New Vision and Wider Eyes


old man


Both of these are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima ... painted May 25th and May 26th of 2024.
I do like this size as it allows more flow of color than smaller pieces. It allows much more freedom to find a painting instead of making a copy of what you think is a painting. The model is only the spark as the painting flows from the point of ignition which allows me to render rather than copy. I am not painting the bottle of flowers but an ideal of such.
Oh good, you're back to a better working size for you. These are wonderful, Wayne, each one has a good composition and the light flows in and around the objects and through the bottles. I hope you know how lucky (talented) you are to be able to use the model as the jumping off point or spark as you call it. Some of us struggle with ignoring half of what we see and feeling obligated to put in the rest just because it's there. If it's there it must be real and if it's real it must be essential ... aargh!
Thank you Donna. I am only a rookie at it but I am learning to ignore the model after I grasp the blockin and I am getting a better grasp on how little one needs to start. That’s why I call it the spark. It’s strange how we seem to be thinking of what will please others when we should be like a kid and let our fantasy evolve around ourselves.
I think I and others got it wrong in Picasso’s statement of painting like a kid. It’s not literal but the internal compulsion of enjoying the moment. The finished painting is not the prize at the end of the rainbow, it’s the internal bliss of the act of painting we need to enjoy. Unfortunately we have it wiped away from us when we are repeatedly handed rule books and guides. He was right that it takes a lifetime to undo the damage: if possible at all.
I agree with you and Donna. Excellent and beautiful with lots of movement and color. I'm grinning in delight.
Thanks Sno. Imagine that, accidents take over rational and teach us new things. 🤣

Thanks JennieJo and Bart.
These are both wildly cool - so creative! Love the strokes and the backgrounds in each. ❤️ The bottom one just sings.

Yay!!! More, please.
Thank you Terri. I’ll see what I can do. I fought so hard with three that I’m not sure the series goes to four.
Gorgeous. Something really draws me to the second, maybe because of the dark middle of the daisy. ♥️