Scavenger Hunt from Life #14: Feb 22 - Mar 2, 2022

Joe 1 - Nice work on the Pear sketches! I like a colored background too. When I used to do the Hunt Sketches on Wet Canvas, I used to use a loose leaf folder to file my sketches after working on them, and that meant I could use any sort of paper (colored or not). I found it freed up my style of sketches immensley!

Ai - Thank you.

Triss - Love your dog drawing! Yes she does look sad, but Im sure shes very happy now with you! I dont know how people can dump dogs! And my congratulations to all those kind people who rescue dogs and re-home them! An "Act of Kindness" indeed! Well done!
Ai, thank you very much for the nice words, glad you liked them. You are right about the backgrounds of Triss, and Jo, a lot of ideas, right.

Triss, thank you very much for the nice words too. as a program, I used painter 2015, and sometimes gimp, maybe there the grayscale.
Triss, you did a wonderful portrait. I also like the background here.

Vivien, thank you very much, glad you liked them, thank you for the words on the colored sheets and how you found it useful.
Thanks Ai for the list this week.

Triss, love your colorful apples. I've never seen gel crayons but I like the results.

Joan, your complicated shape tree is great. It certainly qualifies as a complicated shape. Your people sketches are great. You have to be really quick to sketch them on the move. Amazing work!

Jo, interesting opera glasses. I have never seen a pair quite like these.

Viv, beautiful flowers. I have just ordered inktense pencils. I love the vivid colors you got with them.

Joe1, nice pears. I like seeing all of your different approaches to the same subject. Interesting observation about the background color with digital.

Triss, lovely work on Dog2. I like your color choices and the way it ties in with kindness.

All of the images are freehand ink & water-soluble graphite.

Two ways to write:
#1 Simple (Pencil)
#2 Difficult (Computer)

20220223Sk6 SH14#1-2.png

#3 What you love or like: Waterbrush
#4 Rectangle: Sketch book

20220223Sk6 SH14#3-4.png
Terri, thanks for your comment. If I was by that beach today I'm sure I'd see some people in t-shirts and shorts. It was in the 60s today.

Jo, thanks. We've been having yo-yo weather...sort of like you. One day we're freezing in down jackets and then it is warm enough to walk around without a jacket at all...and then snow is in the forecast. lol I must say I've never seen glasses like those. Nice!!

Vivien, thanks. Love the colorful flowers!!! We have pretty much drab brown everything right now.

Joe 1, nice sketches. You are doing well with the digital program you are using. Nice hatching especially on the shells.

Ai, thanks so much.

Triss, I'll have to pull out my set of "crayons" and pop them in my plein air bag. Oh, poor Dog 2...what a sad start to life. You gave her enough energy that she nearly jumps off the page!!

3 - man made buildings - watercolors and ink
4 - nature

Anne, you must have been posting at the same time as I was. Thanks for your kind words. You are brave to do an open computer. I have having to do all the keys. lol (Guess I am a bit lazy. lol) Good sketches especially the sketchbook and water brush.
Joan, I like your South Bay Boat Repair painting. Very nice choices for nature and man-made.

Thanks for your comment. I didn't really draw all the keys, I just hinted at them similar to the way I might hint at tiles on a roof without actually drawing each one.
Anne: What a lovely set of graphite the combo set of sketchbook and the waterbrush... perfect 3D effect

Joan: Wonderful building details... love it.

I went in our campus this morning (now I spend 95% teaching and working on-line as Omicron Covid-19 is still peaking up in Thailand ) ... I saw a blooming lotus, so did a small directwatercolor of the lotus ... about 10 min.

#1 Flower -- lotus
Anne, thanks. I'm not too good at hinting at things. lol

Ai, love the pretty lotus flower. That looks like such a pretty spot on the campus.

I needed a little pampering this morning so I went for a pedicure. The ladies working at the salon all told me they want me to sketch them the next time I come in. It isn't easy to work on a tiny screen with your finger. My hand blocks what I've already drawn.


5 - what I like - digital using ArtRage on my iPhone
ams, joan, thanks for the nice words,
ams, beautiful ideas for subjects and wonderful designs

Joan, 2 works on different media, both wonderful, beautiful choices and extraordinary works, yes, with the mobile phone it is almost impossible, great work.

AI, you painted a beautiful flower in minutes.
beautiful also the choice of the flower on where to bloom,
that is, it is in the right place to bloom, it dominates a beautiful scene
Ai, a lovely lotus flower and a beautiful spot.

Joan, I sympathise with your problems "finger painting.";) I bought a small inexpensive stylus that helps but it is still hard to work on such a small screen.

Hope you enjoyed your pedicure. (y)
Lovely sketches of the dog Joe. I like all of the different angles that you drew.
Joan - beautiful watercolor! Good work on the digi of your pedicure. that must have been difficult to do on a tiny screen, well done!

Ai - beautiful Lotus flower and i love the pond, such a peaceful place at the University!

Jo1 - lovely collection of various views of the little dog ornament!
Joe 1, thanks so much. Wow...great sketches of the dog! You really caught that cute pose when they turn there heads and look at you with that sweet little look of theirs.

Anne, thanks. Since I use the digital program so rarely I can't even locate my stylus for my iPad at home. I know I would never find it if I carried it in my purse. lol This sketch was fun to do because it was so unplanned.

Vivien, thank you. I probably have the smallest size iPhone that is out. It makes it very easy to carry it, but not to see what you're doing.
I'll post my sketches first and then return with comments. Ink and marker on 5x8" page.
1. thin (ball point pen ink refill, but this one is empty and I'm using it to ensure I get the correct size for my pen)
2. thick (highlighter)
3. round (ponytail elastic)
4. not round (hair flower clip)
5. square (cube that has several fidget spots)
6. rectangle (eraser)
7. polygon (triangular eraser - a polygon has at least three sides...)
8. odd or complicated shape (hair comb)


Here's a photo of the items.

Hi all, I was mailing paintings to our son and wife. Also preparing two paintings to take to the art center here. It takes longer to do all the prep with paperwork and wrapping than to paint the paintings. So no sketching. Maybe tomorrow during the baseball game on TV. It is way too cold to go. It has hovered arount 32-35 for 3 days. Very unusual for here. Brrrr.

Plus, I looked at the forum and thought I had commented on some. Thanks for the nice comments on mine.

Vivien, such beautiful flowers. Perfect rich colors, my favorites!

joe1lt, the pears are scrumptious. Love all the hatching and shapes. Good for trying the digital. And awwww, on the doggies. You captured the gestures so well, looks like a real live dog. Applause. Same for the duck and it did make me smile.

Triss your act of kindness is perfect as well. Love the colors and exciting strokes. Lucky Dog 2!

Anne, clever choices for the pencil and computer. Beautiful sketchbook and waterbrush.

Joan, you are so good about going out to sketch and finding interesting views. Love the South Bay Boat repair and the trees and lines with the street light. Yowza.

Ai, wonderful that you squeezed in some time to do the beautiful lotus. You are much busier than I am and find time to sketch. Shame on me. Ha.

Joan, love the pedicure story and sketch. I do not like anyone touching my hands or feet like that. And massage ... forget it. Nice that you like it and have the opportunity to enjoy!

EP, your sketches are easy to pick out with your style and bright colors. Love the hair flower. Neat fidget square. Gene has some but I don't remember the shape. Might work for me, I will have to check.

Well, good night. See all y'all tomorrow.