Fletch, thank you for commenting!

The tree texture and the branches was quite difficult to draw.
Ai, wow

for your SuanPhueng mountain view!!

I checked in a map and it seems there's Myanmar/Burma on the other side of the mountain, am I correct?
Amazing view you have there + Love your painting of this view. Also, very special to find pineapple

harvesters! My fav food except I only find them from the supermarket. Very special painting!
The red velvet cake is excellent! Another very special looking painting!

Love it

Wow, you give us such treats!! All this is magical to me!
Last but not the least: Cute 'Toast Bear Cafe' sketch!

Thank you for your comments on mine!
Jo, Beautiful and delicate painting of flowers & pumpkin!

Thank you for your comment

Vivien, very good composition and excellent painting of banana & mandarins!
Robin, lovely blue house, I find so many interesting details there!
Ned, beautiful drawing and sketch at the beach. Stunning view with the rock!

I'm glad you have warm weather to sketch/paint outside. Here it's already terrible cold. Thank you for your comment on mine!
Joan, lovely painting at the beach. Yes, the big fish would have been a great subject but I do like how you add birds to your painting!

The Bellport view is nice and calm with the path and different trees

Lots of work on this piece, too.
Your painting of the friend's house is very nice, I like to look at all the interesting details (those tiny tiles

) and beautiful colors. The two people by the water is very nice, too. Painting can be a good distraction from our daily routine and also helping to move on. I watched a video of a well-known pleinair painter and he asked in the video: is pleinair meditation or a challenge to move all equipment to the painting location? To me it's meditation.
Thank you for your comments. Glad you like the castle pleinair. I wish I could reach to the beach by a mobile studio. I had to cross a thick forest with hardly visible path to get there. I go there several times per week as it's close to the cabin and even once before got lost.
When I was child we had a fire place like the round one I drew so I always associate it as an old

model. They are just recently re-appearing to the design of the houses here.