Your weirdest, craziest work?

Bongo and Jocelyn, Love the circus paintings! ❤ Arty, not sure what to make of this last one but the little spook on top is going to pick up the mail. Lots of trouble to reach the box. 😊

Kooky Cutters. Dat an udders remine ded me of dis:
What are you hiding?.jpg
Definitely kooky Iain, a person could make all sorts of things out of that. 😊
the last i think is craziest, even if not original ...,
are things that I had posted anyway a little these things were what I had in mind for this post (even in the last page I had tried a little, something similar to the previous one, it was in a moment when I had thought of trying, striving to try, try to change, get closer to the title of the post), I am talking about the title of the post, because in reality every present work has original ideas, crazy or it is often just incredible works of art especially because they tell stories, and wrapped stories in the stories. (and crazy is charm)
if I try to think since I like drawing or art, I know how to answer, I have always thought a bit and even when I tried not to think about it, it hadn't changed but if I ask myself what type I would have liked to know, I would never know how to decide.


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When someone mentions crazy, I feel at home.
I do not want to hog this thread but this is where I fit most. I have been so impress by everyone skills and talent. I am also very thankful to Arty for inviting me here.❤
The dog in the tutu is me. 😉
I have been inspired by some of the members to go back to oils. Started today.
One last crazy and weird, an oil 48’’x48’’ What Matters Most...
The antique dealer is there with a friend, and Babette sits with the Buddha. Krishna is being cute as usual.View attachment 3964
Fantastic. Your work is so engaging, love it🙂
I guess this might be ever so slightly weird. It has a portmanteau title, Orifish, which just might be weirder than the piece itself. The second one is made from a flat faced rock I discovered in the garden. I suffered a few pricks putting it together. I guess all artists want to leave the viewer with a lasting impression through their art. Weirdly enough, this could be one to do it. Literally. And lastly, a weird collage?

I do have a couple of things that are weirder, but I am desperately holding onto the last vestiges of dignity I might still lay claim to.


Paean to the Ancestors.jpg
weird collage?.jpg
These are all so original, compelling, enticing, and just plain cool. I like them! Keep 'em coming. :)
Orifish reminds me of an overly flasky handshake 😸. I would feel safe living with it.
The second one reminds me of dendrites in action. Very entertaining Iain! Love it all.
I guess this might be ever so slightly weird. It has a portmanteau title, Orifish, which just might be weirder than the piece itself. The second one is made from a flat faced rock I discovered in the garden. I suffered a few pricks putting it together. I guess all artists want to leave the viewer with a lasting impression through their art. Weirdly enough, this could be one to do it. Literally. And lastly, a weird collage?

I do have a couple of things that are weirder, but I am desperately holding onto the last vestiges of dignity I might still lay claim to.
John Emmett, It feels like the pond where Boris Vian’s La Gloïre would row. Heartsnatcher is the book. I am recommending reading it. It is beautifully sad. Very effective! Thanks for showing it.