Scavenger Hunt #154: Mar 27 - Ap 4

Joan: Thank you. Wow your sketch of Silly Lily is fantastic... with all interesting details and colors... and all fit in only a small postcard area...The receiver will be so lucky to get it.

Thanks. Wonderful set sketches of all kind containers you use to make and polish your fishing rod. I think your fishing rod is so stylish.
Joan…lovely sketch. It does have an even atmosphere feel to it. The forground rail and rope are a nice touch

Ned… the chair is nice warm color and tricky angle…nice go. I like how the fishing things look useful and ready for such an different special fishing pole…

Ai, SO GLAD. You are all safe…..that you had a few art tools out for a few moments is something i envy about you…a good example thanks

Here are two five minute sketches…of course the cat came over and got petted. The. Birds nest in that window every year.
Robin: Thanks so much for your good vibe. Your mini & super quick & dazzle sketches are inspiring too. You can whip up any fun quick sketch lines in no time. Great result of the cat and the shower head. I can feel the sleepy and comfy in the cat pose.
Ai, I'm glad to hear that your parents were OK. Thanks for letting us know. I like your sketch of the water plant. Thanks for your comment about Silly Lily.

Ned, thanks. I was sitting in the nice warm sun for most of the sketch. :) How super that so many of your materials for the fishing rod worked as items in the sketch. I can see a bit of the shimmer. Looks great!

Robin, thanks. Nice job on the quick sketches! I like the simplicity of the cat sketch! Do the birds use the same nest each year or build a new one?

I joined the NYC Urban Sketchers today in an area around Diversity Plaza in Jackson Heights. It is a small pedestrian plaza in the middle of an immigrant community that is a colorful blend of cultures. There are Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Korean, etc people blending living and working together among a lot of wonderful restaurants and food trucks as well as stores and items being sold on the street. It was fun to watch people getting henna tattoos. I would have loved to sketch that but in order to do it I would have to be nearly sitting with the people.

3 - has handles (shopping bags) - watercolors and ink
4 - has a cover (garbage cans)


5 - chair - watercolors and ink
6 - useful art tool (sketchbook and pencil)

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Ai, happy to hear you and your family are safe. Prayers are with all those impacted. The water plant is a pleasant moment.

Ned - the chair looks great. Love the colors and the foreshortening in the legs. Nice composition. Well done on proportions. The wrapping looks like you have mastered that craft.👍🏽👍🏽

Joan - suddenly feel bad I do not live in the Ukraine. 😊. The rail and rope in fairground add so much depth. Amazing. You have really mastered people, capturing the action as well as the proportions.

Robin - Love the cozy feel you captured in cat sketch.

Keep sketching and learning
Joan: Wow... your sketches are amazing beyond small format sketches. They are the true lively snapshot of people's life in NYC and your neighborhood. Very impressive

Joan, Ned, Fletch: Thanks so much for your great vibe.
Fletch, thanks so much for all your comments!

Ai, thank you. I've been saying prayers for those affected by the tragedy there. It is so hard to think about things like that since they can really happen almost anywhere. ((Hugs!))
Ai, that is so super scary. We didn't get any news for a day. I checked in and saw you were OK but didn't answer. Blessings for you, it will take a while for all to settle in. I think there were big aftershocks yesterday. Thinking of you always..... Nice you got to go see your parents. The sketch of the water plant is beautiful., and fun to see Tone.

Joan, your Silly Lily sketch does not fit the name. It is so well done, not silly! I'm smiling. Your Urban sketch is so fantastic. What an interesting area and you sketched so many items. Perspective, lines, colors all so good. Applause.
The clothing sales sketch is great, too. Fun to see the sketcher...

Ned, your still life is great. A fine collection for your fishing rod work. Love the colors and shading. Love the photo. Beautiful colors and shine.

There is Robin. Wish I could catch a cat in five minutes. Fun on the nest in your shower window. Makes me smile and happy.

I sketched at my desk yesterday in the Conte book with a Micron 03. Today on my iPad with the app. Brushes, over my shoulder to the kitchen from my comfy chair. Ha. Both as quick as I could.
Number 1 comes in a tin - mints from a few years ago. May be disintigrading.
Number 2, brings back a memory - well many with the mugs, containers and junk on the shelf over the stove.


Jo, I don't know how Silly Lily got its name, but it has been in business since 1932. I has been renovated and made a lot more upscale than it was before Hurricane Sandy. The building was pretty much destroyed inside. Thanks for your comments about my urban sketches. We had fun there. I like your tin of mints. I have some that were old and got very soft. lol Your lineup of mugs and stuff is great...nice digital work.

I took a drive into Sayville hunting...
7 - rock - watercolor pencils


8 - landscape - watercolors and watercolor pencils (Postcard sized)
Well, I'm back like a bad penny! :pI have lurked a few times, but not posted. It amazes me the amount of quality work that so many of you can do in abundance, especially Ai and Jo. How you find the time is amazing. Even though I have a big house full of stuff, I never know what to sketch,as everything seems too difficult. As you can see, I certainly need practice sketching from life. Often, I procrastinate producing any type of art, as I am displeased with the results.

These toothbrushes (mine is the purple, Jerry's is blue) are in a see through plastic holder, but I was not able to convey that well. I used some multi-colored ball point pens.

Toothbrushes 1.jpeg
Joy, I love your sketch of the toothbrushes! You gave them just enough detail and the plastic holder came out great too. Ai, Jo, and I have been doing this for years and years, and have attempted to sketch just about anything under the sun. You can see from what I choose to sketch that I'm happier sketching things that are out of the house. I don't do as much indoor sketching as I used to. Don't let things intimidate you. Just look at the shapes and ignore most of the details. You know that artist's tip...squint. lol
Thanks, Joan! I meant to add your name in the frequent sketchers, but forgot as your works look so finished. You must be very fast.
Joy, that is part of the fun here to just sketch and try new things or practice. No critiques. We will try to answer questions or talk about how we do things. You are welcome to participate when you can. Artists drop in and out. A few of us are "permanent" or it seems like it. Ha. I like your toothbrushes. Your hatching is a good style for that. I see the brushes in plastic and even a shadow. Very nice. By the way, my maiden initials were JK last name of Knoblock.

Joan I like the rock and landscape. I like that you get out to sketch and paint.
Jo - Neat tin. Like the pen work. Nice job with Brushes capturing the pastel look. Thought it was a sketch in pastels before reading.

Joan - All the way to Sayville for a rock? 😊 OMG love that landscape. The depth. The saturated colors and contrast they create. Beautiful.

Joy - Welcome home. 😎 Great hatching. Like how you caught the brush textures. Obviously you have the skills just keep practicing. Every sketch is a chance to learn.

Joy’s comments remind me of the story about Edison inventing the lightbulb. He was asked how he kept pursuing in face of all the failures. His answer was “I did not fail. I found 10,000 ways that did not work.” It’s all in your attitude!

#1 comes in a bottle - Dr Martin White
#2 comes in a plastic container - masking fluid
Multiple grades of graphite in A5 sized sketchbook.


Keep sketching and learning
Joy, I'm not really fast. I just try to make a point of getting out and sketching or painting something every day. A few are quick, but most aren't. lol

Jo, I get too restless if I stay inside too much. I've been inside too much getting prepared for the workmen. I feel like I'm on an episode of Hoarders...I have things piled everywhere in the parts of the rooms that aren't being touched.

Fletch, Sayville is about a 7 minute ride from me and since I was doing the landscape there I figured I'd find a rock too. Love that Edison story. :cool: Nice work on the bottle and plastic container. I use masking fluid so rarely that it is always solid when I go to use it. One of the instructors I had once said to keep masking fluid upside down in the fridge. Mine has been in there untouched probably for 8 - 10 years now. I haven't checked to see if it is fluid or not...I doubt it.

9 - in bloom - watercolors

Fletch, that shading is very good, as the depth of the objects. I often struggle to see very light areas and don't leave enough highlights.

Everyone - I do try to "check in" on many threads on a few different forums, but seems as if I spend a lot of time online, so I had to cut back. I wish I had time to comment more. Time online counts "necessary" things like bill paying and researching purchases,etc. Jerry and I are doing some traveling, as we never had the time before retirement. I spend a lot of time researching destinations and activities. Plus I have other hobbies and sports (target shooting and recurve archery), exercise a lot and am always in the midst of learning something (like foreign languages I have previously studied) or doing some home improvement. It is astonishing to me that many retirees just sit and watch TV all day. We don't watch at all during the day, as I am waaaay too busy.