Scavenger Hunt from Life 105 February 29 - March 8

Jo, thanks. The book was probably a bible. It was open to a page listing the births and deaths back then. Will have to get back there and do a few more sketches. Our art group is going to do an exhibit of sketches from the history of the Bellport area, so that is why we were there sketching.

Fletch, nice shading on the sand dollar. It has been a long time since I found one of those, although I do have one in my shell collection.
Fletch -- I'm glad you had a good visit, BC to FL is a long way! I like the blue thingamajig, sometimes I think when the perspective isn't perfect, it gives the sketch some character and reminds us that it was made by a human and not a camera. Is that a magnifier for reading? I spent way too long trying to figure out what it is. I like the shading on the sand dollar too. At low tide, one of the beaches I walk at has lots of live ones crawling along or trying to get under the sand.. they are purplish and a bit fuzzy looking.

Joan -- speaking of perspective, you did great on that writing desk. I like the way the greys and blacks give it depth.

I drew yesterday at the beach but it does't really fit any of the hunt items... picked up a seashell but haven't tried to draw it yet. Maybe later today or tomorrow... or maybe I'll draw a shoe instead! :) Today I was hoping to draw some steps along the bluffs above the sea, but when I got there it was very windy and I could see the rain coming in. I barely got back to my car just as it really let loose.
Ned, thanks. Glad you didn't stop for too long thinking about sketching the steps...getting wet wouldn't be fun.

I played around with Procreate a bit tonight while I'm "watching" American Idol.
6 - sea shell


7 - from the bathroom

Gorgeous and inspiring sketches you guys: Joan, Jo, Fletch, Joe1, and Ned. :love:

Hello to everyone...
Morning all.

Fletch, your sand dollar is amazing. Beautiful and delicate looking.

Joan, thanks, that sounds like an amazing exhibit. Congrats and good luck with it. Always fun to show your work. (and maybe sell) Your seashell is so real looking in color and shape. Cool digi work. The toothpaste is a reminder to get with it today.

Ned you have a great place for seaside sketches. Plein air sketching has its hazards. Ha. Hope to see shoes or seashells. Evil grin.

Ai, the sunflower is so special. Definitely "light".
I sketched at my desk. We have birthdays this week so I used my "homework" to draw the cards. Sketches on cards with Micron 03 and 01 in the colors.
Number 2 spicy - salsa from El Arroyo, a restaurant in Austin. They put a funny sign on their billboard every day. You can search for them online and read the fun. On this jar the sign reads, "Salsa: Food or Beverage? You decide" Another example, "If you can read this you need a margarita".

Number 3 - mug with challenge in my hand. The mug was a gift from my granddaughter and grandson in Kentucky.

Ai & Joe, thanks for your comments.

Ai, love the rich colors in your sunflower!!! Nice and loose. They always make me smile.

Jo, I like that your sketches are part of birthday cards...great idea!

8 - steps - watercolors and ink


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Joan the desk detail is great both what you painted and what you implied like the pages of the book. Excellent digital shell. Props on taking on text in perspective! Love the porch painting. Looks inviting.

Ned - it is a magnifier. Pull the bottom part down and it illuminates. Realized while I was drawing it that it has a limited lifespan as there are no batteries and no way to recharge it. Sorry for not saying what it was. Looking forward to shoes and shell!

Ai - Love the sunflower!

Jo Enjoyed the jar sign lines. LOL. Great ellipsis's on the lid. Clever B-day cards.

Thanks to all for the kind words.

No art today. Son and his wife had us out and about every day so naturally I caught a bug somewhere. Thankfully came down with it after they left. Plus my lower back is killing me and not sure what I did.

Keep sketching

P.S. My Sharon read the last comment and made me edit it. Said “The kids had us out…” She pointed out that they are both in their 50s and not “kids”.
Great sketches from everyone!
I must apologize for this one. Ive spent days trying to sketch my little dog "Pippa" in her pink bed. Everytime I began, her eyes sprung open and she moved! This is the best I could do.
1 dog (sub for cat)
2 elippses - dog bed

Looking at my sketch now, I see the ellipses arent quite correct. Oh well, I did try, with a very uncooperative model! It was difficult to get the perspective correct, with a moving dog in it! Why I decided to sketch that I'll never know! It seemed a good idea at the time!
Thanks, all.

Joan, such a cool step scene. I like the milk can by the walkway.

Fletch, feel better soon. Such a pain to be down. Gene is still a bit sore, he can get in the car more easily. Our kids are a bit older than yours. Ha.

Vivien, ah, such a sweet Pippa. You did well. Pets are so hard to sketch. Nice doggy bed.

Ai, very interesting pond with seats. Such a calm and pretty area. The trees are beautiful
Fletch, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Thanks for your comment.

Vivien, I think you did a pretty good job on Pippa. They seem to have the ability to sense that a pen or pencil comes out and move immediately. lol

Ai, nice sketch of the stone seating area. Nice that there are so many scenic spots.

Jo, thanks. I liked the milk can too.
It's a rainy day here, so I'm not rushing out the door to sketch. I collected a few things for a continuous line drawing.
9 - something sweet (raspberry jam) - watercolors and ink
10 - something with numbers (timer)
11 - something savory (pesto)
12 - something spicy (hot sauce)
13 - tool (spoon)

Here's the original line drawing.

Joan you never cease to amaze me. Beautiful line continuous line drawing, then the color. Applause.
Thanks, Jo. I keep searching for interesting bottles. That tall hot sauce one gets into the sketches all the time. :) Mmm...chocolate and other sweets. Nice job on the wrapper and the bowl.
Joan -- nice shell and toothpaste, shell looks like you used a brush. I don't think I've seen Crest since I was a kid, it still looks the same :) I like the porch too, a little different to show one part of the house. The continuous line is amazing!

Ai -- that sunflower is awesome! I like the pink flowers in the tree above the pond. Looks like a pleasant place.

Jo -- like your b-day cards! I think the bowl looks really good.

Vivien -- We no longer have a dog, but the same thing happened every time I tried to draw ours. I like your sketch.

I briefly sketched the trunk of a redwood tree today -- while constantly wiping off big drips onto the paper...