms, as the paper dried quickly. Using too much water (on any paper) is often my problem. It is 140 lb.

Can anyone offer advice on how to paint on paper that lifts easily in a sketchbook? Or suggestions for good, sturdy sketchbook paper types? Hahnemuhle seems to be mentioned in other sites I have visited. Any experience with this paper?


Joy, your stacked cups aren't nearly as bad as you think. I like how they came out.

I wish I could give some good advice on sketching paper but I haven't found any that allows lifting the way regular watercolor paper does. A lot of the sketchbook papers are designed for dry media with just light washes and won't stand up to lots of layers and lifting.
Thanks for the comments, everyone :)

Joe - Yes I did make the mug. The top rim is not level so if I look at the wrong part when I fill with tea I can make a mess. The Magic Bag is filled with something (beans? seeds? rice?) and you microwave it and put it on sore body parts or put it on your feet in bed - my use. Something like so: Hmmm it's Canadian? "Created and Crafted in Canada for 30 years now" ... maybe it's time to replace mine ...