Wish this were still me, but

When I was a teenager, I got on my skiff board with a small backpack of drawing materials and kayak paddled out of the large bay towards the next smaller private bay I knew my family were sunning themselves. What I didn't anticipate was how long a trip by sea was compared to the five-minute car drive.
On top of this was the unexpected rough open sea water that started at some invisible wall outside the bay. The surging waves left dips where all one could see was the sky with no location of horizon. Tall, cabined sports fishing craft looked down on me in disbelief. A mixture of bravery and vanity fixed a stoic expression on my face as if to say "yeah; I do this all the time." instead I was thinking "Oh my God I could die here!"
Boy were my parents surprised to see me coming out of the sealine. I can't remember my drawings that day, just a memory of bright pale sand and the shade of trees leaning towards the ocean.
I love stories about driven people with alien lifestyles. The painting aspect is a bonus.
Thanks for posting this Bartc. What an amazing video., I loved it and after a pretty bad day it acted as a complete mood enhancer-:)