Scavenger Hunt from Life #126: Aug 15 - Aug 23

Late afternoon, we were back home...

#11 sub. lavender with this purple blue part of our village tractor (a contractor parked his heavy equipment over Sunday day off). He has been working in our village for more than 2 months..I am glad I got to sketch him today before the project ends. ....pencil & wc...about 45 my 9*12 inch sketchbook.



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Christine, thanks for your comments. The NYC Urban Sketchers work together at a location from 10-3. Some people hang out together at the beginning of the day and most wander off to something that attracts them after that. We all gather back together at 3:00 and share our sketches and socialize. Our group also meets once during the week, but I rarely go to those. As for the eggplant, I sometimes have the same problem with the bitterness and salt it quite a bit before cooking it. Someone once told me that eggplant is part of the nightshade family and some people are more sensitive to whatever is in them.

Vivien, thanks. I was painting for part of the time while we were just having splatters of small drops of rain. The paint wasn't drying easily so it was a challenge. lol I wasn't giving up. Great job on the weekend bag...looks like it could be an advertisement. Fun sketches!

Jo, thanks. Sorry you didn't get to sketch, but it sounds like you had a good time and came home with some pottery treasures. I like pottery and took a class eons ago. We worked on the wheel but I could never get the sides of my pieces to get thin enough without collapsing. If you had a bag of my pieces you'd need help to carry it. lol I guess they are putting some kind of fencing around the Vessel structure. It is sad that people are so depressed that they can commit suicide rather than getting the help they need.

Ai, your treats from the cafe look so tempting, especially that cappuccino frappe! I like the landscape by the lake...nice! Nice capture of the tractor while it was still there. They are always fun to sketch.
First off, thanks to all for the kind comments Very much appreciated.

Joan - the tree sculpture does look a lot like the Tree of life. . I am saving the street scene to use as an example when I work up the nerve to add people. Well done on the Vessel in the rain.

Vivien - Good finds. I especially like the pen work on the Weekend Bag. Going to borrow your idea for salmon. 😎

Jo - this list initially looked like a lot of fun until I realized there are no objects. It is all colors. Color is a real challenge when you work in graphite.😂

Ai - the smoothie looks cool and delicious but the cappuccino frappe looks more inviting. Good job on both. Nice meat pie too. The bridge and lake panorama is well done. Great job on the tractor and a clever find! 👍🏽

Christine 👋🏽👋🏽

Keep sketching
Joan: Thank you. Amazing tree of red-orange sculpture, the Highline park plaza with wonderful group of people, and the copper top building. Sorry to hear that some people jumped out of it but it is sure an amazing structure.

Viv: Thanks... Super cute purple heart pen, nice soft handbag and a cute can of salmon.

Fletch: Thank you.

PaintBear: Thank you.

Jo: Thank you... glad you have a relaxing day... we each need that too.
Hi PaintBoss.

Ai, Mmmm, love your sketches from the day of school searching. I want one of all the food items, especially the meat pie! Colors are fantastic. The gray water and copper bridge give us a look at your day. Amazing heavy equipment sketch. Fun to find lavender on it!

Joan, thanks. Had a good time. Music and pottery were excellent.

Fletch, you don't have to work in color, just draw that color of object or associate ... draw anything salmon colored like a shirt or the can salmon or any color of a fishy thing. Don't stress!! Ha.

I sketched at the dining table this morning. I bought a box of crayons but only about 6 of the colors in it. Must be and old box at Hobby Lobby. Anyway.... In the large Canson sketchbook.
Number 2 brick red - bricks in wall
Number 3 pine green - the Christmas cactus but sub of Forest green from the box
Number 4 Timberwolf and silver - the bucket just counting it as one
Number 5 Robin's egg blue - the egg carton. I keep hard boiled eggs in the half carton so I know which is which.



I used a few other colors for the shadows and to try to get the off white, nothing like that in the box. Hope to try some of the others that were in the box. It did have the macaroni and cheese which is pretty orange.

Jo: Thanks.... and look at your crayon fun fun set. Love the robin egg blue egg carton, the brick work, and the cactus in a pot are super.
Hi everyone. 👋🏻
I enjoy your sketches and the crayons Jo.
My brother was 16. He worked hard and he bought a1967 Mustang convertible in the most striking colour of Robin Egg blue. It was gorgeous!
joe1lt, wow on the duck association and all. Love all the gestures. Much applause!!

PaintBoss, thanks so much. I always wanted a Mustang, any year, any color or a 57 Thunderbird in the Turquoise. Remember those.

Thanks, Ai.
Ai, thanks. The High Line has so many interesting spots to sketch. Super denim barber's chair!

Jo, how fun that you actually had some of the colors to sketch with. My box of Crayolas is super old. In fact I haven't seen it in a very long time. I like the textures on the brick and the shading on the egg carton. Good idea of a way to keep the hard-boiled eggs safe and apart from the regular eggs.

Joe, I like your association from salmon to the duck. She looks like she's ready to dive into the water in a few of these. Fun sketches!
Jo - Had to smile when saw you bought crayons. Like the little composition and the eggs. Also the peak into your kitchen.

Joe - Clever association and great sketches. Love when you fill a page drawing from multiple perspectives.

Ai - Neat find. Love how you did the shading and saved the paper fir highlights. You got me thinking about going to the barber. I have not ngbeen to a barber since I retired in 01. I take Sharon to the salon and get my hair cut there.

Christine - I remember that color. They also came in a medium metallic blue but that lighter one looked more soft and smooth. Bought my first new car in 67. Looked at Mustang and Firebird but bought a VW Bug, Price won over desire. LOL

Keep sketching
Thanks, everyone!! Joan I found the half carton for the eggs a few years ago. Gene often has a hard boiled egg and a power bar before going on his trike. You know I don't eat them unless they are deeply hidden in a salad.

Ai, how fun that you found a denim blue chair! All I could think of was jeans.

Number 6 denim - jeans in the big Canson sketchbook, Micron 03 (new)

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Jo, I don't like hard-boiled eggs either, so they are never in our fridge. Jerry likes them and every once in a while he makes a few. I like the sketch of the denim jeans on the hangar. I thought of sketching mine, but I'm too lazy to go get them from the closet.

I'm taking a workshop in September on using Posca markers, so I bought a small supply. I figured I could try them out.

10 - laser lemon - Posca markers


11 - silver - watercolors and touches of white gel pen

12 - mahogany table (or some kind of wood or facsimile) - watercolors
Thank you all for kind comment on my denim barber chair. The real chair was rough has many rips and extra tape on it too as this barber is in the factory zone and charge Tone for quite cheap haircut. The place was near Lily's school and we had 40 minutes to spare while waiting to pick Lily up. This is not Tone's usual barber. I'm glad I went along with my sketch tote.

Jo: Lovely lines in your jeans.

Joan: Fantastic lemon, great wine opener, and super textures in the dimsum.
Joan, those markers look like watercolor on the lemon. The wine opener is cool, we don't use ours much as we drink Francia wine in boxes (keeps longer). The dimsum makes me hungry, great sketch. (lunch time now)

Hi Ai, thanks. The chair was a good find.
Ah Fletch, I so relate to having to choose the practical option in life instead of a fancier one.🙂 Well, my brother bought that car and it was not money well spent because it looked perfect, but ended up having a lot of problems. Finally found out the frame was bent, so was only good for parts. But it was a beautiful looking car. Remember in the 80s we had a lot of different colours on cars? Now it’s pretty much black, white, red, gray and some blue. I miss some of the pretty colors.
Jo. Nice drawing of your hanging jeans.
Joanne, you did wonderful job observing all three pieces. Lovely work!
I love Posca Pens! Have used them a lot lately in my work. They’re not cheap but they are awesome. I use some cheaper brands and they were great too. Hopefully they hold up. Let us know what you learn in your course please.
Quiet day here, I’m a little whooped the last few days. The heat has broke. It’s 20°C. Sunny with nice big puffy, white clouds and a beautiful breeze. Now if only we could get more of these days! I hope everyone has a great day.