eyepaint, you always make me smile. I like your lines and colors. Cool shoes and socks. Fun items and coloring from your kitchen. I don't think we have a sharpening stone anymore. We had a couple over the years.
Joan, you always surprise with your market scenes. So good.The trees are beautiful colors.
ams, Anne, love your finds. The ball is super and the can opener is very cool. You are busy. Clever for paper. I like the camera, too. The pepper mill is interesting. We have so many different ones.
Joe, I think the shoe looks like the cloth. Great shading. Applause.
Hi Lazarus.
Joy, What a clever find for texture. Your pineapple looks edible!
Vivien, you found some a great variety of items and good job putting them together. I've never heard of OXO or Vegemite. Hmmm. (I just read your answer to Ai, guess Vegemite gives veggie broth.
I painted most of the day with acrylics ( in the acrylics posts) and sketched this afternoon waiting for paint to dry. Amazing how much I have forgotten about painting. I like to paint oils wet into wet and try to do the same with acrylics. Not as easy so have to let some layers dry. Ha. Sketched in the big book with Zig Millenneum 05 pens.
#6 socks and #7 accessories for Gene's trike riding - skull cap, shoe horn and computer for miles, speed, heart rate, etc.
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