Scavenger Hunt from Life #14: Feb 22 - Mar 2, 2022

Ai, nice sketches! Of course you are going to share your Lindt chocolates with your good friends...right?

Jo, that's a funny story about the casino. I used to take my mom out for car rides when I went up to Maine to visit. If we saw a road we would drive on it and sometimes it ended up being a driveway, not a road. Luckily nobody ever ran us off. lol Fun to see a self portrait! You did a lot of sketches!!

This building is a surf, skate, and snow shop. It sells and repairs all kinds of sports equipment. I've always wanted to sketch the mural and the airstream trailer that are on the side.
12 - not round (airstream) - watercolors and ink
13 - culture (mural of the whale
Joan: Thanks. What a marvelous sketch of the AirStream and all the jazzy SurfSkate is popular in Thailand right now too.

Anne: Thanks.

Joe: Thanks.

Jo: Thanks ... and what a lovely SP with simple lines... cute manmade and poppy the sharpener too...

Here is my veggie set challenge, done in cp about 40 min. total.

Jo: lol just read your post again, yes, funny of you being a spy for casino secret...
Ai, thanks. The building for the skate, surf shop is interesting but I couldn't fit the whole thing in if I wanted to do the airstream and part of the mural. I may go back someday and do another view of it. Nice shading on your three vegetables.

14 - fruit - Derwent Aquaqtone watercolor sticks

15 - vegetable challenge - Derwent Aquatone watercolor sticks (These are not drawn to scale...that Brussel sprout isn't as large as the onion. lol_
Joan: Thanks. Beautiful play with the Aquatone... Love all veggies and pear.
Jo - Beautiful work on the apples and chopping board! Great colours, and a lovely texture to the board. Fun sketchbook page of items - amazing use of your wonderful quick pen lines.

ams - Fab finds for all the items - I particularly like the thread for thin, and love that delicate pink shading! Wonderful colours on the apple, and nice work with the tricky peg shape.

Ai - Love the pen sketches - great mug, and I'm eyeing up that Lindt chocolate (if Joan hasn't already snaffled it!). Beautiful coloured pencil texture on your eggplant sketch, and the vegetables.

Joan - Interesting view of the sports shop - love how you've used the vignette with the wonderful whale mural flipper - and great job with the shadows. The Aquatone pear and vegetables have a gorgeous texture - lovely combination of drawing/painting.

#5 - Nature. Apples & daffodil. Oil pastels, A3.

Slow-conventional oven
fast- microwave
thick-cardboard box
thin - tissue paper
round ball
rectangle —tv screen
odd shape -model airplane
simple- Greek urn copy
manmade- and irons in fireplace
not round
colture-oriental dragon figurine
Joe1 ...great seeing all your sketches, very nice

ep love the simple forms with pink tweak!

joan...that manicurist piece is marvelous...SO glad you forged ahead despite the obstacles..

triss, lovely pieces as usual

ai- your sketches are lovely, lots of practice shows...

ams ..lovely apple and make simple things look so tenderly detailed

Jo- great cutting board and your “floating “. sketches page....feels like you were closing the scavenger gap! ; )

.I am always amazed at how taking just a few minutes to sketch makes me feel more alive.....and I think probably it is same for everyone who enjoys creativity....glad you all are here
Thanks, Ai!

Triss, thanks so much. Your bright apples and daff made me smile. I love your blending and the highlights.

Robin, thanks. I love your group of sketches, especially the one of the outdoor faucet. Nicely hatched...and so many of them. Yay!! I always feel like my day is missing something if I don't sketch or paint something.

16 - simple wooden fence - watercolors and ink
17 - slow rocking chairs
Joan: The wooden fence red house is gorgeous. Love how you do negative painting to carve out some dark spots around the railing and windows.

Robin: Thanks... such a dynamic set ... all are amazing, but the stunning one are the faucetts and the oriental dragon. Your hatching is amazing.

Triss: Lovely combo of the yellow flower and the apples.
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.I am always amazed at how taking just a few minutes to sketch makes me feel more alive.....and I think probably it is same for everyone who enjoys creativity....glad you all are here
I strongly feel the same Robin. My mind feel so much relaxed, if I do some sketching despite lots of works going on. Glad you are back here too.
Hi, Anne. Thanks.

Joan, the airstream and the mural and building are so well done. Love the shadows, texture and detail. Super! More nice work with the watercolor sticks especially the pear and broccoli. The house with the rocking chairs is just lovely. Great textures again.

Ai, thanks. Love your veggies. Don't keep many veggies at home as we eat out so much so I enjoy yours.

Triss, thank you. More wonderful apples and the flower. You make them exciting ... and with oil pastels.

Hi, joe1lt.

Robin, what a fun bunch of sketches. The faucets are so well done. I like the flags and fireplace, dragon and all really. I'm smiling. Your hatching always amazes. Thanks.
Number 12, outdoors
Number 12, nature
Both on off white cards with a Sharpie fine line pen. Birthday cards for my son and granddaughter. We walked over to a bench and I sketched. Lovely day today.


Ai, thanks for the Hunt. I did more than usual for some reason! See all y'all next Hunt.
Robin - Terrific set of sketches! Absolutely love your style and the loose energy to all your drawing and hatching. Wonderful work on all of them - but I do particularly like the odd shape model airplane.

Joan - Beautiful sketch of the house porch and chairs - wonderful capture of all the ornamental detail without getting too precise. As Ai said, your negative painting skills are always amazing to see!

Jo - Glad you got to sketch outside for your two wonderful landscapes - they'll make such lovely birthday cards! Fab indications of the grasses and trees with your great scribbles.

#6 - Thick. Dog1 (neither of my dogs are canine Mensa candidates). Quick Nitram scribble, A2.

I sent Jeanne a message, if she can't put up a Hunt #15 I will do so later today. It's still early where she lives.

Robin, thank you very much,
Robin, they're all beautiful draws, Joan, wonderful house and scene,
Jo, 2 wonderful pages, beautiful,
Triss, beautiful portrait of dog. You capture it with few lines and tone, beautiful.
Beautiful work from everyone!
Triss - Love your dog portrait! I have charcoal sketches I did of my Newfoundland "Blossom", which I did them for the Wet Canvas Scavenger Hunt, many years ago. They are quick charcoal sketches, and they have caught her form and personality far more than the more difficult pastels portraits, I did of her. There's something about these quick sketches that catch the personality of our dogs isn't there! I often look at my charcoal sketches of Blossom and think "there you are".
Thanks everyone for making this Hunt wonderful. See you on the next Hunt#15.