Alas, mine is not ready to post tomorrow :( but I'll post it in a day or two -
finished or not :)
pcj, one has until the end of the month, and then I think the thread still stays open. Being the one that is usually "late to the party", one does get more viewers if the art is posted closer to reveal date. I also appreciate feedback and critique, and found when posting on a similar challenge on another forum more involvement around reveal date.
Joy - yes you are right. The most participation is usually on or about the "Reveal" date. But members can post at any time until the end of the month. All those years on WC the excitement would build until we got near the 20th. It was so interesting to see what members made of the ref images - every member always had an unique "look" at the refs and completely different artwork evolved!
Hi Joy, It's me , Patricia [ pcj is my user name, I don't think you recognized
me in my previous post - sorry , I forgot to sign it ]

Yes, the 20th is the 'reveal' date and people can post their artworks starting on
the 20th and can continue posting their work until the end of the month.

At the end of the month, this month's challenge will be ' unstickied ' and next
month's challenge will be posted and stickied on the first day of next month.

As I mentioned in a previous post, - on the 20th and through to the end of the
month, people can post their artwork [ finished or unfinished] AND, if they wish,
WIP photo's that they might have taken while doing their artwork AND, if they wish ,
chat about it .

It's always exciting to see which photo's people chose and how they did their artwork.

Last month, I was the host and I tried to guess which photo's would be the most chosen -
I was completely wrong !! :)
Nearly there! I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I’ve managed to do three drawings.
Hello all, I am also fairly new to Creative Spark and I am excited to participate in this challenge. The motif was a no-brainer for me and I started right away with the background, then a lot of procrastination, but today I continued, so that my painting is almost done, some finishing touches and then some good light for taking a foto.....
Can't wait to see all the different versions and works form y'all!
Hello Tanja. Wellcome. I am very pleased you are taking part and look forward to seeing your work tomorrow.

Very nice painting of lovely little Indy, Viv.
Vivien - I knew you would be first. I am finishing up on mine. If I saw that anywhere,I would know it was Indy. Well done! IMOSHO a wee bit darker values on the shadows under his paws would "ground" him more. Penny should love this.
Nice Viv. The pan pastels give such a soft look to the painting.

I think there may be enough shadow under the paws since there are only light shadows everywhere else. It just reads that the light isn't very strong. If you go darker with the shadows under his feet, it may make the rest look too light. Just my thought.
Nice Viv. The pan pastels give such a soft look to the painting.

I think there may be enough shadow under the paws since there are only light shadows everywhere else. It just reads that the light isn't very strong. If you go darker with the shadows under his feet, it may make the rest look too light. Just my thought.
Thanks Anne and I agree that's exactly what I thought! But its always interesting to hear other artists ideas, as we all have different ways of exploring art.
Ah! He’s lovely, Viv. Thanks you very much, indeed .💖💖 You really have got his likeness and soft expression. I have also painted him, so we will have twins. 😎🐾🐾. There are a few hours to go until Saturday and I will post mine then.
Vivien - I see what Anne and you mean about the softer light. Also meant to comment how I like the effective, but simple way you portrayed the folds of his coat.

My art has been very challenging lately. I had two gos at the lamb, and both were a total mess. So I did two versions of the frog, one sans BG. Instead of trying to paint the leaf in detail on the first one, I went for a more impressionistic BG. Originally I had the shadows on that one very dark, and it just looked awful, so I lifted them out.I didn't know what to do with the shadows with a white BG. At least I tried to interpret the photo, but I am getting discouraged. Things rarely look good to me, and I overwork so.

