Scavenger Hunt from Life #1 Nov 10 - Nov 18

Anne, thank you. The Sketch & Wash pencil is fun and a quick way to do something that is a bit more than lines. I'm glad you've joined us. Cute mug with too and a nice sketch of that handy flashlight. I didn't know that NuPastels work like wc crayons.

Jo, thanks. Glad you are using those steps carefully. After my surgery and Jerry's leg I'm very conscious of steps. lol

Joe, glad I can give you a pic of NY autumn colors.

Triss, thanks. It took we a while to find a spot where I could have a good view from the car. It was too windy to sit outside and work. Your super mugs say "Pick me up and use me." Love them.

Nufocus, thanks so much.

Vivien, hi!!! Good to see you here.

Pine Cone, you can't relax with this group. They put up new sketches quickly. lol

Ai, nice digital work. I have to get back to doing some before I forget how.

My sketch group met last night at the library. Our theme was shoes and someone brought a pair of baby shoes that are probably about 40 years old.

4 - shoes - pencilView attachment 12823
Love the baby-shoes Joan!
Ai - Love the scribbled background of your digital sketch, and the unexpected green outline to the mug - fun work with the colours!

Joan - Beautiful use of line weight, such an elegant drawing! The details and delicacy are so well done, and you've got a wonderful sense of flow to the shapes.

Mary - What a great view into your closet - I love the composition and the colours, and your fun use of all the digital tools and textures!

PineCone, Joe1, Joy - Hope you can all find some time to join in this week, great to see you here.

#4b - Something blue -> something green. Green apples. Oil pastels, A2 grey paper.

Great energy in your oil pastes apples Triss! I like your Oil Pastels technique!
Triss, aww, fun new mugs for me. I like your rubbish and oil pastels, not easy. I like the green apples, such lovely texture and strokes. You do lots of blue for me!

Thanks, Nufocus.

Vivien, nice to see you and thanks.

Ai, oooooouuu, thanks for the new mug brightly colored pen. I'm smiling.

Pine Cone, hey there.

Joan T, awww, love the baby shoes. Nice lines on them.

Mary, well done closet. Fun to see your clutter all bright and shiny.

Joy and Joe1lt, happy to see you.

I sketched in the big coffee table sketchbook with Micron 02.
Number 6 open book - the big sketchbook
Number 7 favorite tool - Micron 02 pen

Triss, aww, fun new mugs for me. I like your rubbish and oil pastels, not easy. I like the green apples, such lovely texture and strokes. You do lots of blue for me!

Thanks, Nufocus.

Vivien, nice to see you and thanks.

Ai, oooooouuu, thanks for the new mug brightly colored pen. I'm smiling.

Pine Cone, hey there.

Joan T, awww, love the baby shoes. Nice lines on them.

Mary, well done closet. Fun to see your clutter all bright and shiny.

Joy and Joe1lt, happy to see you.

I sketched in the big coffee table sketchbook with Micron 02.
Number 6 open book - the big sketchbook
Number 7 favorite tool - Micron 02 pen

View attachment 12844View attachment 12845
Good sketching Jo!
Many appealing sketches so far. They're all enjoyable to look at.
ams, I love your mug and light. I don't know what my favorite sketching tool is yet.
Jo, your drawings are always so well done--you do do a lot of sketching.
Triss, those mugs and apples are esp. nice.
Love that closet piece! So neat...

Thanks for this.
this is a good opportunity for me to learn to draw! Now to use it.
C&C welcome, thanks for looking.
My first offering: all four on newsprint, all about 4x5"


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I thought I would jump in comment before I get too far behind!

triss-I love your oil pastel mugs. You can a wonderful look with the medium.

Ai-Nice digital paintings Ai. I find that it gets quicker with practice like any other medium.

Hi AMs , thank you for the kind words.
I’m very interested in the NuPastel and adding water, the color on your flashlight is beautiful
I don't lay down much NuPastel on the paper, basically just in the dark area and then pull it out into the shape with the brush.

Anne, thank you. The Sketch & Wash pencil is fun and a quick way to do something that is a bit more than lines. I'm glad you've joined us. Cute mug with too and a nice sketch of that handy flashlight. I didn't know that NuPastels work like wc crayons.

My sketch group met last night at the library. Our theme was shoes and someone brought a pair of baby shoes that are probably about 40 years old.
I didn't know about NuPastel either until someone in my art group mentioned. I happened to have some so I gave it a try. I like it better than Neocolor II because they blend smoother.
How convenient that your sketch group had shoes! You got two for one!

Mary, great closet and done on your cell phone. (y) I've done digital on my cell phone and it's not real easy! I am spoiled now with a digital pen on my laptop.

triss-Love your apples in oil pastel.

Jo, nice open book.

ntl, great charcoal sketches.
Mary, thanks. Your closet has neat clutter. Looks great!

Hi Joy and Joe 1. Hope you are planning to join in.
Vivian, thank you!

ntl, hey there, welcome. I do like a new cup/mug. I'm smiling. Nice shape and lines on the shell. Kleenex box and window are expressive. Great start.Nice photo.

ams, thanks for stopping in to comment. Appreciated.

Hi, Joan.
Viv, Anne, Joy: Thanks for kind words.

NTL: Welcome to the Hunt

NTL, Mary, Jo, Joan, Triss: Fab. inspiring works.

Triss: Viv. said the best of "energy" part of your OP works...BTW, my actual flower cup does have light green edge, to guide me... ;-)
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ntl - So glad you joined in! These threads are great for getting an extra bit of practice. Love your sketch experiments. I don't have much luck with graphite on newsprint, so I always stick to charcoal. Really like the white chalk effect on your window sketch, and lovely soft result with the shell.

ams - Hard pastels + water seems to be a bit hit and miss by brand. I don't have any NuPastels and usually use Contes, which don't wash at all. I have a few Derwent pastel sticks that brush out with water brilliantly. I'm filing away the NuPastel info for when I need a new set!

#4c/5b - Blue mug and green apple stack. Missed the mug too much so decided to unretire it. Oil pastels, clear gesso/natural-toned A2 paper.

Thanks to everyone for your comments. I missed some of these posts yesterday so I will try to comment on them.

Vivian, one of my friends in the sketch group has all sorts of treasures she saved from her kids eons ago. I love when she brings things and shares them.

Triss, I love the greens and yellows in your apples...such a variety. The dark blue mug has such energy and wonderful highlights.

Jo, we just had a new baby in our extended family so I was drawn to those baby shoes. Great sketch of your sketchbook with you sketching what you sketched. Sketches like that are always fun to see.

Ati, being an artist it is hard to select a "favorite" tool. For me it changes all the time. lol Super group of sketches. I love the shell texture and detail as well as your view out the window.

Anne, the great thing about art groups is everyone is always so willing to share tips and information both online and in person. Now that my Wednesday sketch group is meeting indoors for the winter we usually have a weekly theme. Last winter we Zoomed but there is nothing like meeting in person. We make sure to stay masked while we work.

I'm always inspired when I see people do digital sketches. I have ArtRage on my iPad and phone, but it doesn't have a charcoal tool. I was disappointed when I noticed that since I thought it would be a neater way to use charcoal. I did a sketch anyway.

5 - shell - Art Rage, about 10 minutes
hi, you have posted other good works in all media

1 something with ellipses / sphere / I had a pomegranate
2 favorite tool for drawing / the paper / the paper handkerchief I placed under the fruit

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2021-11-12 02-45_pagina_2.jpg
Joe1: Nice fruit sketch and great thinking of paper... so true about putting many sketches or drawings on it.
Jo - Love your sketch for open book - brilliant idea, and it's great to see a photo of the big book.

Joan - Fun digital sketch of the shell! I'm not sure how many brush controls you can access on your ArtRage app, but charcoal/pastel is usually one of the easiest digital brushes to create if you can fiddle with the settings and turn up the paper texture - it looks you have the grainy edge on some of the brushes you're using already.

Joe1 - Great texture to your graphite on the pomegranate sketch - love the depth of texture you're creating with your hatching.

Ai - Lovely, delicate colours on your hand sketch - fab shadow tones, and beautiful watercolour texture!

#4d/e/f - Not blue apples. A few more apple sketches. Pastel - over acrylic ink, A2/ oil pastel - over heavy gesso & acrylic ink, A2 / oil sticks, A1.



1. open book
2. favorite art tool - mechanical pencil
3. blue - waterbrush

I included a photo of the Fude pen I used. Generic sketchbook about 4 inch square.


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Sorry for the small blurry photos. I will do better next time. still feeling my way around in here.


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Jo: Lovely open book with Micron pen .😊.. (My favorite also)

Triss: Wowza on those 3 sets of glowing apples... in variety of styles. I love them all .😘.. they can be hung in our dining area any time...!!!

Jgra: Welcome to the Hunt. 😇 So cool set... LOL on you feeling too rush with wet paints and making a mess... I do the same with my watercolor all the times... Looking forward to seeing more of your sketches.

Yeah... I found the font colors tool, on the top of the Post reply, click on the 5th one from left... shape like a tiny palette... and click on the smiley icon , one on the right of image icon... 🥰