Animal and wildlife challenge for January 2023

Last draws for january .digital draws

2023-01-27 17-39 2.jpeg
2023-01-27 17-39 3.jpeg
2023-01-27 17-39 1.jpeg
2023-01-27 17-39.jpeg
Penny - Lovely horse portrait, I like the crisp ink lines. And I'm so sorry to hear about Indy :(

Joe - I really enjoyed looking at your drawings. I love the loose lines.

Kay - your polar bear is wonderful! I love the soft colours.

Christel - three excellent paintings! Love the soft fur of the kitty and the contrasting light/dark of the llama.

E.P. - Fun work! I really like the cat!

Lesely - Very good, I like the close crop!

Anne - lovely kitty. I light the light in the eye. Thank you for showing the two stages.
Joy - So cute.
Anne - Lovely Llama.
Joe - Very nice sketches.
Kay - Love the texture of the bear.
Christel - Beautiful work, as usual.
Eyepaint - Always enjoy your sketches.
Leslie - Great job.
CaliAnn - Loved the colors you used.
Been working on this sporadically. Finally finished. Every month I tell myself I will have it done by the 29th and every month I fail. 9x12 mixed media on Bristol. Colored pencil, watercolor pencil, marker and pen.
January 2023 Owl 9x12 mixed media.jpg
Deborah: Your owl is awesome - I just LOVE how his eyes came out, so expressive! ❤️
Than you. I always show my husband my art pieces when I finish them. Last night he asked to see the reference photo next to the art. He studied it for a few minutes, then said, the photo eyes looked like owl eyes and the arts eyes looked like happy eyes. LOL!
Wonderful work everyone.
Thank you very much for hosting CaliAnn :)

Sorry I have not been able to take part for several months.
I will be our host in February - hope to take part then
Good digi sketches, Joe!
CaliAnn, that’s a mighty polar bear!
A very impressive owl in mixed media, Deb. He turned out great!

Thanks for the comments on mine.