Hi Joy, It's me , Patricia [ pcj is my user name, I don't think you recognized
me in my previous post - sorry , I forgot to sign it ]
Yes, the 20th is the 'reveal' date and people can post their artworks starting on
the 20th and can continue posting their work until the end of the month.
At the end of the month, this month's challenge will be ' unstickied ' and next
month's challenge will be posted and stickied on the first day of next month.
As I mentioned in a previous post, - on the 20th and through to the end of the
month, people can post their artwork [ finished or unfinished] AND, if they wish,
WIP photo's that they might have taken while doing their artwork AND, if they wish ,
chat about it .
It's always exciting to see which photo's people chose and how they did their artwork.
Last month, I was the host and I tried to guess which photo's would be the most chosen -
I was completely wrong !!
