Jo's Inktober Sketches from life

Jo Castillo

Contributing Member
I'm joining in the Inktober fun
Day 1, crystal - a wall hanging made by a friend with crystals, copper wire, arrowhead, etc.
This is in my coffee table size sketchbook with a Sharpie Pen.
Jo: This is so beautiful and delicate sketch. I did not do well with their prompt list but you did so good.
Best of luck with Inktober, Jo - I'm looking forward to following your sketches. Wonderful start, love the character of the scribbly wire coils.
Ai, Artyczar, triss and eyepaint. Thanks so much. I'm trying to have the Inktober sketches fit the Scavenger Hunts on wc so I only have to do one sketch a day. I like sketching direct and from life.
That is a fab. swim suit sketch Jo... I would feel afraid to sketch those patterns ...
Beautiful work so far, Jo - you have a light and lovely touch. I'd be totally intimidated by such a project but you're making it look easy!
Thanks Artyczar, I sketch a lot in ink and always trying to find something different so the prompts in Inktober help.

Ai, thank you. After I started it was a bit like coloring with colored pencils and I was wishing for a brush pen.

Terri, thank you. I rarely sketch with a pencil drawing under. I get bored if I have to do it over, just let the bad spots show. So not so hard. Ha.
And for Day 3 Inktober with the prompt of vessel. I thought of ships, but no ships here so decided on a vessel for our drinks. I put in a couple of other items for our Scavenger Hunt on wc. Eat - the crackers and fruit - the grapes. This was done with Micron, Zig and Rumcent pens.

Yeah, great drawings. I am going to do a live one today for the "knot" prompt.
Good for you that you're following the prompts from one of the lists. These are great! My favorite so far are the Whataburger fun!
Great drawing for Inktober of Knot. You are so brave and spontaneous. I think too much many times...
I like your knot! I always find thin things like that difficult to draw. Mine always come out so irregular.
Thanks Artyczar.
AiArts, thanks, too. We all tend to overthink!
Joan T appreciate your comment ... as always. I'm smiling at y'all.

Today I sketched in the big Coffee Table book at the table from a photo I took of an Osprey, no ravens or crows around and I couldn't find any of my photos so substitute. I used a Micron 02 for this sketch.

Inktober Day 5 - Raven, sub an Osprey