Scavenger Hunt from Life #77: Jul 21- Jul 29

#2 animal
#3 green shrub
#4 yellow doll
#5 plant






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Joe1lt, your bananas look great. I like your lines and shading.

Ai, lucky you to catch the heron (?) Beautiful scene. Love the plant with the rocks at the cafe. The yellow cat doll is cute, too. I'm smiling.

I sat with my feet up and sketched on the porch in the BookFactory sketchbook with a Micron 03 and watched a video about colored pencils so decided to add some colored pencil to my sketch.
Number 2 copper - little church from Peru .. about the only copper thing for my group sketch.
Joan: Amazing sketches with glorious details.

Jo: Thank you so much. Love your copper piece.
Captured 14 items in salute to Jeanne....... will come back later to provide comments

1. Plate
2. Paper weight substituted for favorite rock
3. Books
4. Bottle of wine
5. Flowers
6. Flowerpot
7. Wooden Name Plate
8. Cup
9.Drinking Glass --- wine glass
10. Pocket Watch -- (Timer)
11. Fruit --- pear
12. Figure --- Burt doll
13. Something Yellow --- gold watch chain around Burt's neck
14. Shelf --- Book Case.

Hi Ai, thanks.

Paul, you did great. Clever items and a fine sketch. I like your flower pot and a mug for me! Applause. Jeanne will love this.
AI; Thanks.. Nice collection of finds and sketched very well. Like them all but I particualrly like the cat
reminds me a bit of Felix the Cat good eye to find the bird in the shrubs. Beautiful flower!

Thanks... Nice find for copper and great sketch in the shrub. My favorite is your tree

Joan: Nice finds at the festival looks like all are enjoying themselves. The dragon fruit is very creamy not
a strong sweet flavor, at least the one I had.

Joe1lt: Great banana!!! Like the looseness of your sketch
Ai, I love the bird (egret?) standing in the foliage. Cute cat with a mask.

Jo, your little church with the copper details is really nice! Nice insulate glass with a cold drink. Very appropriate in this hot weather everyone is having.

Paul, thanks. Wow...14 items! Great job getting so many items together. I like how Ernie is looking over all of them.

Ned, great shell sketches. You even got the barnacles or whatever they are on the inside of the shell.

I figured since I knew I would never get that sketch done of all the items, I should at least group a few of them together.
5 - vase - watercolors and marker
6 - bottle
7 - pitcher
8 - fruit
9 - stuffed animal

Ned: Thanks... super shells
Joan: Thank you... what a wonderful set of still-life with the happy duck
Jo: Nice find and pencil sketches... Thanks for hosting

Ned: Well done on the shells

Joan: Like your still life. The little duckie makes me smile. He looks like he
is upset with you for making him sit there...
We made a one night trip to our cabin...we stopped at our fav. foodshop.

#6 sub. Fruit with cheesecake,
done in directwatercolor..


Thanks, Paul. I hope to get the big one done today and tomorrow.

Ai, your cheesecake looks amazing and pizza first before dessert or dessert first?? Great direct watercolor sketch.

E.J.H. Mmnmm, lovely shells and interesting whistle. Is it for the dog or the sheep? My dad had a cowdog that he worked with. He didn't use a whistle. Those dogs are so smart.. Thanks for the memory.
Thanks for the nice comments.
Yes, the whistle is for my dogs (well dog the younger one hasn't been taught whistlecommands yet) . It's used when working sheep.
Lovely summer scene Joan.
EJH : cool charming sketches

Joan, Ned, and Jo: Thanks

Joan: Wow...your clock tower sketch is so amazing...

Jo: It is a country pizza shop with massive cake display cabinet. So I always order a slice of cheesecake or a pie first to sketch while wait for our pizza to arrive. Once we finish with the pizza, then we will have our model