Scavenger Hunt #128 - Aug. 31-Sept. 8

#5 metal...a parked car...done with a 2B pencil
#6 'B' for a book ...done with cp


Hi all, I'm all the way back at Bainbridge Island, Washington. Going to stay put for a while now! I've never been here in September before.

Joan -- that lobster is really cool! I bought a crab fishing license for here, but I think the season might have ended 4 days ago... need to check. So much detail and lots of writing on those signs, did you use a gel pen? I still need to get some white gouache! Love the "impressionistic" umbrellas with the green background.

Robin -- I too smiled at the holes in the shadow of the sink strainer. :)

Fletch -- thanks! I didn't stay at that inn, but a motel a couple miles away. The "splurge" for the trip was staying at the lodge in Yellowstone, which was fun. Wow you nailed the texture on that book... very nice!

Ai -- cool wine bottle, good contrast! I like your pencil sketches... now I want to know the "tips and tricks"!!

Jo -- thanks! :) I don't think you are lazy! Good job on your hand holding rings.

Brian -- I am still surprised how drawings of mundane things can be interesting to look at, and interesting to draw too! That is really well done.
Thanks everyone....

brianvds, look at you creating shiny metal. Excellent shading. My eyes fail as well, I'm hoping that it is making automatic squinting for my painting but is hard in sketching! Ha.

Fletch, love your sketchbook and clip. You handle shading soooo well.

Ai, great car. Like the hatching a lot. The book is super, I need those tricks!! Fun finds.

Ned, happy your trip went well and you are settled in again. We've only been in Washington in the summer on the way to and from Canada. We usually headed home by Labor Day, we almost got stranded in Whitehorse one year we had thought of driving to Alaska since we were pretty close, but here came the snow!

I sketched in the Strathmore travel sketchbook while waiting for Gene at his physical therapy. Nice morning at 9:15 a.m. so sat on a sort of bench around an upright pillar. I used a Acurit 3 and added the color at home.
Number 5 glass - windows Number 6 front of house - sub business Number 7 mailbox


Thank you Joan, Ai, Ned and jo

Ai - Nice work on the car ( Cars are on the list if difficult to draw). Bool looks interesting. The images on the cover appear to be many different styles. Do we get a book review?

Ned - Settled in Bainbridge just in time for the gray season. Thanks for taking us on your cross country trip.

Jo - Enjoying the sketches. The first makes Bastrop look bright and inviting. The mailbox dies not fit with my mental image if Bastrop. The stacked mailbox looks very urban. Picture Bastrop with all rural delivery boxes😎
Thanks Ned, Fletch, and Jo, and all for kind comment.

Ned: Enjoy your nice spot.

Fletch: I have lots of art books to look at during my free-time.. but I don't follow any of that close yet ... may be If I have more still time possible to happen . ... I will try to review it....I am a novice in reviewing

Jo: Lovely places around you in color. Love your mail box and the cozy home you have recorded.
Brian: That is marvelous sketch... and you did it in an HB... I love the contrast that you use to create the metal effect. I have ageing eyes too... lol.

The HB thing is an artifact of me being dirt poor. I make bazillions of quick sketches, and simply cannot afford expensive art paper for all of it, so I use common printer paper. Now pencils are cheap, even softer grades. But I learned from experience that on cheap paper, it makes little difference whether you use an HB pencil or a 4B. If I have very large areas to get very dark, the soft pencils help, but mostly they make little difference, so I mostly just use common old HB! :)

Now for a "real" drawing I might use more expensive paper, but I seldom make such - I simply don't draw well enough yet to justify the expense. Also, even on drawing paper I run into the same thing. I have some 200 gsm paper (not sure what that is in pounds; probably around 100 or thereabouts), and it makes little difference whether I use HB or 4B pencils, except the 4B is more likely to smudge. I can't work out how artists get such large areas of ultra-deep darks with pencils. I have been thinking about switching to pen, but pens generally cannot quite get the same subtle effects.
Fletch, thanks. The mailboxes are for the businesses at the shopping center big box stores mostly. We have the old type in our area on posts by the road. In town boxes are on the wall by the door or on the street on posts.

Ai, thanks so much. The picnic tables haven't been used as it has been so hot. Late fall and winter they will be used more.

Brian, I rarely use pencils or charcoal, too messy. On the other hand I love dusty pastels, ha. Ink is my favorite for sketching but hard to get delicate shading with hatching. I'm not disciplined to make even lines. You will find what you like and can afford. I even like digital once in a while. So much easier for "storage". I use sketchbooks mostly, rather than loose paper. This is the perfect place to try anything. Thanks for sharing with us.
Brian: Thanks so much for your drawing insight. (y) I feel the same of the paper quality, if I don't plan to give my work to someone or sell my art work, an OK paper or an OK sketchbook is good enough for my wc.... I rather have time to do little arts often on regular basis...But I use artist grade paints The HB pencils in Thailand seem super light... and that makes it hard for me to get dark without hurting my fingers... luckily I have several of soft pencils to draw as well... uhm... This reminds me to draw with pencils or pens more...
We are finally over our heat wave, guess it is in the northwest and New England. Sorry, Joan!! On the porch on my iPad with Brushes. Just used the "pen" and no fancy brushes like a regular sketch. Only varied the size of the nib.
Number 8 landscape
I forgot to hit post reply last night...again.

Ai, good B sketch of the book. Is it filled with good tricks and ideas? You car is well done!

Ned, glad you had a safe trip home. Sounds like quite a trip. Yes, most of the writing was done with a white Signo gel pen. So far that seems to cover best on dark colors, but I find the ink runs out quickly.

Jo, glad it was comfortable enough to sit out and sketch. I like the big bank of mailboxes. We have them here, but I'd much rather the mail be delivered to the door. The heat wave isn't here. We have had temps in the mid to high 70s...very comfortable.

Brian, I'm like Jo and find charcoal and graphite too messy to use most of the time. I make a smeary mess.

9 - landscape - watercolors


10 - front of a house - magic pencil
Joan: Thanks... Wow.. Bravo on that estate home... If I were the owner, I would purchase your painting in a heartbeat !!!

Jo: Fun and lovely digi landscape. Glad the heatwave has gone.
Ai, thank you. The building in the last post is actually the historic manor house at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum near me. I don't think I've ever painted or sketched the front of the house before. I like your standing lamp. The pieces look like flowers. Nice!!
I'll post my sketches and then return with comments.
Ink, 8.5x11 printer paper.

1. glass - mug
2. metal - paper clip
3. paper - origami butterfly
4. bigger than a breadbox - office chair
5. texture - crocheted stingray
6. starts with a B - box of tissues
7. houseplant - spider plant
8. multi-coloured object - decoration from Pakistan (see photo)


Robin - fun book stand! And cool gear candle holder. yay metal sink stopper.
SceneChaser - oooh a tool bag for a Model T! Cool!
NedL - ooh a cabin near Rhinebeck, NY And an old pub/inn ... that's the location for a Sheep and Wool festival -
Joan - yay green umbrellas! And an artist at work! Oooh a lobster! Apparently they live up to 45 to 50 years in the wild! And apparently lobster must be cooked within 2 days of the lobster leaving salt water - so much lettering on all those signs :) Yahoo a magic pencil!
Ai - yay little duckies! Yahoo water landscape scene :) Good wine bottle - I read the label too fast and I thought it was sexy spokes :) Yay the free hand sketching book :) Fun lamp
Jo - fun collection of rings and melatonin ... so many little mailboxes! A hedgehog - how interesting :)
brianvds - yay metal nail clipper
jmfletch - yay clip on sketchbook
Thanks all for kind comments of my lamp sketch.

Ned and EP: Super sketches.

EP: Thanks. The deco. piece is very interesting. Nice clean lines to the set, esp. in the tissue box. The sting ray is so cute.

Ned: Lovely result though you might feel that it could be a bit different.