Joan — Thanks! Your lovely farmstand has that unique "farm" feel to it, and great find for "one wheel". And your 3-wheel sketch is not only fantastic, but truly beautiful in other ways

as is your lovely, gentle, soulful self-portrait

Love the vibrant colors of the leaves and weight!
JoC — Beautiful blanket with that bold Navajo pattern and colors! Like Joan, you made a great find for "one wheel"! When I read that on the list, all I could think was 'I wonder if anyone has a unicycle!!!' Lotsa sheen on that cool pizza gizmo

and the texture on your excellent McHomeMuffin really makes the whole meal sing (and makes me hungry).
Wow, the shades of red you achieve always boggle my mind. Your deep enjoyment of red really makes your work special, this piece included.
But your beautiful and kind face is what brings the most happiness. What a tender view of your soul
Ai — Thanks!
Joe/Fletch — Thank you so much

I've been out of the loop for years, and the world (including you guys on these events) has left me behind with the fantastic digital work being done, but your comment brought back ancient memories of the excitement of experimenting and discovery that I used to feel

Ditto Joan's question about your watercolor practice. And *please* post watercolor stuff if you're willing - doesn't have to be event-specific or from life. Everything you do can be considered "event-adjacent", at the very least. Because all your classes and learning and education end up showing in your event sketches too, so it all counts, at least in my version of the Universe