Scavenger Hunt from Life #113: May 3 - May 11

Hola a todos, quería decir que están publicando tanto arte hermoso, dibujé algo de fotos, pero no dibujé de la vida, lo intentaré en los próximos días, no estoy escribiendo o abriendo mucho la página porque el ordenador hace ruido y a veces se apaga, escribir desde el ordenador es más fácil para mí que desde el iPad también porque no sé inglés y en el PC es más fácil usar el traductor.
Joe1, check this link to use Translate built in to iPad.
Ai, I was set back behind the couple on the beach. They never knew I was sketching them. lol

Fletch, I like your spider plant. I used to have a few of them when I had widows that got sun. Now I only grow a few things out on the patio in the summer.

Joe, sorry your computer is not cooperating. Hope you get to sketch something from life soon.

Jo, thanks. As I posted the comment about the cutter I thought to myself that there are other cutters besides pizza cutters...but my mind went back to food as usual. lol Nice digi of the cinder block. You got a few items in your last sketch!

I had to have something replaced on my car today so I went to Nissan prepared with my iPad to sketch and Procreate.
17 - smooth car finish

good to see all the sketches- back later with comments

8- tool- metropolitan pilot fountain pen
9. View
10 foilage
11. Ceramic house plant pot
12. Delights…… cuppa tea, lid , pen and waterbrush…I discovered could use small recess in lid of vanilla creamer plastic container for diluting ink from ink pen dipping for light shading solution
13 folded paper with scavenger list
Robin, your sketches made me smile. That top sketch is such a great view. Love the shading with your ink and the teal tones when it is diluted. Good thinking for a use for the cap.
#7 ceramic .... Sketch the famous colorful ceramic factory of Thailand, TaoHongTai of Ratchaburi (on our way of a short trip to our cabin)...directwatercolor...about 45 minutes


#8 gorgeous ...those whimsical ceramic pieces at the same area..done with soft pastel on an A3 size office paper, the colors crumple lots in my fingers...I wish I could do much better with pastels.

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Joan, you had me looking up Nissan models. Been driving Nissans for the last 20 years and did not recognize a Nissan 112. Looking it up realized that is your dealer. A nice digital of car an dealership.

Robin, love the first sketch of view with plant. One of those occasions where a single centered item works. I would have called your delights list my toys but either way they are delightful.

Ai, the ceramic factory looks like a fun stop. Love the pastel. Looking at the photos my main thought was what is Tone doing.? Looked like he was reading.

Keep sketching
Joan, yep, we always go back to food! I love your smooth car at the dealers. Fun surroundings with the balloons.

Robin, mmmm, so many goodies. Love the mug pens and list. Lots of detail in the view as well. Just can keep on finding things. I always like your hatching.

Ai, wow! You have lots of beautiful things in your ceramic sketch, too. The pastel sketch is lovely. You are figuring out the pastels. Some just crumble for no good reason! Some of the Sennelier that I have which are one of the most expensive brands, crumble or are hard with sharp pieces in them. Odd pieces get mixed in with the good ones, sometimes it is a certain color, too. Thanks for the photos, so good to see you.

joe1lt and Fletch, hi there.

I played in the pastel dust then Gene needed assistance on his ride so sketched in the mobile studio. Fun to get dusty and to get out and about.
Number 7 foiliage - a mix on a corner a few blocks from the house in the Canson travel book with the Acurite pen
#8 ceramic - garlic pot, #9 tall - the fireplace match container and #10 delights - garlic which is a delight to eat and paint. On a wiped off piece of paper with various pastels


Ai, your sketches from the ceramic factory are so colorful and fun! I enjoyed the photos too. That looks like such a joyful place to be painting with all the energy from the colors.

Fletch, I think this is our 6th Sentra that we've owned. I don't know of the next one will be a Sentra or not. I'll be looking for something where the seats are a little higher. After my hip surgery I realized how low these seats really are. Their service waiting area is now by the showroom floor so you get to see the new cars while you wait. I guess it is a good marketing strategy. lol

Jo, I like your combination of items in the still life...and love how you think garlic is a delight. It is one of those items that is so fun to paint because of all the subtle colors in the papery peels. Your garlic keeper looks like it would fit perfectly at the ceramic factory that Ai visited. Love the colors.

18 - simple reflection - watercolors and ink

#9 light...the weight of the orchids...done in directwatercolor at one of Ratchaburi Cafe, on way to our cabin.


Joan, thanks, garlic is fun to paint for sure. Good to eat as well. I do love your water scenes. The boats and reflections are excellent.

Ai, ahhh, you found beautiful orchids for light. Great find and sketch.
#10 people busy (giggling)...they were Iris &Lily in talkative mode at our breakfast place...directwatercolor
#11 decoration...drink cups were decorated with a Thai pink tiny flowers


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Joan, Jo, Joe1, NedL, and Fletch: Thanks so much.

I ditto with Joan that your sketches from the cafe all are super. The first one with the bay windows was amazing and the still-life with all your art gears were fun too.

Jo: Yes, the pastel box I took to the ceramic factory and cabin was Sennellier... some colors crumpled lots more than other. I will try some more.
Jo - you do great ink foliage. I drool over all your pastels. Can almost smell the garlic.

Joan - We had a Sentra but as you say it was very low. Switched to Altimas. They were better but now Sharon is having a tough time getting out. Problem is SUVs are too high for her. Easier for me to help her stand than lift her up into an SUV. Love the boats and reflections. Still obsessed with all the greens you use.

Ai - like how you captured the long hanging feel of the orchids. Is always fun to see your lovely daughters. Been watching them grow into young women.

Keep sketching

Next Hunt is up and ready to go!
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Ai, oh my. The girls are grown up almost. We have been able to see them grow. I love your sketch of them so we can add their smiles in our minds. Nifty. The drinks and glasses are so pretty. Makes a drink more interesting and taste better. I'm smiling at this post.

Can't believe it is the end of this Hunt already. Thanks, Fletch, for doing double duty. See all y'all on the next Hunt.

I sketched on the porch in the BookFactory book with a fading Micron 03 and added colored pencil.

Number 11 plastic - red spatula with odd holes, not symetrical
Numbere 12 decoration - some of the little pottery animals from Chile. So beautiful blue and white when new, now survivors of the fire, rough and grungy. Almost "rugged" ha.


Here is a post on my blog with some of these on the wall and some old sketches from the Hunts in 2011 My mugs
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Fletch, Jo: Thank you so much for the support. Yes, it is great I did some sketches of the girl though sometimes I am too afraid to ruin the base sketch by putting face features. I will try more next time then.

Fletch: Yes, so appreciate of you do double duty hosting this Hunt and the next one. Say Hello to Sharon for us, pls.

Ned, Joan, Robin and all: Thank you for your kind comments.