Thank you, Anne.Thanks Vivien, Penny, Triduanna, CaliAnn and Joe1lt for your comments on my
Penny, nice work on your horse.
Joe, I like all of your drawings, especially the bear and racoon (first version).
Beautiful, Kay. I enjoy your watercolours very much.Inquisitive and probably hungry coon is all too cute, Joy, an amazing ink and wash piece. You need to frame this guy.
Anne, yes, leave the llama as is since this is a strong and bold sketch. Very well done.
Penny, your horse is so gently looking in this image. So sorry to hear you lost Indy! Always hurts to lose one of the family.
Joe, your sketch collection is growing and so is your ability to do a lot of them so well.
I did a crop of the polar bear and flipped the image, 4.75x4.75 square watercolors on Fabriano 140 lb rough paper.
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Wow, Crystal! Beautiful work. Are they oil,pastels - if so, you have mastered them?The llama is new. The other 2 were done last year
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Love your quirky, individual work, as usual, E.P. So interesting.I'll post my contribution first and then return with comments:
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Thank you, E.P.Joy - awww lovely little face
Anne - what a fun attitude for that llama face
Penny - awww lovely mane on your horse
joe1lt - grand attitude for the polar bear. Cutie raccoon faces
Kay - awww your polar bear looks like he's from Manitoba
Christel - awww lovely kitty. Great horse structure.
Thanks a lot, Joy.Thank you all for your comments!
Anne, I don't think it needs color, either. Some darker values in the area around the eyes and nose (where the hair is darker) may give it more impact.
Penny, That came out quite well. What I especially like is the variety of brown shades that blend so well.
Joe, Your drawing proportions, value and details continue to improve. The raccoon and llama came out really well.
He is very expressive. Love the look in his eye. Well done!Sorry but I am been busy with guiding and doing a rush blanket so I halve not done much art. Here is my contribution for this month. It a mixed media of colour pencils, pastel and intense ink. I will come back later to day and make comments.
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