Scavenger Hunt from Life #130: Sep 16 - Sep 24

Thanks Brian, Moscatel, Robin, Jo, Joan for your kind comments or likes on my sketch.

Jo: Super cute drawing of the dog.

Robin: Get well soon

Joan: Such a cool sketch of your painting friend. She did a marvelous job too on that big painting.
Joan - Great work painting Nora painting.👏🏽

Ai - Brian named it right ..moo-scots. Like how you captured the way they built them with flat planes.

Robin - Get better quick and come sketch with us.

Jo, Ned. Lurkers 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽

Keep sketching
Ai & Fletch, thanks. It was fun to sketch Nora while she worked. Someone's friend snapped this picture of us...and here is Nora's almost finished large painting.



14 - seasonal (ghost) - watercolors and ink
15 - from a garden (flowers)
16 - old corn stalk
17 - vegetable/fruit? Pumpkin (Technically I think it is a fruit.)

Joan - Is Nora using oils or acrylic? Fun to see you painting Nora painting 😎. Do any shopping at the Wine Barn? Nice group of finds. Pumpkins are right there with tomatoes and avocados..fruit.
Joan: Thanks. Great vibrant sketches of both Nora's painting and the Farmer Market Halloween setting. Love them all.
Jo, that's a cute dog!

Fletch, thank you for your nice comment!

Joan, good to hear you stay longer at the time in Venice. There's so much to experience. My last painting trip there was two weeks. I painted pleinair on the streets by the canals but I think I carried too large canvases along because there's not that much space to set a large canvas by the canal. Next time I go smaller. Lido is nice beach to spend time/take a break from busy Venice streets. I did that and I liked Lido. I need to google Torcello and Sant'Erasmo, not sure I'm familiar with these places. I'm glad to hear you have a group to paint/sketch with in Venice. I usually go alone as I did last time.
Your sketch of Nora is terrific 👍. Quite a spectacular painting she's doing on location. Mine in Venice were very small compared to hers 🤣.
Good Farmer's Market painting! I see a Dutch flag hanging in the store?

Ai, the mascots in the milk cafe are pretty good! 😊 Thanks 👍 for starting the new hunt!
Fletch, thanks. I think Nora was using acrylics. They were in bottles. No shopping at the wine barn...too busy sketching. lol

Ai, thanks. Will go get your list soon.

Moscatel, when I go to Venice I usually do small paintings...5 x 7s or a few 8 x 10s. I usually paint on the street by myself, but this time I do have a friend who will be there solo for a few days so we may do things together. I'm good at going all over Venice, tucking myself against the buildings and blending in. lol It is easier to paint by myself, and I get more done.
Joan, great stuff. Love your friends painting and your sketch of the farmers market.

Fletch thanks for the Hunt. Finally getting to the new one.