Scavenger Hunt from Life #127: Aug 23 - Aug 31

Ned - Thanks for kind supportive words. Enjoying the ride along.

Ai - Appreciate your encouraging guidance on WC and gouache.

Brian - The pen and bottle shard are so beautifully dark. Are they rendered in charcoal ? Have never seen an actual leopard moth. Amazing what you can find when you really look. Nicely done.

Moscatel - Thank you for taking the time to share and respond. Appreciate it.

Jo - Thanks for the empathy. Think my problem is the opposite of yours. I like to study and learn new things but always learning without practice you gain knowledge but little expertise. On the table, if you add another line across the tabletop you can say the leaf is in 😎. Great ellipses and shading.

Keep sketching
Brian, great contrast on the pen and bottle piece, that's really nice. Nice colors on the moth!

Jo, I like your table it reminds me of our dining table that is from my great-grandparents who lived in Spokane.

Greetings from Milwaukee, next stop Ann Arbor! Tomorrow we take a ferry across Lake Michigan.
Brian - The pen and bottle shard are so beautifully dark. Are they rendered in charcoal ?

Actually just humble HB pencil on printer paper. One can get to almost pitch black with an HB, as long as you don't have to fill in huge areas.

Have never seen an actual leopard moth. Amazing what you can find when you really look. Nicely done.

I don't think I have ever seen one before either. But apparently they're quite common around here. I posted a photo of the thing on a Facebook group for small wildlife to get an identification, and one of the insect gurus there promptly had an answer, but then an admin switched off further commenting, because apparently, every time this moth comes up there, it causes huge controversy - their larvae eat cycads, and it ends up in a shouting match between gardeners and insect lovers!

So presumably the moths are quite common, but beautiful and colorful as they are, I have never seen one.

Thanks for the kind comments. :-)
Fletch, thanks. The sketching in Chinatown was fun, but got a bit too sunny once the sun moved. The carnival was in my town, and they have it every year. I wanted to go sketch it at night but once I get comfy indoors and have dinner that thought passes. I love your sketch of the BBQ and utensils...perfect! I've tried gouache but haven't really worked at it...and it is very different from watercolor since you work from dark to light. I'm considering trying it again at some point when I know I can dedicate a little more time to it.

Ned, sounds like you're moving right along. I worried about feeling carsick too when I tried sketching in the moving car, but I think the concentration on the scene in front of me helped a lot.

Brian, good to see you again. Great sketch of the pen and broken bottle. Yes, only artists will see something in the street and think of it as a wonderful treasure they have to bring home. lol I once saw an exhibit by a collage artist who used pieces of wrappers from things like gum, candy, and other foods that she found all over the world. I can just imagine bringing trash through customs when traveling. lol Nice colorful moth. We have a new insect taking up residence on Long Island called the spotted lantern fly. When it spreads its wings there is a pop of gorgeous red color on their wings. BUT they are harmful to vegetation, especially grape vines that are important out here. So the advice is if you see one kill it. I hate having to do that and usually end up stepping on them...which doesn't make them a good subject any longer.
Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 7.37.19 AM.png

Moscatel, thanks. I moved the carnival rides around so that I could fit more of them on my page. (Artistic license) They were too spread out in the field.

Jo, nice hatching on your table!

10 - house (not mine) - watercolors


11 - lake - watercolors

Hello everyone,

I took some time today for some sketching. Here are my sketches - ink on printer paper.

1. apple
2. lunch (Tupperware with salad inside)
3. substitute for geyser/fountain is a humidifier
4. plant
5. umbrella (looks so broken here!)
6. vehicle (fob)
7. house key
8. electric laptop with incorrect numbers of buttons
9. kitchen utensil
10. animal - stingray (crocheted)
11. inside curio - figurine - flask that's crocheted
12. ink pens - a trio
13. mirror (with bonus reflection of my desk and arm and edge of clipboard)



Hmmm why is the first image so small?

Joan, I especially like the lake that's really beautiful. Also, I went back and looked at that dragon statue again, that's really nicely done.

Bill, hi! Nice tomato sketch!

Hi EP hope you are well! I always like seeing your sketches. The crocheted Stingray is cute.

Greetings from Ann Arbor, Michigan. I was hoping to sketch the ferry today but they had us board not long after it arrived and there wasn't time. Next stop Rochester, New York.

A photo instead:
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Fletch, thanks. The table was rickety when the leaf is in so David put the square board on the legs to help steady it. So no leaf now! Ha.

Ned, thanks. This table not that old, it replaced the "real grandparents'" table burned in the fire. It was a good one, steady. Our son is near Cooperstown in NY at the moment taking photos of kids baseball. Will you get there to the Baseball Hall of Fame? Nice ferry photo. Keep having fun.

Joan, hi, I remember your photo of the moth, so interesting. The house and lake paintings are so fine.. Great assortment of greens.

Bill, super tomato, shading and curves. Welcome!!

eyepaint, hi there! Love the sketches and clever finds. The crocheted sting ray made me chuckle. Your sketches remind me of a couple of pages of snapshots. Applause.

I sketched on my footstool watching TV in the large Canson Mix Media sketchbook with Micron 03. Number 7 BBQ tool and Number 8 corn.


Moscatel, thanks so much!

Bill, welcome! Nice shading on your tomato.

EP, great to see you back here. You've been missed. Super assortment of sketches...the crocheted stingray is my favorite!!!

Ned, thanks for commenting and looking at the dragon again. :) Love the photo of the ferry. From my experience you don't have much time to sketch when they pull in. You're too busy boarding. Seems like you nearly flew across the country. Hard to believe that Rochester is the next stop. Are you flying home after your daughter is at school?

Jo, thanks. Your BBQ tool and heavy gloves look like you're ready for serious cooking. Love the sketch of the ears of corn. I had some corn the other day but forgot to sketch it first...typical of me. lol

My sketch group attended an outdoor concert tonight. We tried doing two others this summer but they were rained out. Tonight the weather was perfect to sit and listen to, and sketch the Lazy Bunny Ukulele Band. They were good but a lot of their songs were a bit odd. The crowd loved them...especially the young kids who were running around and dancing up a storm. My friend and I sat up front so we could see to sketch. It is getting dark earlier now so it was hard to see what I was sketching and painting, so I did some touching up when I got back home.
12 - huge pavilion and tiny ukuleles - watercolors and ink
13 - electrical wires

Bill, Joan, Ep, BrianD, Jo...great sketches...Love them all.

Welcome, Bill.
Welcome back Brian, and EP.
Have fun travel.
Joan: stunning Lake one and the band also.... all are super.
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EP, nice quick sketches.

Joan, lovely plain aire of the band. Good to see your art again,

Jo, your sketches are lovely. Will you be grilling corn? I once had a cat that would steal corn off my grill.

Hi Ned, love the shortcut to Wisconsin.

Ai, love the hand drawing. Not an easy task.
Joan, thanks. Lots of fun to see live music of any kind. You did a great job! I usually don't buy corn in husks but it looked good ... and was! I put a piece in the microwave husks and all with the stem end cut off for 4 minutes. Comes out perfect and the silk and husks just slide off. Much easier than husks first.

Ai, awwww, such a cute little bird. Super job on your hand. Thanks.

Hi Bill, thanks for commenting on a sketch in the images. I couldn't see anyway to answer there.

It was beautiful out on the porch about 73º F after mornings of 85º it seemed almost cold. Ha. Sketched on my iPad with the App Brushes, fingers and ApplePencil. About 30 minutes. It was all I could do not to eat my food. You see I started. Don't know how Ai and Joan do that all the time!
Number 9 breakfast - the plate should be red (it looked red outside on the iPad) It is also nice and round. Rice cake w/peanut butter, cream cheese and bananas. Grapes. Coffee not in the sketch! Ha.

Thanks Jo...Wow bright and yummy I am hungry

#8 old...our heirloom American stories doll...done in kido's poster paints on the backside of my thick old WC painting...Poster paints are somewhat thinner version of gouache..I put a dab of black marker in her eye area a bit...about 6x8 inch in size.



Fletch: I still feel very clumsy with poster paints or somewhat gouache...uhm...
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Brian -Thanks for the feedback on your darks and the info on the leopard moth.

Joan - Thanks for input on gouache. Looking forward to a nighttime view. There is a very different feel to night watercolors. Spotted Lantern Fly looks interesting and large. Your painting of the house has many techniques I want to study. Great job on the glass water reflection and the people in the band.

Bill - Excellent Drawing. Welcome.

EP - Have missed you and your art. Welcome home 😎. Half the list in one swoop.👍🏽👍🏽

Jo -Super hatching on tongs and the corn. Nice digi of breakfast.

Ai - Beautiful pencil work. You may feel clumsy using it but the results are quite pretty.

Keep sketching
Jo - yay tree and cactus plants. Yahoo pear and apple and a blue mug of course :) That looks like a solid (oak?) table :) And thank you. Oooh utensil for a BBQ. How do you manage to sketch your breakfast without eating it all first?

Joan - yay colour :) Looks like the cashier at the restaurant is smiling :) Oooh such lovely large hibiscus!! Oooh gazebos :) Fun sketch of the market :) Yay dragon sculpture! Yay colourful summer fair with the ferris wheel etc. Such a pretty spotted lantern fly :) So many luch greens! And thank you. Oh yay a ukulele band! I need to show my ukulele friends :) I see videos of that band from 2017 ... this is a link to a performance in 2021?
and then this one from 7 years ago shows some children dancing in a circle to the music -

Ai - yay colour blue plate :) Oooh digger and wow check out the Thai royal barge ... is this used during processions/parades? Good job Tone did for the sketch of that building!! Yay colourful BuengNongBonn lake :) Yay check out your girls!! Cute little purple bird And thank you. The heirloom American doll reminds me of the toilet paper doll covers people used to make (

NedL - lovely Wyoming sketch :) Yay windshield! If that is a VW bug did it have a vase with a fabric flower in it? Why is there a black fabric across the front? And thank you. Is that a passenger boat - the Lake Express?

moscatel - lovely stripes on a kitty :) How do you keep oriented with the stripes in different directions while the kitty snoozes :)

jmfletch - yahoo a BBQ with utensil! And thank you!

brianvds - yay pen and vase. Pretty moth with spots

Scene Chaser - yay fresh tomato ... and thank you

And here is a photo of the crochet stingray:

Greetings from Palmyra, New York! One more day, yay!

EP - my daughter says the black fabric is to prevent glare! Haha my daughter says yes it has a vase!

Joan - I saw a lanternfly billboard in Ohio yesterday.

#3 tree. Chinese Elm at the Toledo Botanical Garden.

Ai, ha and thanks. So hard not to eat it.... The doll is so cute and colorful. Good work with the poster paint.

Hi Fletch, thanks.

eyepaint, thanks for pointing us to the video and thanks on my sketches. The sting ray is so neat, did you make it? You always check out things I wouldn't have thought to look up. I had forgotten about the toilet paper covers. My mother in law made many crocheted and also with plastic canvas.

Ned, thanks for the tree sketch and letting us follow along on your Hunt and trip. I like your style on the tree a lot.