Discussion: All Media Events

We've worked out a process for the new Weekly Art Event in Creative Spark. You can see details in the All Media Events - Instructions thread. I think a lot of the problems you had with the WetCanvas Weekend Drawing Event have been addressed as well as a brand new format for the event.

Take a look at the link. We hope you will join in and perhaps even "host" in the future.

Hope to see you there when we start in November.
Thank you Ferlain. We are still trying to get it all ironed out. Hopefully, along the way, it won't be so confusing. But getting it to that point sure has been! Ha ha ha! :ROFLMAO:
Suggestions, and what I would prefer to do...

In the All Media Event Forum:

1. Maybe we can get the Instructions thread streamlined and edited to be a little clearer (I can edit it once I actually understand what the instructions are). That post can be a permanent sticky.

2. Keep the About post a permanent sticky. (We can always keep editing that one until we are all happy with it.)

3. Keep the History post a permanent sticky (and also keep editing that one until we are all happy with it).

4. Make a Host Sign-up post and make that a sticky too. Maybe it's permanent? Maybe it depends on the date. Not sure yet.

5. The latest "prompt" with the date: that would always be a temporary sticky. Maybe call it, This Week's WAE: (name of prompt). The first post in that thread would be about the prompt from the host.

Am I starting to get how this can work?
Sounds great!
I'm really trying Ferlian. I was not part of this on WC, but really like the concept, so I'm trying to make a kind of system that is all-inclusive. I may be failing in these beginning stages, but I think eventually it will come to a place where it will all feel natural and easy, and self-explanatory. Until then, it still feels like a mess :( ...for now anyway. Bear with us.
Do people tell their "prompt" ahead of time? Or is it a surprise, released on the Friday of their hosting day? 😏 (There's not a shifty-eyes emoji.)
Thanks to everyone involved here in getting this challenge up and running. I'm so glad the new instructions open it up to working from life/imagination - I'm looking forwards to joining in.
Thanks to everyone involved here in getting this challenge up and running. I'm so glad the new instructions open it up to working from life/imagination - I'm looking forwards to joining in.
That's awesome to hear, triss! We want everyone to be comfortable with the setup.

Thank you for the feedback, it really helps.
I'm wondering if this forum should be merged with the one titled Any WDE Type Challenges? and be titled "Discussion." I think it would be simplest. Otherwise, we have two conversations going.

Do people tell their "prompt" ahead of time? Or is it a surprise, released on the Friday of their hosting day? 😏 (There's not a shifty-eyes emoji.)
The prompt is not known until the host posts the thread on the Friday.

Merging the threads might be a good idea because the forum, All Media Events could host other events as well as this Weekly one Anne is suggesting. There are plenty of other challenges/events which could be hosted here. It depends how busy you would like it to get!
All Media Events could host other events as well as this Weekly one Anne is suggesting. There are plenty of other challenges/events which could be hosted here. It depends how busy you would like it to get!
On the subject of other events. Just to put out the idea but something with a bit longer of a time frame might be a good idea for those of us working in mediums/styles that take longer.
On the subject of other events. Just to put out the idea but something with a bit longer of a time frame might be a good idea for those of us working in mediums/styles that take longer.
I see no reason at all why some challenges here should not run for a month …. any longer, and some might lose interest, but certainly monthly challenges are good.
Do people tell their "prompt" ahead of time? Or is it a surprise, released on the Friday of their hosting day? 😏 (There's not a shifty-eyes emoji.)
I answered this yesterday but it seems to have disappeared!

The practice has always been to reveal the challenge on the day the host posts …. here, a Friday.
On the subject of other events. Just to put out the idea but something with a bit longer of a time frame might be a good idea for those of us working in mediums/styles that take longer.
If you don't finish an event in a week but would still like to participate, post to the thread when you are finished. It won't still be a sticky but it will come to the top when you post.
To clarify: When we take our turn to host beginning on a Friday, we just submit a word or phrase of our own choosing? Or are the prompts already published in this forum?