Vivien - what a cute alarmed expression on the face of your little guy.
Penny - aha your guy looks like he heard a good joke
Patricia - super job with the white marks on the toned paper. Well done on the foreshortening

About the noble dog - awww what a kind sad face with long lovely ears
Christel - now that is a lot of motion! I wonder what got this goose all worked up?
ntl - whee look at all those guys grazing
Cindy - love the grasses in your first piece and the cute expression in the second
Anne - oh goodness that is one stunning penguin!
Reddyman - aha love your water in behind that creature in your "Territorial Rights" piece
Kay - always enjoy your bold colourful strokes

If you think squirrels make irate noises when cats are nearby, you should hear them taunting dogs!
KayM - great study of the upset creature.
Federico - look at that stunning fellow with the yellow bridle/harness (I don't know the names for horse apparatus)