Thank you, Hostajunkie. Your Myrna Loy is very good. I like her films with the fox terrier and William Powell - a lot of fun.Hello everyone!
Schuee, your wagging tails piece is perfectly charming!
ams/Anne, your golden retriever is wonderful. I love the soft expression in his eyes.
Kay, that's a beautiful watercolor of your new Mini Pearl! Is she a seal point?
Vivien, your yellow rose is beautifully done! I'm sorry about your DH's problems and your smaller gardens, but at least you have something blooming now... There's snow on the ground here.
Charlie's Mum/Maureen, I absolutely love that piece!!!
I'm just trying to find a little time here and there to do ANY art, so I'm chiming in. lol! I just did this in pencil in my sketchbook (5.5" x 8.5") and I feel like I've succeeded, which makes me happy. I love old movies and I have been wanting to paint Myrna Loy for my dining room. I decided to do a sketch to see if I could achieve anything that looks like her, and I feel like I might be able to attempt a painting now. I've wanted to paint her and something related to fashion that was popular in the year my house was built.
Does it look like her? I know that her right eye and right side of face are 'off' a bit.
I love the colours, well done. I find attachments happening instead of the photos Being embedded. I also get logged out each time I leave the site, even though I’ve ticked the box to stay logged in.ok, I'll try again. This is a painting I did for a friend who bought a house in Florida. It definitely makes me happy. lol!
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edit: this time it loaded in-line! No idea why it didn't yesterday, but thanks, it works for me now.
That Bird House looks great, and the birds think so too!Hello all, happy Thanksgiving, and a late (hope not too late) entry from me.
Schuee: your dogs trying to hypnotize the treats are wonderful - they put a smile on my face!
Anne: your portrait of your golden retriever is very nice, those soft gradation are very well done!
Kay: Mini Pearl is so adorable and perfectly painted as always
Vivien: I love your delicate orange rose, I love this color (I have an orange rose in the garden, they smell lovely) and you have painted it so effectively.
Maureen: powerful painting of your niece - yeah! (gorgeous colors, too!)
Hostajunkie: great drawing of Myrna Loy ( I don't know her, sorry, can't comment on the likeness). The drawing made you happy, that's good! The flamingoes are excellent: a great composition and excellenctly painted.
ntl: so adorable and full of action your little sketch. These spontaneous sketches are always making me happy ..And yours shows how much fun you have during the activity and while you were sketching it. Love it!
Cindy: how fitting in these times is your coach potatoe. I feel like this every evening...
One thing that makes me very happy is the little bird house (given to me by friends for my 50th birthday) that is attracting and feeding quite a range of birds: great tits, blue tits, crested tits, woodpeckers, a jay, blackbirds, vultures, starlings, robins, sparrows....
Watercolor Pencils and paper (A4) and some fineliner...
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Cheers and have a nice holiday