Scavanger Hunt From Life-#109 - April 1-9

Joan - Again beautiful tulips. Liked the first one better and flipping screens to figure out why did not help so downloaded both to look side by side. Think it is because of the yellow in the leaves. The yellow makes the painting warmer. The peony tulip is beautiful. Now am anxious to see how you paint it

Ned. - So are you going for a color set or just a set of black? You do know that having art as a hobby also means you become a collector, collecting all kinds of art supplies and paraphernalia. Might even be a requirement

Jo - You have to go back and paint that scene in color after verbally teasing us with it. Like how you tied it together with the peace lily making them one image out of the two.

Ai, Robin, PineCone and all the lurkers *waves

Keep sketching
#4 makes sound - part of sound bar
#5 animal - Easter bunny decorations
Multiple grades of graphite in a roughly A5 sketchbook.


Weird curve at the left is page not laying flat. Sorry.

Keep sketching
Oh, Joan, such pretty flowers. And you are growing them. Wow.

Fletch, love the bunnies and sound bar. Our daughter gave us our soundbar. I would never have purchased one.

Grocery shopping today during PT, may sketch later. I haven't done our income taxes yet, so that should be a priority, right?
Fletch, thanks. I will paint the tulips as many times as I can before they hit the trash. lol I'm working on the peony tulip painting now so maybe it will get posted tonight. Sweet bunnies and good thinking for the sound bar.

Jo, I wouldn't say I was growing the flowers...they just came in a pot. The store gave me instructions on how to keep the bulbs and replant them, but that will only work for me if they can be replanted in a pot. I don't have a garden for them.
Jo -- that lily looks like it belongs there somehow. I like the shelves and hanging lamp.

Fletch -- those Easter bunnies are great.. look fluffy :) I want to use more color, but need to figure out either a better way to carry my watercolor palette ( it's in a little mint box ) or something else. Just the other day I was wondering if there is some way to make a thinner palette so that it would fit in my pocket while I'm walking. I have a pad of "palette paper" ( for rolling lithography ink for a photographic project )... I wonder if I could just paint some thick-ish watercolor patches onto a piece and slip it inside my pocket sketchbook?? We'll see -- I might try that and see what happens. Today I was in my car so I had my watercolors with me :)

Joan -- we were typing at the same time! The flowers are great I like the way the darker areas show the water, and the whites look great. Cool country store!

Rainy day here today so I stopped on the way home from the grocery store...
#2 storefront sub restaurant front ( ink & watercolor in pocket sketchbook )

a photo:
I love all the out and about sketches.

Joan the flowers are so pretty. I thought you had potted plants. These white ones are nice. The store front is great. Gene always wanted to get us a bike for two. No way I would ride a bike. My balance has always been terrible. Even as a kid.

Ned, I like your store, too. Thanks for the photo. You will get the watercolor thing figured out. You did great in the car.

Ai, the main station must be huge. Thanks for sharing your world with us as always.

Back later.
Joan - Love the tulips! You nailed the.water. Storefront looks like you had fun.

Ned -I see a hundred different packet palette ideas every week on Pinterest. Am sure you will figure one out. It is a very personal choice. Needs to support how you work and fell goi$ totting it around. Nice work on store. Vehicles are tough. Good job.

Ai - perspective looks a bit exaggerated but works!

#6 selfie Been a long time since I tried a sp. Stole either Jo or Joan’s idea to use Photo Booth. Multiple grades of graphite in A5ish sketchbook. My #1 critic said it has a resemblance.😎 She has a great imagination.


Keep sketching
Ai -- I think the perspective makes it look dramatic and cool :)

Fletch --- Wow! That selfie is so cool! :) Love it!

This morning I cut a piece of palette paper to fit folded into my pocket sketchbook, and put dots of watercolor paint on it. I'm going to let it dry for a couple days and then see what happens. :)
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Ned, you wrote: Just the other day I was wondering if there is some way to make a thinner palette so that it would fit in my pocket while I'm walking. I have a pad of "palette paper" ( for rolling lithography ink for a photographic project )... I wonder if I could just paint some thick-ish watercolor patches onto a piece and slip it inside my pocket sketchbook??

Dick Blick has cards with samples of his colors done sort of like you just showed. QOR Watercolors also has something similar. I sometimes put this folding card in my purse when I'm riding on the train into the city in case I want to paint. It is less messy than pulling out my small paint set. I just use a water brush with it. What you did will work fine...just let it dry well. It may help to have the colors separated a little more so they don't run together.


Fletch, you did so well on the self portrait. I like your shirt.

Ned, looks like a great idea with your paints. Looking forward to more color although the black and white with ink is dramatic.

Joan, thanks for sharing the color card idea. Clever. The Hermitage house is amazing. I like the way you did the rocks and background trees and all the details. Were you there for the earthquake? We were through a few in Peru and Chile, but nothing with much damage. I was in one in California when I was young in airline school. Pretty noisy and scary.
Fletch. Thanks. Love you cool selfie !!!

Ned and Joan: such a cool idea for drops of wc paints on card.

Joan: That home is do charming.
Jo, I was driving to my sister's house in NJ when the earthquake hit. I didn't feel anything unusual. Didn't feel the aftershock either. Michelle was at her exercise class and didn't feel it either. I felt one in CA once and didn't realize what it was until it was over.

Ai, great sketch of the man fishing...and he looks like he has the right equipment. I hope he caught something. Nice view for fishing or just relaxing.
Ai, lovely scene, fisherman and place to stay and relax. Love the colors.

Joan, I was wondering. Most people didn't seem to notice but lots of TV "stars" to have experienced lots of scary moments.
Ned - Clever idea. Looks like it might need a cover for traveling. Thanks.

Joan - Great detail and perspective on the house. Also experienced an earthquake in California. Having grown up living near el trains. My brain thought it was a train going by. Remember because the secretary was screaming an$ asked me later how I sated so calm. Told her hey I am a New Yorker. We are use to anything,

Thanks Jo. You know my interest in NA crafts and culture. The majority of our t-shirts are NA or animals.

Thanks Ai. First glance at your painting I saw fishing rods and a hammock and thought how relaxing. Like your sequence. That is quite a neat carry pack of rods and reels. The panorama of the delta is cool. What a view!

Keep sketching
Ai, lovely sunset over the delta. Great high view!

Fletch, when my sister first moved to CA and experienced her first earthquake, she didn't realize what it was. She said it was just like when she was teaching in NYC and the teacher in the room above her would decide to have all the kids move their desks to different locations in the room. The dragging desks made a similar rumbling sound. LOL

I forgot to do the writing on the signs!
10 - makes a sound (traffic) - watercolors and ink
11 - street light
12 - strong train trestle
13 - outdoor furniture (tables & chairs)
