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    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread C V with Like Like.
      11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 24/24 In this series I am only painting what I feel like painting on a...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread In The End We Are Here with Like Like.
      both are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 25/24 In the end I end up here which is nowhere I have not been...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread S IV with Like Like.
      11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted July 23/24 .. the blue is a tad brighter here but the camera likes to intensify...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Composition For Depth with Like Like.
      I thought you would. For a time, these are my last realistic impressions of plastic flowers from life. I feel the need to get away...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to PaintBoss's post in the thread Sketch 1 with Like Like.
      I did this sketch in my little sketchbook about 15 years ago. I want to follow up and do more with this as it has meaning for me. I had...
    • Bartc
      Bartc replied to the thread Composition For Depth.
      Agreed on all counts.
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Composition For Depth with Like Like.
      Thank you Donna, Bart, and John Donna. I think the backgrounds open the senses more as there is more involvement in dimension. Bart...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Holy Trinity Church, Stratford upon Avon with Like Like.
      I was checking on Stratford upon Avon on the net one morning in 2015 when I saw images of this church and felt compelled to sketch it...
    • Bartc
      Bartc replied to the thread Composition For Depth.
      I really like these, Wayne. Your flower series has so much life compared to your landscapes to my eyes.
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Composition For Depth with Wow Wow.
      both are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 18 and 19 of 2024 distance view:
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Catching an Auto with Like Like.
      This is a quick pen and wash sketch in a 5" x 4" elephant dung paper sketchbook. This paper has a nice texture though I find it very...
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Flood Light with Like Like.
      11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 16/24 distance view:
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Lion Cub with Like Like.
      This is a 5" x 4" pen and ink sketch from a colour reference photo on my phone.
    • Bartc
      Bartc reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Ritz (xpost Plein Air) with Like Like.
      Thank you Bart for the information. Sounds interesting. I will definitely give it a go.
    • Bartc
      Bartc replied to the thread Ritz (xpost Plein Air).
      Balaji, Derwent InkTense is either a pencil or a stick of water soluble color that when dries becomes a permanent ink-like stain. So you...
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