Scavenger Hunt from Life #129: Sep 08 - Sep 16

Ned, thank you!
Fletch, excellent drawing and watercolor painting of quite challenging looking model! Special painting! Very well done! 👏
Ai, I like your monochromatic sketches for rectangular and found on the wall. Good choices!

Ned, I do "wet-in-wet" in a lot of my sketches. For the sketch of the band I did a pencil sketch first. I wasn't sure how long they would be performing so I did a basic sketch of each of them with some identifying feature, and later I realized they would be around a while, so I went in with the paint and then the ink. They actually played for hours with a few short breaks. Hope you have a productive fishing day.

Fletch, I love the carving. Using the sharpie for the lines was a good idea. That is a nice, special gift.

3 - in a bottle - Posca markers


4 - found in the fridge - ink - continuous line

#3 indoor...we visit our country cabin briefly, on way back we saw a new log style cafe and wine bar....done with a brown brush pen+ WC ..on a postcard..20 minutes.

Hope to come back to this for more sketches and possibly more


Joan, nice to see the drawing of continuous line. Never seen one before and for that reason never thought of doing one. Good idea and yours turned out nice! I also like your setting of objects. I'm getting interesting ideas here! Both your drawings are lovely. 👍
Ai, this is great!! Love it! 😍
Vehicle (albeit a miniature plastic one) and water view (yes, there is water in the flask, take my word for it. :-) ). This time round I used a softer grade pencil for the dark background - doing it an HB is possible but takes ages.


I found it tremendously difficult. Somehow I just can't "see" the shapes, got the perspective all wrong, and the flask all wonky and irregular. My renewed participation in the scavenger hunts has already taught me a valuable lesson: I can't draw. Well, never too late to start doing something about it. :-)
#2 Water view - pleinair looking down to a small lake. Went out to a lake and set my stuff on a cliff because my cat likes to spend afternoons on the cliffs in warm sunshine. The sun was reflecting to the water and I wanted to give it a try, quite challenging thing to paint, actually everything in this scene.


.. and there's the forest queen with the painting:
First off I want to apologize for dropping out on the last hunt. I had a weekend retreat that took more time than I anticipated. I always think I am gonna have time for reading or sketching - and take alll my stuff and never get to it......anyway, sorry about that....drove up from North Carolina to the Catskills, NY.....

Nice list Joan. Thanks for hosting. You did get 3 hrs of sketching and painting in - WOW! lucky you!
Nice pieces too. The food trailer looks inviting. The FW sketch would make a good poster.

Moscatel - peaceful scene from the hiilside. The depth in the one with the rocks in foreground has lots of lingering power....looking at the silhouette of trees, water on water, and moss on rocks....calming feeling. Ah must be a mosscat looks quite comfortable being photographed.

Brianvds super get alot of mileage from those pencils!!

Fletch - That sketch looks so lifelike!! nice wood look and form.....Ummmm, i will try and do watercolor this hunt....

Ai - fun ink sketches

Hope everyone gets something down on a page today.....
My grim battle with the toy car convinced me that I need WAY more practice with simple boxes (which would then count as something rectangular, so I rather overdid that part of this week's hunt!). So I put a matchbox on an empty toothpaste box:


And grabbed someone's empty burger box from the kitchen (you will not believe what a bunch of slobs the folks around here are, but I forgive them because it provides me with models to draw!):


In both cases I was not concerned with details; I just wanted to get the angles, shapes and aspect ratios more or less right. In neither case was I very successful, and frustratingly, could simply not work out what exactly it was that went wrong. Correcting one error would promptly introduce new ones!

Well, back to the drawing board for more practice...
Joan - Posca Markers reminds…when is class? Great continuous line!

Ai - your direct watercolor sketches inspire! The important question is how was?

Brian - Think you are being over critical. Cars are tough to draw as they are all curves on what is basically a box like shape. Your car is great! The wheels especially caught my eye as they are not only round but proportional and in proper perspective! Love flask with so many curves and highlights. Burger box, match box and toothpaste box all look great from this angle. Also like the hatching on burger box. Added shadow and texture.

Moscatel - going to run out of superlatives quickly with your oils or just keep repeating “Beautiful”. Your cat however looks unimpressed.😎. Name?

Robin - Sometimes despite our best efforts life ears up our art time. Hope you enjoyed retreat.

Keep sketching
Thanks, Robin, Brian, Moscatel, and Fletch.

We had a cup of cold latte flappe... It was good.
Brian: Wonderful contrast in rectangles.
Moscatel: Lovely water view.
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The slower I am the behinder I get... I think my mom used to say that.

Joan the band sketch is awesome. What a nice time. The anonymous food truck is fun. I like your ink bottle, the Posca markers are very interesting. If I did a continuous like in the fridge everything would thaw out and be warm. You do those effortlessly it seems.

moscatel, your plein air sketch is so nice. I envy you doing that, it has just been too hot here. I love your style. Applause on the outdoor scene. The trees and lake is also fantastic. Can't believe your cat doesn't run off!

Brian, awww, love the cow and conquistador! Well done. Your drawing of the car and bottle is great. Lovely dark.

Ai, such a good job on the computer and painting. I wasn't sure it was you at first glance in black and white!! Lovely on the painting. Your wine shop sketch is wonderful and the story made Gene and I both laugh. I'm always ready for more wine.

Fletch the carving from BC is a lovely gift, goes with your Native American collection. You captured it to a T.
Robin, thank you! Glad to see you back.
Fletch, thanks! Her name is Muffin. 😺
Ai, thanks!
Jo, we have quite pleasant weather here now, there's sunshine but it doesn't burn, some 70 F. My cat wears double harness and leash about 7 meters long, I usually tie the other end of the leash to my ankle so I notice if she moves even when I'm concentrating to my painting. I'm alert with her outside. She can't be running free, I think I would loose her if she was free. Thanks for your kind comment 😊.
Brian, those are very good boxes! You find perfect models.
Ai, I like the sketch with all the wine barrels. The brown brush pen was a perfect choice of medium.

Moscatel, thank you. The continuous line sketches make me think about foreground, middle, and background as I decide how to approach the sketch. This forum is good for getting ideas of how to approach a sketch. What a lovely spot to look out on the lake and paint in the sunshine. You can't ask for anything better. :)

Robin, sounds like the retreat kept you busy and away from us. We understand, but still would love any sketches you snuck in.

Brian, Your car looks pretty good. That flask looks like a nightmare to sketch with all the curves. I think you did pretty well with the lines and angles on the boxes. I like that you included the closing tabs (which is where I often get screwed up). Glad you found a use for some of the rectangular boxes. Practice is so important. I took a painting workshop with a gent named Gerald Brommer. He said visual artists need to practice more. Singers practice for hours and so do dancers. But we expect to sit down, pick up a brush or a pencil and create a masterpiece. He said that he sketches all the time. If he knows he's going to Venice he'll sketch page after page of pigeons. If he's going to be near farms in Ireland he does the same thing with sheep. He was a wise man.

Fletch, thanks. The Posca marker workshop is this coming Sunday. The green marker I used above is new and doesn't flow well...covers poorly. Not what I was hoping for.

Jo, thanks. LOL I tried to do the continuous line quickly so I didn't have the fridge door open too long. I could hear my dad's voice in my head telling me to close the door already.
Joan, WOW and WOW! I love your outdoor scene #5. "Part of the manor house" is stunning, I like the values, colors and composition!
I might try line sketching with pencil on my pleinair travels next week. Sounds good. Thanks.
A building and something green, in the form of a plastic toy Hulk. You'll have to take my word for the color. :-)
The house has a story behind it: it is actually a liquor container. They hand out these to passengers on KLM airlines. My landlady knows someone who works for KLM, and he gave her a whole set.


As usual, got the proportions and perspective completely wrong, but not as wrong as happened on the stuff I drew yesterday, so perhaps I'm making some progress. :-)
Moscatel, thanks. I appreciate your comments.

Ai, thank you. Aside from the very traditional Thai boat, that scene reminds me of the island of Burano with the bridge and canal. The building is great too. Thanks for sharing the photos of your area of the world.

Brian, nice shading on these. Hulk's muscles look great with the darks and lighter highlights. Interesting story about the house. I didn't think the airlines were that generous any more.