Ned, wow on your rocks. I just love your rough beach scenes. The only beaches I went to in CA was Malibu and Santa Monica if that is a beach. This was over 60 years ago so don't remember much except the water was cold and deep right away, couldn't wade out very far. It was also November-January. Love those footprints in the sand. Thanks, I love pastels. My light sense comes from Helen Van Wyk and Bob Ross. Light against dark and dark against light. Van Wyk said in a still life it is dark where the light is coming from and light where it falls. This way the light side of the bowl for example is against the dark background and the dark side of the items is against the light except where the shadows are. Anyway, too wordy. I love talking as much as painting. Heh, heh.
Joan, love the umbrella and the bakery.I like the utility box and rail. Sad for you to miss the goodies. We are about to finish the Christmas candies. Hard to resist.
Fletch, hey. Now on the cactus do I water it while it has blooms?? Hmmm. Guess I'll try to keep to the 2 week schedule.
Thanks all.