Scavenger Hunt from Life #130: Sep 16 - Sep 24

Ai, thank you!
Jo, lovely seasonal! Thanks for your comment.
EP, thanks! This is in Finland but we're not far from Germany either. 😉 Once in our history we actually almost got a German King to govern us but somehow ended up to be republic. - Your travel to Alaska sounds interesting! These jacuzzis are great invention!
Ai, thanks. Your vehicle is super cool! Tone looks comfy on the couch with his phone and TV.

Jo, lol, I just can't help myself with the details. Looks like you and Sue had a fun time sketching/painting together. So glad you have continued to get together. I like your sketch of the window view with the curtains blowing in the breeze. The toy sketches you both did are great...nice lines on yours and nice softness to hers. I love that your geranium just keeps on trucking and showing up in sketches.

Brian, your block shaped vehicle is fun!

Moscatel, how do you know Sag Harbor? I don't know the gallery you mentioned. I googled it and will have to look for it the next time I am in the town. Love the nocturnal painting of the castle. Those are so fun to do, but I haven't done one in a very long time. I am going back to Venice for a visit soon, so I'll be posting my sketches from there. I'm hoping to do a nocturne there.

Today I joined the NYC Urban Sketchers down where the elephant migration sculptures are. Since I had sketched a few of them last week my plan was to sketch something else in the area, but then they were in front of what could I do except sketch them.
11 - new sculptures of elephants - watercolors


12 - something?? (A restaurant near where the elephants were in the Meatpacking District near 13th Street.) - watercolors and ink

moscatel, the sketches go mine, Sue's, mine, Sue's.

eyepaint, thanks so much. Sue is a friend I met in 1995 at a workshop in Montana. We have gotten together every year almost. Missed a couple health reasons or life. Paint daylight til dark in the old days and then wine and dine with our spouses. Her Wally passed many years ago but we still get crazy. Have slowed down some. We didn't get any plein air done except the sketches. We did pastel in the old days. Her visit was much too short with family visits, etc. Still fun and inspiring.

Joan, Sue is amazing and the one that got me sketching! The elephant sculptures are amazing as is your sketch! The Serafina is beautiful, so eye catching with the yellow! Nice folks on the patio.

Hi Ned, Fletch, Brian, Robin, Ai and the rest.
Joan, excellent idea to paint the 🐘 🐘 🐘 even though you've painted them before. Elephant is my fav animal, don't know why but it always was. Beautiful detailed street view of the restaurant.
Hope you get to visit in person Grenning Gallery. Your trip to Venice sounds wonderful, it's so fun place to stay. In my last visit (have been there twice) I especially enjoyed the vaporetto rides. Venice is like a fun park for adults and it's amazing how nice the local folks are. I recommend to visit island of Burano because there's some colorful buildings to paint. I painted there. They have also lovely lace products for sale. Watch out the vaporetto time tables to Burano, they can be tricky but also private boat rides is a good option and then there's no errors in timetables. 👍
Ai, absolutely! I'll sign up for the meeting! 👏 Venice!!
I like a lot your #8 and #9 vegetables and bananas! Lovely and soft textures with beautiful and bright colors.
Hi again all y'all!
Ai, the trees are so lovely. Great gestures... Your veggies, carrot look good to eat. Clever and well done on the old and new bananas. I'm smiling.

Our air conditioner is out so I sketched at my desk with my desk lamp. We have the shades drawn to help keep the house from overheating too much. They will call about 1 p.m. so an hour from now. Hopefully they can come today.

Number 5 (I think) with Micron 03 on about 1/3 page of the large Canson sketchbook. A little dog Gene usually has on the dash in the big SUV. Guess he brought it in to change the battery. It wags its tail when you pet it. Ha.

Jo - The toy sketch is nice but the hatching on the hand looks textbook. Sue’s shading on the toys is fantastic! Like the multicolored leaf effect on window view. The barn is so neat! Props to Sue. Do not think I have ever seen pastel and ink mixed.👍🏽 Like how you combined pen work and watercolor on the geranium. My initial reaction to the puppy sketch was “Oh how cute.” You captured the texture and the cuteness.

Ai. - You captured Tone relaxed. Nice work. Love the trees, veggies and fruit! Kept looking from the carrot to bananas as why the looked so different. Took me a few looks to realize it was painted background in bananas that made them look so different.

Moscatel - You captured the glow in the nocturne castle beautifully.

Joan- Love the elephants. The restaurant painting is another to save as a reference for textures. Thank you.

Keep sketching
Ned, thank you. The elephants were so fun to sketch.

Jo, thanks. Your visit with Sue sounds like such fun. Love the sketch of the doggie from the big SUV. Hoe fun that his tail wags when you pet him. That made me smile. Hope your AC is fixed by now.

Ai, what wonderful shapes to those old trees! You did well painting them. Great veggies. I love how you did old and new bananas...great thinking to use the same thing. Has it been 7 years since you went to Burano. Come with Moscatel and meet me! I have a few art friends that will be passing through Venice while we are there...and also my brother and sister-in-law will be there for a day before they go on a cruise.

Moscatel, I'm glad I decided to paint the elephants again. It was a good choice. We've been to Venice about 6 times and stay a few weeks. I've been to Burano a few the colors of the buildings. I plan to go again this time. I've also visited Murano, Torcello, Sant'Erasmo, and Lido for the beach. We get a vaporetto pass that is unlimited for the month, so I go everywhere! This time I have a few friends that will be in Venice too, so I may have company sketching.

I went to an art event today. My sketch group was participating. I used some of my time there to sketch my friend, Nora, who was doing live painting.
13 - fits in your hand (paintbrush) - watercolors and ink

Fletch, thanks again. Sue used to buy me sketchbooks so I would sketch. She's been a big influence. She doesn't have much social presence

Joan, wow! Your sketch of Nora is so good and she is painting so big!!! Good job. Fun. Sweet you are going to Venice again. Wish we could travel. No way, just the two of us.

Warm, I have a fan blowing on me, something I never do. Ha. Supposed to fix it tomorrow.
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Hi Ho Dear, dear Artbuddies - wonderful art work!!! and solid inspiration!! So happy for you to keep it up......Been to retreat in Catskills first of Sept and then sick and catching up......!!!!

Hope to squeeze out a couple sketches .......
Jo, thanks. Travel isn't the easiest thing any more as you know.

Ai, I love the way you did the cows and showed the straight planes of their bodies! That came out great! It is hard to find interesting things like that here.

Robin, good to see you. Hope your retreat was fun. Too bad you got sick...hope you feel OK now.