WEEKLY ART EVENT FROM 19th Nov to 26th Nov

Hello everyone!

Schuee, your wagging tails piece is perfectly charming!

ams/Anne, your golden retriever is wonderful. I love the soft expression in his eyes.

Kay, that's a beautiful watercolor of your new Mini Pearl! Is she a seal point?

Vivien, your yellow rose is beautifully done! I'm sorry about your DH's problems and your smaller gardens, but at least you have something blooming now... There's snow on the ground here. :)

Charlie's Mum/Maureen, I absolutely love that piece!!!

I'm just trying to find a little time here and there to do ANY art, so I'm chiming in. lol! I just did this in pencil in my sketchbook (5.5" x 8.5") and I feel like I've succeeded, which makes me happy. I love old movies and I have been wanting to paint Myrna Loy for my dining room. I decided to do a sketch to see if I could achieve anything that looks like her, and I feel like I might be able to attempt a painting now. I've wanted to paint her and something related to fashion that was popular in the year my house was built. :)

Does it look like her? I know that her right eye and right side of face are 'off' a bit.


  • IMG_7185.jpg
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Why is my image an attachment while others are shown in-line? I tried both the "Attach files" button and the image icon and they both create an image attachment for me.
Hello everyone!

Schuee, your wagging tails piece is perfectly charming!

ams/Anne, your golden retriever is wonderful. I love the soft expression in his eyes.

Kay, that's a beautiful watercolor of your new Mini Pearl! Is she a seal point?

Vivien, your yellow rose is beautifully done! I'm sorry about your DH's problems and your smaller gardens, but at least you have something blooming now... There's snow on the ground here. :)

Charlie's Mum/Maureen, I absolutely love that piece!!!

I'm just trying to find a little time here and there to do ANY art, so I'm chiming in. lol! I just did this in pencil in my sketchbook (5.5" x 8.5") and I feel like I've succeeded, which makes me happy. I love old movies and I have been wanting to paint Myrna Loy for my dining room. I decided to do a sketch to see if I could achieve anything that looks like her, and I feel like I might be able to attempt a painting now. I've wanted to paint her and something related to fashion that was popular in the year my house was built. :)

Does it look like her? I know that her right eye and right side of face are 'off' a bit.
Thank you. We are in Early Summer in New Zealand - in the Southern Hemisphere our Seasons are opposite of the Northern Hemisphere. Sorry I dont know who Myrna Loy is? But youve created a lovely portrait!
Maureen - Frame this! One of the most beautiful sunset paintings I have ever seen! The arms raised gives a feeling of movement. What media is this? Flawless.
Maureen - Frame this! One of the most beautiful sunset paintings I have ever seen! The arms raised gives a feeling of movement. What media is this? Flawless.
Joy, I think Maureen has painted this in Acrylic.
Thanks Viv …. I’ve just realised how early you are up and about… lol, my heating doesn’t come on until 6.45am, so I’d need another hour!!😂

Hosta … Myrna Loy, now there’s a name from the past! I can’t really remember how she looked, except pretty! … and your drawing is pretty … I’m sur you’ll succeed! Thank you for your comment on mine.
When I upload, using the single mountain icon, and choose my file from my computer Pictures folder, it just comes up as already inserted, rather than attachment …. but clicking your attachment opens it in full size.

Joy, what a very gracious comment, thank you! My niece loves it, so she’ll be getting it when I frame it!😂

Sorry, to miss …. it is acrylics on mount board (mat board), 10” square …. or 25 x25 cm!

Penny, thank you!
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Thanks everyone for your comments.

Kay, your kitten is adorable. Love the softness of the fur and the inside of the ears.

Viv, I can see why sketching this beautiful flower would give you joy. Love how you painted the soft petals and captured the roundness of the petals with your shading.

Maureen, what a feeling of joy your painting conveys. Even without her being your niece. It is even more special because of who the subject is. The sunset is breathtaking. What gorgeous color!

Hostajunkie, I think your Myrna Loy is a success. I looked up images of her in Google since I didn't remember her too well either. This is a beautiful, elegant portrait. I have a theory on the image uploading. Next time, try using the single mountain upload icon and ignore the small image at the bottom. I found when I first started posting that if I clicked the little image it switched to attachment.
Thank you, Vivien, Maureen, and ams. I guess I like old movies best — Myrna Loy was great with William Powell in the Thin Man series of movies! and in Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House with Cary Grant. Here she is telling her painter the colors she wants her walls done. :)

Paint colors

btw, I used the single mountain upload icon and it created the attachment. :p
btw, I used the single mountain upload icon and it created the attachment. :p
When you uploaded, did an image - full size - appear? It's actually highlighted so if you click anywhere in the image at that point, it might disappear ....... the cursor needs to be outside the box to resume typing etc.
Also, yes, the attachment appears at the bottom - but ignore it ... if the image uploaded, the attachment will disappear on submitting the post.
Hope that's understandable - otherwise, can't think of what else to suggest - sorry!:)
ok, I'll try again. This is a painting I did for a friend who bought a house in Florida. It definitely makes me happy. lol!
View attachment 13642

edit: this time it loaded in-line! No idea why it didn't yesterday, but thanks, it works for me now.
Love the colors and the fluid movement youve achieve with your composition of the Flamingoes! Beautiful work and it makes me happy too!
Hosta, beautiful swan painting. I can see why it makes you happy.

Glad your upload worked this time.
Schuee, so cute—so normal!
Ams, wonderful drawing!
Kay, congrats on the new member of your house! She’s a cutie, and well named!
Vivien, that is so well done. Your rose –colors, shapes, are beautiful.
Maureen, WOW!
Hostajunkie, nice piece. One thing I discovered is it seems a lot of people have “different” eyes. So, maybe nothing to worry about. If, in your painting you want to adjust it, you can.
And I love the birds!
Here's mine--I just happened to see this forum, and this immediately came to mind.
Bikejoring with my dog. ~4x6", watercolor, 90lb paper Here we are at the local park on a dirt road. Her tail is about 9' in front of me, pulling me along at about 4 mph. She loved running, and this is one way she got her exercise. She wore an X-back sled pulling harness attached to a rope, a short bungee cord, then the bike. This was one of our favorite things to do.

Oh, that looks like great fun not .... nice ride for you and good exercise for the dog .... and such a nice sense of movement in the painting ..... glad you joined us!👍
Thank you for the WOW!😂
ntl, looks like fun to me too. I can see why it makes you happy. The dog looks pretty happy too. Glad you joined in.

Thanks for your comment on my drawing.