Hardboard Panels


Well-known member
I've been painting on "dry erase" hardboard panels. The same as regular hardboard only one side is painted a gloss white - which I think makes a nice back on a painting without having to do any work. The problem is they have stopped (at Lowes & HD) offering them in 4x8ft sheets and now only have 3x7ft sheets and the price per square inch if you calculate it has gone up too.

The regular brown panels now come in 47.75 x 95.75ft. sheets. And they're not really 1/8th (.125) inch thick but .115. That 1/4 inch can end up costing you when you cut the sheet into standard sizes. I'm already "fudging" and undersizing some panels a bit by ignoring the blade waste. The reduced thickness also matters if you make larger painting panels.

So the solution imo is to go to 3/16 (.1875) thick sheets which are actually .175 thick - but are a full 4x8 foot size. They cost $5 per sheet more,, but imo worth it for the thickness and less waste when cutting. I think only Home Depot sells the 3/16. If you use the sheets to build other stuff that extra thickness is nice too.
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All building materials have gone up ridiculously. I usually get the plain brown and cut it to sizes and any small pieces that might be waste, I cut into miniatures. I haven't bought any recently so not sure how that quarter inch will affect my sizes. I just coat one side with a couple of coats of gesso for painting on them.
All building materials have gone up ridiculously. I usually get the plain brown and cut it to sizes and any small pieces that might be waste, I cut into miniatures. I haven't bought any recently so not sure how that quarter inch will affect my sizes. I just coat one side with a couple of coats of gesso for painting on them.
Yep, I was going to go to Lowes to try some out, then I checked on the net and saw they didn't have the 4x8 sheets anymore.
My grandson is just negotiating to get a new house built and then I also saw that lumber has gone up 188%, which will add $24,000 to the cost of building an average new house.
I guess I will head to the irksome Home Despot for the panels.
Then go see the kid (33yrs old), to see if he could use a little financial help.
Building material prices were actually going down a bit a few years ago - so was gas. Not now - I paid $3.27 gallon for gas today.
Prices have almost doubled since my last purchase of quality watercolour paper. I was window shopping Jackson's yesterday and just happened across a 2" flat that I own and like. More like triple the price I paid some 5 years or so ago. I hate to think what it cost to replace my Daniel Smith collection of watercolour tubes.
I just took a glance at the online prices for pastels and haven't noticed much of a change. The acrylics I have used, however, have more than doubled in price. :mad:
Building material prices were actually going down a bit a few years ago - so was gas. Not now - I paid $3.27 gallon for gas today.
Whadda Surprise ! Ya think what happened in November 2020 had anything to do with it ? - rhetorical question only.
Whadda Surprise ! Ya think what happened in November 2020 had anything to do with it ? ...
for those that facts don't matter. actually prices have been on a continual rise since May 2020. Prices were higher than today for all of the time between March 2018 and November 2018, and all of the time between April 2019 and August 2019. But only now are certain "news" outlets suddenly talking about it.
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for those that facts don't matter. actually prices have been on a continual rise since May 2020. Prices were higher than today for all of the time between March 2018 and November 2018, and all of the time between April 2019 and August 2019. But only now are certain "news" outlets suddenly talking about it.
I take that as a 'No'.
Hey ! Great to hear from you.

Don't worry, we were just having a little fun. Besides, it's all her fault.
I get the 3/16” thick hardboard panels at the Lowe’s near me. IMO the 1/8” is not sturdy enough for anything bigger than 12”. The 3/16” I get is smooth both sides. I usually have Lowe’s cut it down into three 16” x 48” (each of which I then cut into two 16” x 20” and the remainder into smaller panels for plein air). The 48” x 48” I decide sizes later. All sizes I list are really a bit smaller due to saw blade width.
Hardboard should be sealed on all sides and edges. I use an oil alkyd base white primer suitable for both oil and water base finish (Zinnzer). The drawback is you must prime outside or in a very well ventilated space. I put min. 2 coats on the side I paint on. If you want to paint on a gesso surface you should seal the hardboard with oil base or shellac prior to applying gesso to prevent any brown bleed through or undue sinking of finish paint.
I never even thought about dry erase boards before. What a great idea. And for hardboards, I either order them custom from a canvas/panel maker, or buy Ampersand maybe because I liked to be ripped off? I'm not sure.

I am two days post-op sno and thanks for asking. Moving slow and in a bit of pain, but taking meds for it, which makes it a little hard to type. Resting a lot. Things are looking good so far. Post-op appointment is Tuesday. I am aiming for feeling a ton better by then.