Scavenger Hunt from Life #113: May 3 - May 11


Well-known member
Scavenger Hunt from Life #113: May 3 - May 11

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.

The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:

Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!

*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required!

Scavenger Hunt from Life #113: May 3 - May 11


Last 3 are people, people people
People/person in uniform
People/person relaxing
People/person busy

1 use associations but tell us them
2 Use 3 or more hunt items in a composition

Most important..HAVE FUN!
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Went to the WetCanvas site and found an old one to repost for the next hunt if needed.

1 - delights (Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries...oh my!) - watercolors

2 - narrow space between the buildings - watercolors
3 - tall chimney
4 - foliage

Fletch: Thanks for the new list.

Joan: Bravo on the sweet... so yummy and shine... The two homes close together with trees are super. Great sketch of brick works and window details.
Fletch…Thanks for hosting…nice list….gonna try to do it all! Been a long time for that type of exertion :devilish:
Thanks for the list, Fletch. Hope to do a few.

Joan what a great start. I love your sweet snack. Looks like what I do, rice cake, cream cheese and fruit. I add peanut butter, too! Your house with the chimney is fun. You find some good houses. You got your 3 in one sketch!
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We had our group Urban Sketcher World-Wide Week event, near the Grand Palace.
#1 Tall, part of the the Grand Palace's dide pavillian ... done in directwatercolor


#2 large .. the Saranrom's park gazebo...directwatercolor
#3 person relaxing inside the gazebo



#4 delightful...sketching my friend sketching a fruit tart ...directwatercolor ...I gave her my sketch of her.



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Ai, thanks! I love your direct watercolor sketches. I'm glad you got to go out with your group for International Urban Sketchers Week. The sketch of the Grand Palace is great!! As always it is fun to see your photos from the day.

Robin, I'm sending you some art energy so that you can get the sketches done.

Today the NYC Urban Sketchers met to sketch an event/exhibit along 5th Avenue called Fifth Avenue Blooms. Huge, colorful faux flowers were along the street in various spots. Some of them were designed around benches, a swing, or as trellises. They were fun to sketch especially with the surrounding NYC locations.

This one was near the Pulitzer Fountain in front of the Plaza Hotel.
5 - busy people - watercolors and ink


This one was across from St Patrick's Cathedral.
6 - decoration - watercolors and ink


This one had a statue of Atlas which is in front of a building that is part of Rockefeller Center.
7 - heavy statue - watercolors and ink

Ai, thanks! I love your direct watercolor sketches. I'm glad you got to go out with your group for International Urban Sketchers Week. The sketch of the Grand Palace is great!! As always it is fun to see your photos from the day.

Robin, I'm sending you some art energy so that you can get the sketches done.

Today the NYC Urban Sketchers met to sketch an event/exhibit along 5th Avenue called Fifth Avenue Blooms. Huge, colorful faux flowers were along the street in various spots. Some of them were designed around benches, a swing, or as trellises. They were fun to sketch especially with the surrounding NYC locations.

This one was near the Pulitzer Fountain in front of the Plaza Hotel.
5 - busy people - watercolors and ink

View attachment 40357

This one was across from St Patrick's Cathedral.
6 - decoration - watercolors and ink

View attachment 40358

This one had a statue of Atlas which is in front of a building that is part of Rockefeller Center.
7 - heavy statue - watercolors and ink

View attachment 40359
These are soo good. Flowers made me think of "Day of the Triffids".
Thanks, Bongo and Jo. You know how much I like to go out and sketch different things.

Hope you all have an artistic day.
Joan, your painting fir delight looks delicious. The buildings are excellent. Great finds. Love the florals. My sister in law use to work in the building with Atlas in plaza. Started to call her to ask the name. She passed away on Valentines Day. So thanks for a memory.

Robin, go go go 😎

Ai, look forward as much to seeing more of Thailand as well as seeing your postings. Still amazes all the good you paint and eat that you do not weigh 300 lbs.

Jo, joe1, Ned, Bongo, JennieJo, lurkers 👋🏽👋🏽

Keep sketching
Joan -- you outdid yourself on the blueberries on that fruit tart, with that "white powdery" surface that blueberries have. Wow. The giant flowers are really fun and Atlas is amazing!

Ai -- that looks like a really fun event. I love the first one of the palace, and the last one has a great sense of "the moment". Wonderful.

Robin -- full speed ahead :) More ambitious than me.... if I can make a drawing or two for the hunt I feel like I'm doing well :)

I'm going for a longer hike today, and will look for one of the items on my way home. Yesterday was rainy, so I made dinner out of that eggplant from hunt #111. I used olive oil and breadcrumbs, but next time will try it grilled ala Jo and Joan :) Delicious. haha, somehow this photo doesn't do it justice:
Joan, I forgot to say how much I liked the Atlas. Nice memories for Fletch.

Bongo, hey there.

Ned, dinner looks amazing. Guess I will have to try. Baseball sketches for you to follow.

We went to the baseball game yesterday. Longhorns played Oklahoma State Cowboys. Texas is burnt orange and white and OKS is bright orange and black. I sketched and missed most of the game but the Longhorns won. Will watch on TV today. I sketched every time the same player came to bat or pitch to try to get a good gesture. They are all similar but still.... on my iPhone with the app, Brushes.

Number 1, people in uniform


Jo -- I like #4 with the catcher and ump! I tossed out the little sketches I made last week, but I tried to get that same kind of batter+catcher+ump -- they were more like thumbnail sketches. It's hard! They don't stand still! I'm going next Sunday ( a week from today )!
Fletch, thanks. Sorry to hear about your sister. My sister, Fran, has been gone 21 years and I still want to pick up the phone to tell her things. I also worked in that building...for the Ballantine Company (beer & wine). I did clerical work for them part-time while I was going to college. They were a good company to work for. Our offices had a view down to the skating rink at Rockefeller Center.

Ned, thanks so much. The blueberry tart was one of a few pastries I bought to take for dessert to a friend's house for dinner. It was yummy...and so were the other pastries. Your eggplant parm looks delicious to me. Enjoy it!

Jo, wow!!! I'm impressed with the baseball sketches. Luckily they stand in nearly the same position until their bat is over. I never go to baseball games any more. I watch the Yankees on TV, but when I pass a park and there is any kind of game going on I think that I should stop some day and sketch. But then I remember I have to park and walk to the field to do that. lol I'm too lazy.

Today was a damp, chilly day but I sat in my mobile studio and sketched a tree.

8 - gorgeous blooms - direct watercolor

Then I came home and did a few small sketches.
9 - candle - direct watercolor
10 - bell - Sketch & Wash pencil
11 - metal clip - Sketch & Wash pencil
12 - plastic tube - Sketch & Wash pencil
13 - tool - Sketch & Wash pencil


14 - view between the seats on the LIRR yesterday - watercolors & ink

Joan -- love that direct watercolor! Nice sketches! The colors in the last one are great. I think when my daughter flies to JFK, she takes LIRR from Jamaica station to Penn Station to get to the Amtrak back to school. There was a time when much of the SF Bay Area had trains and trolleys and streetcars to go almost anywhere, but it's all gone now.

I dug these out of the recycling, just fooling around last week ( from life but not for this hunt )... 1st one I was trying to figure out how big the 3rd baseman should be :), but then I thought the on-deck hitter looked kinda cool... the second one I was just trying to get the proportions right.... Some kind of quick practice... I've never drawn baby steps...



There is a kind of Peruvian chili pepper called ají panca that I've wanted to grow for a long time, but never could find seeds. In 2020, I ordered dried peppers from Peru and planted the seeds, but the deer got them. This year I did it again, and have 8 beautiful plants ( and a fenced place to plant them! )

#1 foliage ( twsbi fountain pen, WC )