Oct 2021 Animal And Wildlife Challenge

Vivien - what a cute alarmed expression on the face of your little guy.
Penny - aha your guy looks like he heard a good joke :)
Patricia - super job with the white marks on the toned paper. Well done on the foreshortening :) About the noble dog - awww what a kind sad face with long lovely ears :)
Christel - now that is a lot of motion! I wonder what got this goose all worked up?
ntl - whee look at all those guys grazing :)
Cindy - love the grasses in your first piece and the cute expression in the second :)
Anne - oh goodness that is one stunning penguin!
Reddyman - aha love your water in behind that creature in your "Territorial Rights" piece :)
Kay - always enjoy your bold colourful strokes :) If you think squirrels make irate noises when cats are nearby, you should hear them taunting dogs!
KayM - great study of the upset creature.
Federico - look at that stunning fellow with the yellow bridle/harness (I don't know the names for horse apparatus)
Eyepaint - I like your smiling doggie ! :)

Fedetony - this looks great to me!

Eyepaint - your dog looks so happy! Good drawing.

Thank you to those who have commented on mine.
Have you used that paint with other paper with no problem ?
yes, I normally use the Acrylic inks for everything, is the first time it crawls and soaks under . The paper is the only new material I've used this time since I had no more WC paper on my supplies. Also is a very common technique I use for realistic paintings since the charcoal base is easy to set precisely in monotonic way, easy to erase and easy for making big flat/ same color areas (using dust). After the drawing is set I use fixative and then layer the colors, normally with airbrush. They have to be diluted/watery since the charcoal layer is delicate and the brush could damage the under drawing. And usually the shellac/fixative stops the acrylic to go through making a layering of acrylic. Maybe next time I'll make a couple of sealing layers, but this one is un-reparably ruined.
Viv - Beautiful background toning, I enjoy very much your squirrel. They are beautiful animals they are also very social.
Penny- Your contribution is very interesting since the insinuation of color allows the viewer to construct in the mind. Well done, I really notice the progress you've made and how it has evolve.
Patricia- Cow is really lovely. I've always liked the white over toned paper combination, its a style I personally find elegant. And your hound is amazing, to me looks quite finished!
Christel- Your goose is awesome, full of movement.
ntl- Great job, I was very tempted to select the same image you chose. You did a good job in the fog, is technically very challenging to achieve that effect.
Cyndy- I agree, you should not use cheapo paper if you want your art to endure with time. I really like what you painted. Yet the squirrel is beautifully represented. Yo made a very nice contrast in the image.
Anne- The penguin looks amazing and the complete image too. It gives a floating impression because the stones shades are not congruent to the Pinguin shade... I see is not as a bug but a feature... awesome
John- Your image is astonishing.. full of movement, and the water effect is really well achieved. Also like the title.
KayK- wow, such cheerful image. Made me smile.
Kay(Triduana)- Love the sketch.. wish you developed it further...
eyepaint- Lovely sketch
Kay: Your flamingo is so fun!
pcj: Noble Dog is absolutely fantastic. I LOVE him.
fedetony: Whaaa? That is AMAZING!!!! Jesus.
eyepaint: I really love your pup too. It makes me HAPPY! :)

All are wonderful! ♥️
Thanks everyone for your comments on my penguin.

KreativeK (Kay), delightful flamingo. Love your creative use of color.

Kay M (Triduana), I love your goose. I sure wouldn't guess that you haven't drawn in a while. You captured the feel of the reference perfectly.

Patricia (pjc), I love your dog portrait. I love how it you did it on the brown paper for the midtones and used the charcoal for the lights and darks.

Federico (fedetony), the horse came out very nicely even though you had some problems with the background. It sounds like your problem on the background might be the paper. If the sizing is right, the color shouldn't soak in overnight.

Eyepaint, delightful drawing. He looks so happy.
Kay - cool flamingo!
Kay - great start to the goose! Please show us your finished version!
Patricia - wow! Love that dog portrait!
Federico - Lovely horse portrait! I like the application of the red and yellow!
EP - aww, one happy dog!
Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments
Thanks, Every One, for your wonderful supportive comments on my Cattle in the Fog.
John, Kay M, ntl, Joy, Eyepaint, Fedetony, Artyczar, Anne, Christel.

Thank you very much for your nice comments. :)

Scamail - This is excellent ! Beautifully done !