Animal & Wildlife Challenge, August 2024

Colored pencil 7x7 on Vellum Bristol

August 2024 Crestedtit CP 7x7.jpg
Joy, thank you so much! It didn't take me more than an hour to do this sketch. I guess I'm impatient these days .. want to do things quickly.
Your Rhino reference is so gorgeous that I'm tempted to do also a pencil drawing of him.

Joe, PaintBoss, Vivien, Jo Castillo thank you!

Queen Bee, thanks! Beautiful color pencil drawing of the bird!
🐦 I don't know what kind of bird it is since we don't have it here where I'm.
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moscatel, your Rhino does look gentle and kind. They are so powerful! Great job!

Queenbee, your crested tit is so lively. Fun.
PaintBoss/Christine - whoo hoo with your Roo! Does your nephew live in Australia?
Joy - oh yay this is a splendid little bird
moscatel - lovely kitty :) Oooh another cat portrait - splendid. Thank goodness that paper is odorless if the paper is from elephant poo :) I remember a few years ago (ooh maybe 20 years ago) with Monkey Poo Coffee - Oh yay Rhino is wonderful
Vivien - yay another roo with sparkly eyes :)
QueenBee - love the zoom in on that bird head. Oh what a fun colourful kitty :)
Christel - awwww lovely rhino :)
Eyepaint, thank you and… nice work! (I love the variation on these challenges).
Great design!🙂🙂👏🏻👏🏻
Well, I have no idea of what happened that I stopped getting notifications (under the bell icon) for this thread this week. Other threads I follow still have notifications. Soooo glad you are continuing to post, and apologies for the tardy comments. I was wondering what had happened to all the usual participants. Another entry by me was started, so I hope to get it done by the end of the month.

Deborah - The tit is really cheery, and the eye is captured well. And, yes, that cat is sure colorful enough for me!
Christel - Fabulous values and rendering, as usual. Is this on toned paper?
EP - We always enjoy your compositions.
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I’ve noticed that the notifications aren’t always getting to me on some threads too.
Queen Bee, you really went all in on the challenge. I love the kitty with the gold highlights. Fun!!

Christel, such a gorgeous Rhino. (can they be gorgeous??) I like your hatching and shading, makes him come alive.

eyepaint, love your take on the animals. Black and white makes them fresh and happy. They would make a fun book. Maybe a quilt. I just love, love them.
Thanks for the comments. It's white paper but my photo isn't quite adjusted to the right temp value
Re: the notifications, I know that sometimes the forum software can be buggy in this regard. I'll talk to Hannah about it. Sorry for this.