Scavenger Hunt from Life #1 Nov 10 - Nov 18

Triss, lovely blue mug.

Joan, I enjoyed your digital shell. I haven't seen the latest ArtRage for the iPad but I looked at the old version on my Android cell phone and you're right, there isn't any actual charcoal setting. I played around with the chalk tool which is where the charcoal setting is on my desktop version and you can get some charcoal like results by combining the chalk and blending with one of the palette knives that blur but the results are pretty limited. I found the choice I made for the paper made a huge difference too. Don't use a setting that is too rough. Hope this helps.

Joe, nice pomegranite and I like your tool.

Ai, nice hand and glass pebble.

Triss, interesting triple take on the same subject with different media. I'm partial to the way you handle oil sticks so that is my favorite but I like them all.

Jgra, nice sketch. I see you have a waterbrush too. They are great for sketching.

This is a view out my front window done in ink and NuPastel with water. The real colors aren't quite as vivid as I have here but I am just playing with NuPastel and water so I don't have a good feel for what I'm going to get.

Anne: Thank you. Nice fun play with NuPastel... now this is inspiring... I will try to fine some in my old closet... I don't know if mine is the same as NuPastel ...
I am just loving all of the sketches! CS is really a great site.

Jo, I realize the main purpose of this is to get us to do new sketches. I am attemptoting to work on some pieces for other challenges, and had to abandon one. Sot if I do not get any sketches done this week, is is permissible to post something I did recently? If not, do not hesitate to say so. I must endeavour to work more quickly. Thanks for hosting, and I am so glad you are getting such a great response.
In case anyone doesn't know it already,,,Jgra is Jeanne "J" from Wetcanvas. Have no idea why I signed with a different name. wish I could change it. I don't feel like "me".
I realize the main purpose of this is to get us to do new sketches. I am attemptoting to work on some pieces for other challenges, and had to abandon one. Sot if I do not get any sketches done this week, is is permissible to post something I did recently? If not, do not hesitate to say so. I must endeavour to work more quickly. Thanks for hosting, and I am so glad you are getting such a great response.
Me, too, Joy. But I will do some sketches here and use those as "practice" for watercolor or oil paints as needed. I don't see a problem, except that I'm pretty slow at all this, and run out of time or energy. :( so I solve that by taking a nap! :)
Here's my first 5. Im posting by my phone so hope Ive resized them properly. Takes a bit of concentration working from life after not doing that for some time, doesn't it! Well that didnt go exactly to plan uploading did it! but at least the sketch is there. More difficult to see what Im doing when posting by my phone!


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In case anyone doesn't know it already,,,Jgra is Jeanne "J" from Wetcanvas. Have no idea why I signed with a different name. wish I could change it. I don't feel like "me".
Jean , hi there! I didnt realise it was you! How are you?
In case anyone doesn't know it already,,,Jgra is Jeanne "J" from Wetcanvas. Have no idea why I signed with a different name. wish I could change it. I don't feel like "me".
I think you will be able to change it after you have been here for a while. There is a "change" button next to mine. To get to the spot to make the change, click your login name at the top (as if you were going to log out) and click "Account Details". Your login name is the first thing in the list.

Vivien, nice sketches. You managed to get quite a few rolled into one!
Today, we went for a day trip away from the metro Bangkok, to a mountain area 30 miles from our country cabin. This is the first time, we visited Thakoey Reservoir, Rajburi, Thailand and its nearby private campground. I did this sketch in 15 min... I finished sooner as the drizzle has shown up from distance mountain. Luckily, the drizzle makes unexpected cool effect on my sketch. ... Done in directwatercolor on a double page spread of Moleskine.

#8 sub. out my window with an outdoor scene at Thakoey Reservoir campground
thank you all for the nice words about pomegranate.
Ai, beautiful painting and beautiful view, place. nice job even with marble in the hand.
Anne, wonderful job with nupastel,
Vivien, good job,
Triss, wonderful apples, Jgra beautiful work on all 3.
Just dropping in to say I found you, thanks to Jo's or Joan's blog. (I forget which.) I was amotwell as an old timer on WC and more recently Angela Micheli Otwell. Dropped back to just my initials here. Anyway, I found you! Hope I get some time to sketch :)
Thanks, all.

Triss, love you unretired the blue mug ... and with apples. Lovely marks with the OP. Then the fun 3 more sketches. Squishy looking and full of exciting strokes. Applause!

Joan, lovely shell on ArtRage. Fun.

joe1lt, mmm pomegranite. Well done makes me want one.

Ai, nice to see your hand. I like the blue glass. Your landscape is lovely and in direct watercolor. You do that so well. Thanks for the photo, too.

Jgra is "J", right? I like your sketches in the open book, too. Looks like nice pens. Happy to see you. And then you answered before I asked. Ha.

Anne, nice fall colors. Fun to see you sketchbook. Interesting play with NuPastel, it may be soft to the touch, messy when dry?

Joy, You can post any time. You can substitute items like a stuffed animal for animal or from the living room instead of bathroom. You can make your sketches fit some item. Associate like glass - water - lake- path and then do path and list the association. The main purpose here is to get us to sketch from life and not photos and sketch often which is practice. You could make an individual post in this forum from life or the Journaling and Sketchbooks, too, if you are toooo late??

Vivian, yay you sketchced. Great glass mug. Good start.

I didn't sketch from life yesterday and got behind here. Yikes. Maybe tomorrow, we have adult kiddos coming today.
Just dropping in to say I found you, thanks to Jo's or Joan's blog. (I forget which.) I was amotwell as an old timer on WC and more recently Angela Micheli Otwell. Dropped back to just my initials here. Anyway, I found you! Hope I get some time to sketch :)
Hi, Angela. Welcome.....anytime.
Triss - Nicely done set of mugs with the oil pastels. Nice work on the blue mug. Apples? Did you eat the pears?😎on the series of apples I like the dynamics in the last one!

Pine Cone!

Ai - Cool digi. I like the linear zig zag background it really brings the mug and pen forward. Neat hand and marble. Like the way you shaded the hand. Pretty landscape and beautiful view!

Joan - Thebaby shoes are adorable and well done. Your shell looks like a nautilus.

MaryKnos - Neat closet and well done. Extra props for doing it on an iPhone!

Jo - love the hand drawing. Nice hatching.

NTL - Nice series I especially the shell.

Joe1 - Cool pomegranate. I like the second one with the darker shadow best.

Jeanne - if you cannot change the name. Start a new account with a name you are comfortable with. Gotta feel good seeing the Hunts you were si instrumental in continuing on! What do you think of the fude pen? Likes or dislikes. Do you have the other angle as well?

Anne - beautiful fall colors! One of the things we miss from up North.

Joy - we want to see all. You can post and count “abandoned” works as well. Key is they are drawn from life as part of the hunt. Actually would be fun to start a series of “failed” efforts but I ‘d probably see artists posting “fails” that look better than my successes! 😱🤯

#1 Mug - graphite and white prismacolor in Toned Gray sketchbook. (Thanks again EP for the cp and toned paper ideas.) Time was about an hour with much erasing. Jo, I am 99% confident I have not drawn this mug before. Am also considering it a# a backup fir my Christmas card. Current plan is a watercolor night sky but always good to have a plan B. Added the vignette effect when I edited to resize.



Keep sketching
Joe - Lovely sketch of the mug, and yes it will make a wonderful Christmas Card!
Jeanne - I love that you had no patience to wait for the ink to dry - mess is always my favourite sketching result! Beautiful blues in your sketch of your pens.

Ai - Beautiful scene and the drizzle added a wonderful effect - such a beautiful texture and blur of colour. You'll have to go out sketching in the rain more often!

ams - Brilliant result with the scribbly pen foliage and the wonderful autumn colours. Really enjoying seeing your experiments with the NuPastels.

Vivien - Congratulations on snagging so many items in one sketch! Love the transparency of the tea.

Angela - So glad you found us over here, hope you have some time to join in.

Joy - Of course, you can take as much time as you like over your sketches, but there's no pressure - feel free to throw in some 5-minute sketches here as a break from working hard on other paintings.

Joe - Wonderful drawing, and gorgeous effect with those highlights - I think this would make a beautiful card. The line quality has a lovely engraved effect on this one.

#4g/5c - Messing about with acrylics today, this one is acrylic ink on A2 neutral paper - some water-soluble oil pastel marks underneath, which added a nice bit of weird texture.

Anne, thanks! NuPastel is a dusty pastel, right?
Thanks, Jo. I’m working to do sketching. I’ve never done that or even drawing...
AiArts, thanks. :)
Triss, thanks. the graphite I used here is from the hardware store—Dixon’s graphite lumber crayons. I have only black, hard to very soft. Mine are pretty old and feel somewhat dry. I don’t know if new ones would have a different “feel”. I’ll use them at times instead of charcoal because they’re not as dusty as charcoal.
I like what you do with the oil pastels, too.:)
Your apples are wonderful. I esp like the oil stick ones on the a1 paper.
And another good one! Dimensional, too.

Joan, nice shell.

Joe1it, nice “sphere” and paper! The coarse texture helps with the roundness.

AiArts, your WC hand is very nicely rounded. Your outdoor scene is lovely. The grays, the areas of darks and lights—reminds me of some of Paul Cezanne’s work.

Jeanne, good job with the book and brush!

Ams, lovely WC sketch—nifty coloring and pen marks.

Vivien, nice transparency!

Welcome, NedL!