Day 7.
This is a daily painting from life. I was learning to paint a ball shape and this is what turned out from this practice. They are chocolate balls. Size: 10x6 in, oil on cardboard (gesso added before oil painting). Green color surrounding is meant for not painting black always. lol
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Arty, thank you for your comment!

For me posting every day is an effort itself! Some are daily paintings like the one I post today but not all. Some paintings are meant to try different things with brush/knife and some have many layers, some are old which I haven't posted in CS forum before and some are new from this or past week but most of all I want to take painting calm and slow no matter what. I want to spend time with them trying different things b/c I don't think I can do anything in a hurry. Besides December is not meant to spend in hurry and stress. This Christmas I don't stress about Christmas itself, I do very few things mostly with my cat so that she has all Christmas lights etc. which she enjoys. My Christmas is spent painting all kind of subjects slowly without hurry, enjoying the process and I could say I have found the perfect way to spend Christmas.
Hope you too have a nice Holiday Season!