Scavenger Hunt #128 - Aug. 31-Sept. 8

Jo - Neat ink digi. 👍🏽 The main difference I can see between the digital and the actual pen drawing is the digi has heavier lines making it look darker. The hedgehog sketch is great.

Joan - Join in with the others the hArboretum house is excellent and the magic pencil house looks fun.. Love the digi. Funny how even though you change media the style carries over.

EP - Gotta ask. Did you crochet the stingray? Nice pen work as always. My spider plants tend to have more brown ones hanging over the pot than green ones.

Ned - You may not be happy with the contrast but you sure nailed the shiny metal texture!

Keep sketching.
Joan, thanks. Wow, love the way the bay came out in digi. The lifeguard shack with signs and flag is scrumptious.

eyepaint, love looking in your windows at the sketches. Good job on the office chair, hard perspective. The colorful hanger is a good find!! Again love the sting ray. Smiles all around. And thanks.

Ned, the clippers are so shiny. Great job.

Hi. Ai.

Fletch, thanks. You can see more of the hedgehog on my blog and an actual photo. I was surprised I have sketched him a lot.

It's not our birthdays but we are celebrating today when the Texas bunch can get together! So no sketching!
Jo. - Happy Celebration Day. Checked the blog and *surprise * I love the pastel version. 😎 Adorable.

#3 front of a house. I drew it outside with penci than came in and panted. Gave some thought to inking but decided to eave as is. Lesson learned is brushes take an even lighter touch than color pencil. About 4x6 inches. Any constructive criticism greatly appreciated.


Keep sketching
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see if I can catch up on comments! :)

Jo -- I like the way the roof looks on the one you did while Gene was in PT. The trees in the one you did on your i-pad have a neat impressionistic feel... I know I said it before but Ivan Shishkin's tree sketches often used parallel hatching for shading... usually underneath a more detailed drawing, and it generates a kind of mood or overall feel... sometimes I feel like your trees have some of that too. Good job on the hedgehog fur! :)

Fletch -- I'm learning how to be retired, and getting good at changing plans to fit my whims. If it gets too rainy or grey, I'll just leave :) If I think there will still be good days for fishing in a little boat, then I'll stay! Nice and peaceful here. I can't give constructive criticism, but I think your painting is much more visually interesting to look at than the photograph. The more I look at it, the more I like it :)

Ai -- thanks. :) I don't get disappointed, but I do try to learn for the future! Cool standing lamp!

Brian -- my first attempts to draw a few years ago were with a pencil in a sketchbook and they are all smudged now... ( no big loss!!!! :) ).

Joan -- I'm with Ai, that house and garden is wonderful. Like all the yellows in the colored pencil house... makes it cheerful! The digital bay scene is nice... like Fletch, I can see your style in it. The beach lifeguard shack is great!

EP -- like your sketches! Is that the same crocheted stingray? The sheep in the link you found are really cute...I would have liked to have seen them :) The fairgrounds were right next to the motel I stayed in, but they were not being used.
Ned - The real key that you are retired is when you sit there one day with a headful or page full ( if you use lists) of things to do and wonder how the hell you ever got anything done when you were working. That’s the day you know you are retired and not on a long vacation. 😎
Ai - thank yu
jmfltech - thank you. My friend crocheted the stingray. Brown spider plant leaves seems to indicate overwatering? The trouble is overwatering and underwatering seem to have similar observable symptoms ... Lovely house - is this a typical house in Florida?
Jo - thank you
NedL - thank you. I have only the one crocheted stingray.
Jo - Looks like a fun family photo!

EP - One story homes are typical in SW Florida. But we have a few condos sprinkled in. They vary between 2 and 4 stories. The further north you go in Florida the more houses look like the rest of the country. Over 40% of Charlotte County population is over 65 ( #3 in country) so single story homes are effectively mandatory . 😎

For the record that is not our house. It is the house across the street. I was standing in our garage using the recycling bin as support. This is our house.

#4 texture - drew in graphite to capture the texture of the sweater and fur. Then thought to try washing over it lightly with color. Drew using 2B in a A5ish size sketchbook not really wet media friendly.

Keep sketching
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Anyone in here have edit capability? Seems I posted in the signup thread the other day.
Ai, thanks.

Fletch, ah, I love your landscaping. Excellent. Beautiful clouds, too. The bear is so cute. It looks pretty good with the color. You are getting to know those watercolors. Applause.

eyepaint, EP, Tall guy is Brandon (Jennie's spouse)
Jennie, youngest daughter, Gene, Me holding Reese girl granddog, Joanna oldest daughter and Larry youngest or caboose holding Chewbacca aka Chewie boy granddog. Missing is David, second oldest as he and family are in Kentucky.

I played in the dust. Number 11, stack of something - bowls (8 x 10 inches on reused Pastelbord) Cross posting to Pastels.



Robin thanks so much for this Hunt. I had fun!! See ya on the next Hunt.
Of course I forgot to hit post reply again. Grr!!!!:(

EP, it is always fun to see your sketches. You seem to have quite a collection of crochet pieces. I like the colorful decoration from Pakistan. Did you visit Pakistan and get that there? Thanks for your comments!

Ned, it does have a nice shine to it.

Fletch, thanks. That manor house is a challenge with all the wood trim and windows. You did nice work on the front of the house...good perspective. You don't need ink on that one. It stands on its own. Nice!!

15 - plants outside the coffee/shop in Bellport - watercolors and ink

Jo reminded me that it is my turn to the new list is posted.

I will be back to comment on the few posts since the last time I remembered to post. lol

Ned, thanks. You seem to have the retirement idea down pat.
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Ned, thanks. You seem to have the retirement idea down pat. Like Fletch said, you will start to wonder how you got so much done before you retired.

Jo, great family photo! I recognize you and Gene...Glad you identified everyone else. I know names but not faces. Nice set of colorful bowls...and of course there is a red one.

Fletch, awww...the bear came out so cute!
EP - I have seen that ear efire but did not know the name. Thank god that there isn’t east one teddy bear my wife cannot collect.

Jo - Great job on the bills love the highlights ad the colors!

Joan- had to smile at your last post outside the coffee shop. This afternoon I watched a watercolor video and the artist commented that she liked to paint benches.

Thanks to all for kind encouraging support and to Robin for hosting.
Jo: bravo on the bowls in the dust mediam.

Fletch: Super cute teddy.

Joan: Fantastic bench + plants+ fence + landscape.

Robin: Thanks for hosting this Hunt