Hi Joan, I meant I was 20 years old, looks like maybe I ate 20 oysters. I probably got one or two down. I closed my mind and went for it. For dry land folks from NM that only ate canned tuna or salmon on Fridays it was a unique experience.

I like most fish and seafood now after being exposed more in South America.
joe1lt, I like it when you draw the different poses. Eeyore is always welcome!! Very nice job on the fruit, flowers and all. Applause.
I sketched at the physical therapy place yesterday in the travel watercolor sketchbook, Strathmore. Was going to color the landscape at home but......
Number 1 odd - a couple of the exercise machines, confusing to see them not sure which is part of which and left off the arm thing maybe??
Number 2 landscape - maybe I will get it colored, shame to waste the watercolor paper
Number 3 kitten or small animal - tried to get the awful Grackles, they are noisy and pesky but beautiful purple/black with golden highlights sort of like purple martins.