Ai, I love your sunset across the two pages. Beautiful. The girls wading made me smile. Fun storefront of the pizza truck. I had a pepper grinder similar, we "have to have a grinder." Nice gesture and angle on the hanging plant. Clever find for strong, the pillars. Nice kitty and the puffer fish is definitely interesting.
Joan, the city scene with the trestle, cars, etc., is great. Love the tables and chairs and folks, too.
Hi Bongo and Fletch.
I sketched out by the pond in the Ohuhu sketchbook with a Micton 02 and watercolors for the stump. I added the green and colors on the edge trunk with Micron pens green, brown and purple.
Number 5, broken or cracked --the stump
Number 6, starts with p -- people, woman and two boys fishing
Number 7, unusual or interesting edge - tree trunk with leaves which are probably poison oak with the three sort of leaves.