Comments now... a few sketches later or maybe tomorrow ( my little camera is out in the car and it is pouring right now )!
Jo -- thanks for the list, and the recent ones too! I went to look this morning and there are definitely no rosebuds at the moment, though I did see a great sub on my walk yesterday.. if I walk there again before this hunt is over maybe I can try it.... ). Somehow I don't think the rectangle matters on that card, I like it! A nice graphic composition. I love the pair of oak trees, and the color you added. Same here: some of the oaks will still have brown leaves when the green ones start... we also have a lot of coast live oak that are green all year.
Joan -- those masts on the sailboats make a nice pattern in the sky. The direct watercolor pond and lighthouse are great... less white showing through than usual, especially in the lighthouse ( I look at what you and Ai do because the few times I tried just watercolor I made an ridiculous mess of it

Ai -- I like the crayon and ink sketches. Maybe a 2024 theme for me will be "simple is good". Nice lively sketch of the haircut on your phone. Oh wow that dragon is fantastic. You find amazing colorful things to paint. "tuk tuk tuk" is
Joe1 -- nice "sketchy" drawings with a ball point!
Fletch -- That buffalo looks great, the fur on the back is excellent!
Robin, Vivien, hi and happy New Year to you!