Inktober 2023


Well-known member
I don't know if anyone else is interested, but I'm going to give it a try. I did it in 2020 and had a lot of fun. Hope you decide to join in. You can post your ink drawings in this thread.

Here is an explanation of Inktober for anyone who hasn't heard of it before:

I'm also posting the list below for reference.

Cool drawings.
Did it last year, to my own amazement almost made it to the very end (with a valid excuse, felled by a bout of flu).
Not really decided if I will jump in now, a bit much going on right now.
Cool drawings.
Did it last year, to my own amazement almost made it to the very end (with a valid excuse, felled by a bout of flu).
Not really decided if I will jump in now, a bit much going on right now.
I know how schedules can fill up. I am sticking to pretty small sketches so they go pretty quickly.

Thanks for the comment.
Good start Anne! Love both of these.

I am going to try Inktober again (I made it partway last year, but as usual didn't get vary far). I'm going for my own theme as I find I spend longer thinking about the prompts than I do drawing them! I have done two sketches, I might post them later. I'm on a tree theme at the moment, but it might change. I just want to get a sketching habit going (I don't know how long I've been saying that!)
I don't know if I ever really tried. I have a crazy October ahead of me. AND, I'm sick right now too. Though that's not stopped me when I've wanted to accomplish things before, but I have to think on it. In any case, I will enjoy watching others do their thing. :)
Love your two days so far. I’ve started. I try to fit the prompts to the Scavenger Hunts but couldn’t find dream or spider in real life. I’m not a car sketcher but tried with some new colored pens. 1 Dream (always wanted a turquoise TBird) and 2 spider - an old Alpha Romeo Spider car.


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Ayin, thanks for your comment. Hope you feel better soon.

Jo, nice work on the cars. Feel free to substitute your own "prompt" if you can't think of anything that will work with the suggested prompt.

Kay, I think the whole object of the challenge is to sketch regularly. I will look forward to what you come up with. I reread the "rules" and Inktober originally didn't have a prompt list, everyone just did their own thing.

Here's mine for "3 Path."

20231003Sk5 Path (Inktober 3).png
Day 3 path - on a walk near our house in a Canson Drawing sketchbook, 5.5 x 8.5 inches with an Acurit 03 pen cross posted in Scavenger Hunt from Life 86

Anne, I love your path. Gorgeous colors. I know I can sub prompts, I just try to keep to the list when I do the Inktober. Thanks.
I don't know if I ever really tried. I have a crazy October ahead of me. AND, I'm sick right now too. Though that's not stopped me when I've wanted to accomplish things before, but I have to think on it. In any case, I will enjoy watching others do their thing. :)
Hope you are feeling better!
Anne, Jo, wonderful job.
I tried years ago just a couple of days, using references to draw I wouldn't be able to work imaginatively and would have to literally go on references. I believe that in these years I should have worked more on the bases, anatomy, perspective, then imagination, in a programmed way the various bases and then the instruments, they had advised me this and noted these things sometimes I have been trying for 7 years or more but in the end I didn't do it with discipline and jumped, maybe I should have learned with teachers to do it better and in less time to draw. to be able to interpret something like inktober by doing something fun. I preferred to do for 2 or 3 years February, figures every day in February with the references that they put on croquicaffe every day in February, they still do it but now croquicaffe would require an annual subscription to the site, although quite cheap for the service.
Anne, I love your Dodge. I need practice on cars. I can never see the lines with the curved fenders, etc. You captured it well.