Scavenger Hunt from Life 149 Feb 15 - Feb 23

joe1lt, Awwww, love Donald. Fun for you to find a new item to sketch. Comic sounds expensive!!

Fletch, I like your clothespin. Excellent!!

stephanie, love the yarn bowl. Never heard of that. I used to crochet a lot, haven’t done it in years and years.Great drawing.
Jo, I like your doorway between the it an open feel. Thanks for your comment.

Ai, thanks.

Joe, I'm always impressed with the different views you sketch of your figurines. Donald is so fun!!

Fletch, that's a perfect-looking clothespin! Good choice to add the color.

Stephanie, what a perfectly expensive habit. I love the composition of this with the yarn bowl, the yarn, and the knitting needles. What are ya knitting? I laughed at the "persnickety fountain pen."

We had another very cold day today. A friend and I headed over to the Planting Fields Arboretum that has several greenhouses. Two of them are filled with camellia trees and plants. We were hoping it would be nice and warm inside and a good place to sketch on a cold day. It wasn't as warm as we really needed, but we did get some painting done before we decided we needed to go somewhere that was warmer.
13 - doorway - watercolors

Then we drove into the town of Oyster Bay and went to a nice, warm coffee shop.
14 - table - watercolors and ink
15 - stacks of cups and plates
16 - outside corners of the menus on the wall


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Ai - Love the pink flowering trees. So spring like. Excellent line work on the perfume bottles. Colorful clothes clamps. The mall art rendering is excellent. Like the Tone sketch and think the artistic license is perfect.

Stephane - Nice composition on the succulents and the light touch of color is very appealing. Clever composition clamping the clothespin to the table top. Love that you took your hunt list to meeting with art friends. 😎 Again I find the soft coloring adds an appeal (Cannot find proper word.) Persnickety had me laughing. Great sketch of yarn and bowl.

Joan - In barn sketch I kept looking at the roof and wondering how bad it leaks. Love the flowers. The Starbucks sketch had me looking how you add so much detail. Again love the flowers. Nice line work on the clothespin. Love the minis and again studying all the details Cool deer sketch. Love the photos too. Nice Arboretum painting. Coffee shop does look warmer.

Jo - Digital sketch of the chili bottle is cool 😎. The cloud and fountain sketch is great, especially like the flag in the wind. Nice pen work on the doorway sketch.

Joan and Jo, Thanks for kind encouraging comments.

Keep sketching and learning
Thanks, Everyone.

Joan, you are great to brave the cold. The doorway is so beautiful and a fun warm coffee shop with all the goodies.

Off to PT, see how things go.
Fletch, thanks for all your comments.

Jo, thank you too!

Ai, thanks. Nice sketch! Your chairs look good. Mine always look like someone shouldn't attempt to sit on them. lol
Joan: Thank you... The doorway with camellia sketch inside arboretum is amazing. I love how you depicts the sunken little well in the foreground. I can feel the depth of it. The cafe scene is amazing as well... charming down to the counter tiles. Glorious !!!

Joe1 & Fletch: Thanks so much.

Good luck
Ai, love seeing your world. The corner is a great line sketch.

Joan, hi there.

I sketched at my computer desk in my studio in the large Canson sketchbook with a Micron 03. Was going to put color since I used the mix media book but decided not to.
Number 4 expensive - eggs! This is a half carton I cut to put in hardboiled eggs so I can tell the difference.


New hunt is posted. Should be early Sunday for folks on the other side of the world. Sorry no link. It never works for me. EP use to do them when I posted.

Ai - Great line quality in restaurant sketch. Agree with Joan, your chairs look solid enough to be sat on.

Jo - Love the hatching on a very tricky egg carton 👍🏽

Keep sketching and learning
Ai, thanks for your kind words.

Jo, I like your thinking with the expensive eggs. Good idea to cut the carton to separate the cooked and raw eggs.
Tone and I went for a free music in the downtown park called Lumpini Park, Bangkok

#7 sub. stack of with bunch of music goers at Concert in the Park... Pen & WC



Ai, love the sketch of the pavilion with all the performers and all the concert-goers sitting so comfortably on the grass listening. I really enjoy outdoor concerts.