Scavenger Hunt from Life #97: Dec 30- Jan 7

Wow…soooo many wonderful sketches! I can’t comment on everything, but say thank you for your work, antidoyes, art supply tips etc!

I did get two items sketched a few days ago.

for orchard I swapped out the a orchid
and comfort- pot of tea - two trys. I purposely positioned the pot in obtuse position for challenge
Ai, mmm, lovely blossoms. Appear to be poinsettias. Lovely sketch and photo. Your tree is so cute.

Stephanie, welcome back. Fun to see your mini cars and van. Good sketching. I love the holly pitcher. Wow on all! Happy New Year.

Robin, in our world orchard and orchid are so close! Nice one. Your tea pot is wonderful. Love your hatching as always.

Hope all goes well for all of us. Back soon with a sketch of some sort.
Thank you for the comments and support:)

3-point of pencil
4 yellow sun motif on notebook
5 blossom peace lily- first bloom since I got plant 6-7 yrs ago
6 tool

fountain pen, marker, ballpoint
Robin that is nice to have a bloom on your lily. Clever point and yellow. Nice job on the pliers. Hope all is smooth in your world. We are rickety but keeping on!
Jo, bravo for so many crane sketches. For quick sketches you got some with really good form! I like your sharpie sketch of the cove. It's been too cold to sit out here and sketch. Thank heaven for my mobile studio. Even sitting in the car it felt cold today and the temperature wasn't that low. I guess it is from the dampness preceding our big "snow" event. lol Parts of NY State may get snow but I doubt if we will get more than flurries here.

Ai, lovely work on the blossoms done in direct watercolor! Wish I could be sitting there.

Stephanie, love your little vehicles. The pitcher does give off that holiday feel. Nice lines to your sketches.

Robin, great sketches. For some reason the teapot makes me think of that old children's rhyme "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout. Tip me over and pour me out." Great job on the pencil point and the pliers. Great that your plant finally bloomed. That happened to the one and only orchid plant I ever had. It sat on my window sill for years and years, never blooming. Then one day I came home and there was this lovely flower on it. I thought Jerry had attached a fake one to it. lol Sadly, it never bloomed again.

It is a damp and chilly day here with a big storm coming up the coast. I think that the snow will be north of us and we'll end up with just rain, but it feels so cold. I went out anyway looking for some things to sketch for the hunt. The first one was done at home.

11 - comfort - Procreate


12 - cactus - direct watercolor (Sketched in a garden shop.)


13 - orchard inspired - direct watercolor of a lemon tree


14 - crane - watercolor and ink


15 - van - watercolors and ink

Wow, Joan. You go above and beyond to find the items. Cool crane, cactus, etc. Your pants and slippers are so obviously different material, very natural looking. I like the cactus and lemon tree also natural and alive looking. The van is super. And thanks for all the comments.
Joan - Bummer about the soldiers but great Christmas tree! Looking close I think my White Buffalo hair technique looks a lot like your tree texture. Thumbs up on the Comfort digi. Crane, lemon, cactus and van are nice wc sketches. Definite Hunt dedication!

Ai - Unlike Joan I was late getting them out but Joan mailed early and they arrived together so go figure. Just read an interesting article the other day on art and think your Memorial Park painting is great example. The purpose of sketching/drawing is to make an interesting image rather than a strictly realistic realistic representation. Not a direct quote but my take away.

Jo - You nailed the look on the egrets. We have a lot of egrets, storks and other large birds down here. I miss having a feeder and listening to song birds like we did up north. The pond sketch looks textbook for pen sketches.

Stephanie - love the micro Micro bus. The pitcher looks like an heirloom. Well done.

Robin - You know orchid for orchard will work for me. It is a type of association 😎That is a wild looking teapot. Drawing it in a normal perspective would be a challenge. Nicely done. Fun finds for point and yellow. I really had to search for yellow around the house and ended up with a yellow-orange rock. Great hatching on the tool and peace lily.

Did no art today. Did do laundry and chores that I have been procrastinating for an unspecified time. 🤫
Thank you all.

Stephanie, Jo, Joan, Fletch, and Robin:
So fun and marvelous sketches.... I cannot comment in all... but I love a set of cranes by Jo, and the super tall crane by Joan, the great book cover by Robin plus the wow Lilly, Stephanie's cute vehicles, and Fletch's graphite work.
Hi all, I will head out for another short sketching/relaxing trip before my next teaching semester starts. Hope to have some sketches to share with you all.

Jo: Thanks so much for hosting this cool Hunt and also everyone for creating such enchanting art magic.
Fletch, you are supposed to be getting hints on sketching here, not learning from the Queen of procrastination! My friend Lou, in Oklahoma, and I are always discussing which of us is the better at procrastinating!!

Ai, thanks, it was a good Hunt. See all y'all on the next Hunt!
Jo, thanks so much and thanks for hosting.

Fletch, grazie! My choices for some of the items were really limited in the house. The garden center had quite a few things that fit.

Ai, have fun on your sketching trip. Looking forward to your posts.

The snow seems to have missed us. Up until now we've only had rain down here, but about 1 1/2 hrs north they had 12-14 inches of snow.
We had fun and saw cranes. One far-off field had hundreds of them. The only time some were close enough to draw we were stopped in the middle of the road and couldn't sit there for very long -- I didn't try. My favorite part was watching them fly over... and just being there was great. Yesterday I walked after the rain stopped and saw 3 egrets but it was too windy! I'm going to choose a place to walk today where I might be able to try again. Jo's sketches are inspiring.

Comments before I head out for a walk:

Ai -- Like the colorful palace, and the strong compositions of both. Fun to see your travel kit! Like a lot of your paintings, the Memorial park one makes the scene bright and cheerful and colorful. Enjoy your sketching trip!

Fletch -- You captured the fur on the front of the white buffalo really well!

Joan -- From years of photography I've learned that if you plan to back later it almost guarantees whatever it is will be gone when you do! I think that tree would make a nice Christmas card. That crane is great!

Jo -- Love those egrets! Wow, you really caught the different positions and form. I can tell they are egrets at a glance. The way you put in the darker background and reflections brings them out.

Stephanie -- Hi! Like your colorful sketches! I like the first one with the mini-VW bus!

Robin -- that teapot is great. I like the blue one on the lower left. I always like looking at your sketches with different colored pens.
Welp, you probably won't mistake these for a hippopotamus or a kangaroo, so there.
Made me want to go back and try again though :)
The heron was a dark silhouette and the egrets seemed all white... you can see more detail in my photo of the egrets than I could see with my eyes!

#5 crane sub heron and egrets




Ned so interesting, almost could double for the birds here. Nice job on the sketches. Great shadows, is that the ink in a waterbrush? Excellent.
Thanks Jo, I felt like I couldn't get the shapes right -- they would be perfectly still like statues until I drew a line :) That last one looks more like a goose or something! Thanks for the inspiration and I really do want to try again! Yes, uni-ball "vision" rollerball pen + diluted ink in waterbrush.
Ned - Think you I’ll find all animals move as soon as you put a line down . (Includes humans!). Great drawings. Using the water pen makes some nice shading. Prettier than pen hatching,
Ned: Thanks... Wonderful bird sketches... beautiful and peaceful at the same time.

Jo: Thanks for hosting.