Scavenger Hunt from Life #126: Aug 15 - Aug 23

Ai - Thank you. 🤗

Vivien - So pretty. The shading in the vase is super. Looks like you have a beautiful garden.

Moscatel - Welcome or Welcome back 😎 Rules are good but the 2 important things are having fun and practicing painting from life. Both your paintings are great and you thought right! Sometimes it may be a perfect match like your yellow pumpkin for lemon yellow. Sometimes you may associate. We sometimes use associations to get to a subject. Joe earlier picked salmon then listed his associations Salmon - sea - water - duck and drew a page of ducks. The list is to give you ideas. Either way. Have fun!

Jo 👋🏽

Keep sketching
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Fletch, thank you for very good examples 👏 that helps me a lot to choose subjects in the future! Thanks for the welcome. My models are soon going to a soup.

Jo, thank you! Yes, we are from around the world! 🌎
Going for 6 month checkup at heart doctor so trying to get this in early. Number 8 copper - mirror frame , Number 9 antique brass - faucet, Number 10 sand - wood trim behind faucet Micron 03 and watercolor at home.

Jo - Nicely done.

Have a creatvesprak question. Noticed most of you have your location in your profile popup. Where or how do you add that? I went to edit in profile and don’t see a place to add or change that. Anyone know?
Fletch, I have it in "Account details". If you click your avatar in top bar, it opens to you as a drop down window. I'm using phone.
Ai - Thanks, and I love your tractor drawing!

Fletch - Thank you, but I don't have a large garden anymore. Since we had to sell the farm and move into the city, I've only now got a small garden, but I've got it packed full of plants!

Jo - Good luck with your heart check appointment. Lovely drawing on antique frame and taps. We are still in Winter here in NZ (and when oh when will Spring put in an appearance!) and very cold it has been too, especially the last few days - snow on the mountains, but only brief showers here, as doesn't normally lie too heavily near the Southern coast.

Moscatel - Lovely work on the oil sketch pumpkins! Do I know you from Wet Canvas, your name seems familiar?
Vivien, thank you! Yes, I was in the other art forum as well but mostly in oils sub-forum and didn't participate much. I do remember having seen you somewhere there.
Fletch, I have it in "Account details". If you click your avatar in top bar, it opens to you as a drop down window. I'm using phone.
Thank you Moscatel. It did not register in my brain that the items in the drop down window were links to submenus. 😵‍💫 Thank you.
Jo - Nicely done.

Have a creatvesprak question. Noticed most of you have your location in your profile popup. Where or how do you add that? I went to edit in profile and don’t see a place to add or change that. Anyone know?
Happy you found yourself. Evil grin.....

We drive about 1hr 15 min for our appointment. We got about 15 min from the office and they called and cancelled the appointments. So now it is September 9.

Thanks for the kind words on my faucet sketch. I'm smiling.
Greetings from Butte, Montana! The next hunt is posted Here. There's still time to post in this hunt too!
#14 Robin egg blue... A neon sign in our foodshop, digi done on my cellphone with my finger and the wood pattern photo was used as my ground

One last one here, sketched at my desk in the large Canson sketchbook .
Number 11 fuzzy fuzzy - didn't have this color so did a little wind up chick about 4 inches tall. Micron 03 and Crayolas - yellow, yellow orange, tan , brown and wisteria

Ai, thanks!

Fletch, yes, the Smucker's cap is a giveaway. I don't use jam/preserves much. I buy it before Christmas each year for the linzer cookies I bake. I like your lemon and orange...nicely done. You are doing well with the watercolors. It takes A LOT of practice working on the water to paint ratio, hard & soft edges, and so many other things in watercolor. It still can frustrate me at times. lol

Jo, you did a great job on the packaging for the cheese! Your bathroom mirror and antique brass faucet really look nice together. Makes me want to come over and wash my hands. Sorry the appointment got cancelled. I hate when you are expecting something and then it gets cancelled. Cute little wind-up chick! I like the way you showed the texture.

Christine, thank you !

Ned, that looks like such a peaceful spot. Hope your drive goes well. And now I see. you are in Butte, Montana...a place I've never visited or driven thru.

Vivien, nice way to show blush and sand. Lovely photo of the flowers.

Moscatel, welcome. Your green pumpkin and yellow squash are so nicely done, and I love the rich cast shadows.

Sorry, but nothing new from me today. Gotta get busy sketching hunt items instead of paintings. lol