Scavenger Hunt from life #85 Sep 23 – Oct 1

Jo- Great hatching on the tools.

Triduana - Sorry RL = Real Life

Joan - My oldest sister moved to Brentwood in the mid 1950s. I spent a lot of time at their home.…A LOT My brother in law raced motorcycles. We use to go to West Hampton every Sunday. We often stopped at beaches on south shore on the way home. Their neighbor had a boat and I got to spend time on Great South Bay. My oldest brother lived in Hicksville. Another sister lived in Wantagh. My sister in law lives in West Islip. So even though Richmond Hill was home I spent a lot of time on the island.
Love the different views if the doll. Clever idea. Nice pedicure.

Robin - I can empathize. Sharon has MS and has difficulty standing. On good day she walk 25-20 steps with the walker. I think they are called the golden years because you need so much gold to pay the doctors. Creativity is definitely a good escape. Prayers are with you both.

Ned - Hope your car issues are resolved soon. Do not put off traveling as life as a way of doing the for you.

Pine Cone - I did cheat on the perspective by putting some light lines first. I so want to say parallel lines but they converge to focal point off to the side. I tracked well on closest chair but when I look at it ow I see all the lines in the second chair that are off. Thanks for encouragement.

Aii - Your “I don't go far places” comment made me laugh as I so enjoy learning so much about Thailand and your culture from your paintings.

Keep sketching
Fletch, I almost missed your comment since it appeared while I was composing my post. I lived in Queens (Jamaica) when I grew up. We were all beach lovers in the family and since my dad worked nights he would take us to the beach in the morning. We'd come back home around 1 or 2 and he'd take a nap, have his dinner, and head off to work around 3. The love of the water remained with all of us. I've probably hit most of the beaches between here and Montauk.

Robin, it is good to see you here. I'm glad you have hospice there to help out. I think they are angels in disguise. Your pets are great to have around and provide a lot of joy. I agree that gettin' old isn't for sissies... Take care of yourself and Tom. Just know you have all of us thinking about you guys too.

Ned, I hate when I drop off my car and end up leaving my sketchbook behind. Another reason to have a digital program on my phone. lol Maybe I'll stop procrastinating and add one. You are certainly getting in a lot of walking.

Pine Cone, thank you. I like having the sketch sneak out of the line sometimes. We have been having some rain and wind for the last few days. I do try to get out and sketch from the car. I did that today too.

Ai, thanks. I needed something different to sketch.

We've had some rain/drizzle/wind for the last few days. I've been running around a lot and managed to sit in my mobile studio to sketch Flo's, a fun beach shack in the local area. They were closed today and I think they are only open on the weekends right now. Soon they will be closed completely for the season.

5 - has a complex outline (building) - watercolors and ink

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I still haven't posted a sketch, but wanted to finish commenting first ☺️

JoC — Fun tools with their jazzy Zig colors!

Joan — I really hope Jerry enjoys his new iPad. Sometimes I get discouraged because things seem to DEvolve at times. But there's still an awful lot to enjoy and appreciate with an iPad - lots to learn (learning is joyful) and lots to do (exploring is unending and wonderful).

Your toes are shining in red! And that doll is unique! I bet she never thought you'd be sketching her from those angles lol ☺️ I love the way you did the different fabrics and shadows! I also love the photo with it looks like her basket of shells and stuff!

Beautiful sketch of Flo's - Great find for a complex outline, and love the umbrellas - the whole sketch feels cosy and has a home vibe - hard for me to imagine it closing for the season.

Robin and Tom💞 May you continue to find moments of peace together - sending positive vibes to you both every day 🙏

Ned — May your car saga end well, preferably this century 🙏 Traveling is good, so I hope that even while your wife continues to work you'll still find places to go together when time permits!

Ai — I feel like you've shown us so much of your country over the years! I'm really grateful that you and your family do travel around from time to time, and are so generous with sharing both sketches and pictures of the places you visit and love so much! Do take care of your health, and make sure you get plenty of fun, energizing walking exercise and such 💛

Fletch and Sharon💞 I believe that Sharon is fortunate to have your love and dedication, but I also believe that you are fortunate to have hers. Sending positive vibes to you both every day 💛

As for the perspective sketch, sheesh, you did NOT cheat lol 😁 and look at that great result!
Thanks all y'all!

Joan, great you got a new iPad, guess you will get to use it, too. :-) Very cute little doll and fun the way you sketched it from back and bottom! Polished toes, fun. The sketch of Flo's is super cool. It is definitely a building with complex outline!

Hey, Robin. Thanks for checking in. Such a trying time. We wish you the best and happy you can be with us when you can. Wish I could hug you in person. Thinking of you... Seems we have grown old together. Joe/Fletch is right about the golden years! We wouldn't get out much if we didn't have doctor's appointments.

Ned, hi there. Thanks. I like Zig pens a lot. I usually don't find them locally and have to order so the Micron are the fall back regulars. Exercise is always good. You taking lessons from me in forgetting your equipment!

Pine Cone, hi. Love your comments. Hope you get in some sketches.

Ai, hi there. Clever sketch of the construction workers. Hard to sketch in a moving car. Well done!!

I sketched on the footstool and watched TV. In the BookFactory Sketchbook with a Micron 03.
Number 4 corner - corner of Gene's side table
Number 5 upside down and Number 6 right side up - a red glass with clear bottom.


PineCone, Fletch, Joe1, Joan, Jo : Thank you.

Joean : Such a pretty sketch of Flo...still remembering sketching NYC outside the Grand Central with you at 40s degree...

Jo: Lovely glass and table sketch
Ai, I like your overlapping construction workers. I love that you have such natural areas on your campus. It must be nice to go outside and just relax surrounded by such pleasant views. Nice sketch of the greenery.

Jo, the new iPad is for Jerry. I already bought a new one for me at the beginning of the year. He wanted it for the trip. Then he says he will pass it on to me...but I already have an almost new one. lol He wanted one that has the keyboard you can attach. He buys electronics and then he really doesn't make use of what he gets. I like your right side up and upside down glass. Hard to drink out of it that way. lol
Ai, your location for plant life is great. You captured the friendly space so well.

Joan, thanks. I hope you both enjoy the iPads. I don't use mine as much as I should.

I sketched at our Doctors. Tests for our checkups. I sketched while Gene tested and I think he slept while I tested. In the watercolor travel sketchbook with an Acurit 03 pen. (Waste of watercolor paper, eh?)

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Joan - I am with Pine Cone. Flo’s May a complex shape but your interpretation of it has a very cozy feel. Some where I got the impression you were also from Richmond Hill. When I think if Jamaica I think of the stores on Jamaica Ave. As kids we use to walk to Gertz to look at the holiday windows because we did not have 20 cents each to ride bus there and’s back. LOL. You gotta get the Apple Pencil it is more useful than a keyboard on iPad

Aii -Cool use of stuck in traffic. Workers do not look to happy.

Jo - Like the wood grain squiggle on the table. Neat hatching on versions of the glass which itself is pretty cool. The sketches on watercolor paper look better than I would have thought or is it Hot Press paper? Nice work on repetitive pattern in the pillow. Those patterns drive mr nuts to draw.

Pine Cone - I am very lucky to have Sharon. We will be married 57 years this December and have been grateful every day !

Keep sketching
Jo, nice plants from the doctor's office. Those overlapping objects look very comfy. Hope your checkups went well.

Fletch, I grew up on Sutphin Blvd in Jamaica and went to Richmond Hill High. As a kid did you get your free birthday book at Gertz? (I think it was for your birthday or maybe for Christmas.) They also had a show at the Valencia Theater at Christmas time. We always walked up to the library there in the summer and saved our allowances so we could stop for egg creams on the way. Great memories! I do have an Apple Pencil for my iPad, but still haven't tried it. I procrastinate a lot. lol 57 years? You must have married when you were babies.

EP, your tools are great...the needle-nosed pliers look like they're happy and talking. I like them all.

My sketch group had a veggie theme tonight so they are perfect for
6, 7, 8 - overlapping objects - watercolors and ink

Joe/fletch - thanks for stepping in to host! Great pair of chairs and fantastic plant!
Joan - yaay plants at the water's edge. Wow that doll can contort! Yay red toenail polish. Yay patio umbrellas at the Luncheonette. Thank you. Now that you mention it I can see how the pliers look like they are talking. I wonder what they are saying? Yay vegetables!
NedL - check out those rocks! Yahoo!
Ai - woo hoo red chair. Mmmm pizza. Fun sketch of the workers in the truck - overlapping - yay! Yahoo red flower (bird of paradise? Oh I see it's a "false bird of paradise" )
Jo - yahoo at your collection of tools. Looks similar to what I tried. Yay red stemmed glass (Wine? Water? Whatever you want?) What a groovy decoration on that couch pillow - any chance of a photo?
Fletch/Joe, the Ohuhu book says Mix Media 120 lb. The paper is smoother than watercolor paper so works well with most media. Thanks on the pattern, it is not even close to the actual pattern. Roughly woven with the sparkly thread on the dark and lightest parts as I recall. Ha.

eyepaint, I always like your boxes of items and how they escape at the edges. Good drawing. We do have similar pliers. I had blue handles, red and black. I'll see if the pillows are at the doc's office when we go in a couple of weeks for the results of all the tests. The red glass is about the size for after dinner liquor. I have two that size and two larger that are perfect for wine! I use them for my frequent special breaks. Ha.

Thanks, Joan. I like hearing about New York with you and Joe. Nice memories. You had egg creams and we had penny jelly glasses of piñons. Your veggie sketch is out of sight. Beautiful in every way.

Ai, amazing flowers. You captured them so well!

I finally played in the pastels. Wiped off the doggie on Pastelbord 8 x 10 inches and sketched with a variety of pastels. About an hour or so not counting interruptions.
Number 11 hanging - some toys, balloon and a couple of bags from South America


EP, thanks for all the "yays."

Ai, nice painting of the flowers at the cafe.

Jo, thanks. I'm glad you enjoy the NY stories with Fletch. What a fun pastel of the toys, balloon, and bag all hanging together.

9 - has a capital letter on it - ink


10 - stairs/steps - ink


11 - hanging - ink


12 - corner of a building - watercolors and ink

EP - Nice set of contour drawings in your distinctive boxes.

Joan - I had forgotten about the birthday books at Gertz. You mentioning the Valencia brought make so many memories. Only got to go to the Valencia with my older brothers or sisters because it was “out in Jamaica”. I remember how ornate it was and I remember thinking it was like a “real theater”. We had 4 theaters in Richmond Hill. The RKO Keith’s which was fancy but could not hold a candle to the Valencia. The real attraction was next door.. the original Jahn’s! Going to the Keith’s was expensive as you always had to go to Jahn’s after. 😁 The other theaters were the Lefferts where I took Sharon on our first date, the Casino on Liberty Ave and the Jerome on Jerome Ave (now 101s tAve). I had to look the Jerome up on the internet as we called it “the itch and scratch”. It was a deal for Saturday and Sunday matinees They only charged 10 cents. The Casino was 20 cents while the Keith’s and Lefferts charged a quarter . You brought back a ton of memories! Oh do you remember the name of the RKO kind of across from Valencia? We rarely went but thinking of movie theaters reminded me of the RKO there.

Seems strange to see so many contour drawings under your age but then you slam the finish with a fairly detailed watercolor. Including a flag!

Ai - Pretty flowers. Cafes and restaurants here are surrounded by concrete and parking lots.

Jo -As always your pastel work. Some nice memories there.

Keep sketching
Fletch, Jahn's was one of my favorite places to go. We would go there once in a while after basketball games at the HS. Even after not having gone there for many years I was upset to see that it finally closed for good. I think there is still one open somewhere, but another one just wouldn't be the same. Our HS graduation was held at the Valencia Theater. It's on the National Register of Historical Places but it is The Tabernacle of Prayer these days. Thanks for your kind words about my sketches. I like your needle-nosed pliers with the green handles. I have to look and see where mine are.