Scavenger Hunt #76 - July 13 - 21

Jo -- I'm amazed you could do that on a phone. I like the shape of texture/colors on the railing.
Paul -- good for you doing the selfie! I think it looks cool.
Joan -- dedicated sketcher! I like the way you got the shape of the foot with few lines. Please take it easy and don't push it, you might feel lower energy for some time. I hope you feel back to normal soon!

This is what I had in mind for 5 similar shapes. Couldn't find a whole one on the beach today, this was the best one I found. I filled in what the middle might look like from imagination. I got kind of fascinated by how the shapes aren't really the same ( The top one doesn't close or have a line in it, and the "mottling" is longer on the upper half. Maybe that's the direction it grows? )

#3b five similar shapes on a sand dollar.

at the beach:
Ned: You are brave on SP... fantastic on sanddollar.

Joan: Nice line works.

Jo: Cool binocular for 4 similar parts.
Ned: Thanks... Nice job on the sand dollar.. I havent seen any of those for years
I must pay more attention at the beach. You inspired me to do an ink wash..
Really like your ink washes.

Ai: Thanks

Jo: Thanks... great find for binoculars well done digital art like the
color scheme

Fletch: Thanks

Joan: Thanks...Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, get well soon. Really like the
scrap paper sketches well done leg and room corner.


😀 just take a small 10 by 10 cm graphite pen sketch in ... mmh upside down ... as you may know Europa is a bit this since 500 days .

Well, I´m fine > really busy.

Missed the SH all the past time, today managed a short take.

See, a lot of the hard-core Artists are still in. Great that.

May bit off here.🧐

I'm in Plain Air Case > Easel, building mostly for Urban Sketchers & larger for Watercolor work on half sheet size.
The fun stuff about this handmade building is to make them personalized for the Artist .
Why I came after this ? Im riding a motorbike and doing Watercolor sketching outdoors.
Not much slim, light, sturdy with less space is on the market as painting support.
Now I design and build out from recycled old hardwood, new case-easels.
Less time for doddleling around .... ;)

cheers from Sunny Hot Austria ☀️


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Wow, wow, WOW - you kids blow me away!!! All right sketches and conversat, banter, revelations and a nice dash of good old open honesty….. you all are SO amazing. Love the selfies…seeing your selfies touches a place in my heart that rarely makes it out. Thanks SO much.
Like Fletch I just try to get something…feels so good just getting ”there”….

Two fivers…(five minute sketches)
stack of dishes
tombow markers and ballpoint
Paul - get the impression that is yours first selfie, if that is true this is awesome! Great proportions and is never easy on a portrait. Nice sofa sketch.

Joan = absolutely love your sofa sketch. The line works terrific.

Ned - Nice work on the sand dollar. Like the use of artistic license to make it complete. 👍🏽

White pen - Good to see you! Sounds like you are having fun.

Robin -Not really sure what I am getting credit for but Thsnk you. Nice pair of “fivers”👍🏽👍🏽

And Jeanne sent thanks to all for well wishes. Will forward her note.

Keep sketching
Jo, thanks!

Ned, nice work on the sand dollar. I haven't found one of those here in eons. I love sketching treasures from the beach. Nice that. you have the time to get there and sketch now.

Ai, thanks.

Paul, your corner looks like a perfect place to sit and relax. I'd have my feet up and a sketchbook in my lap. lol

White Pen, good to see you. I hope the bug wasn't that big!!! Looks like he's got some human legs up front.

Fletch, merci!
Ned, thanks. Been sketching on the phone for years, just not very often so learning every time. Ha. Your sand dollar is so cool. Drawing good, makes me smile.

Hi, Ai. Thanks.

Paul, thank you. Fun to see your ink wash a la Ned. Comfy looking couch.

White Pen, what a pleasant surprise. Such fun to see your multi sketching for a real Hunt! Cool sound and switch. Now I'm grinning. Happy you are busy making art-box easels. Lots of satisfying work. Cheers!

Robin, amazing 5 minute sketches. Love the marks and lines. More smiles.

Joe, thanks for keeping in touch with Jeanne. I'm up next so will use one of her lists... Should be fun.

I sketched on the porch, surprise. Pretty warm out there. In a sketchbook I got from Joanna on Mother's Day in 2019. Only a couple of sketches in it. Nice smooth paper for pen or colored pencil?? No name. Spiral and says, "Sketches" on the front and back. Either side can be front as the words are upside down on the reverse. Odd. Hard plastic cover, 8 x 10 inches.
Number 5, small dolly - for suitcase and junk, Micron 03, it is not wonky in real life!


jeanne’s response to everyone‘s well wishes…

I remember Wabbit I appreciate all the well wishes. I am so tired of drinking water. I never have been a water drinker that's my problem now I'm having to drink water and I don't like it but I don't want to go through this again so I'm drinking it still not out of the woods they still don't know why my white blood cell count is low and they're still running tests, I will have Iv hydrating once a month for a while and they're giving me a B12 shot on Monday. Just taking it one day at a time and wishing it was all over. Not getting much sleep because I'm up every two hours going to the bathroom everyone keeps asking me if I feel better now that I'm more hydrated but I can't tell because I'm too tired from getting up all night, anyway you guys enjoy the scavenger hunts and I'll try to get them there soon. Thanks, Joe
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jo - wonky and tilted are inherent in sketching. Cool little dolly. Like the hatching.

#4 leg - Not sure how good this is as when I showed it to Sha she asked whose leg it was. Perspective is a little wonky. Graphite in 8.5x5.5 inch sketchbook. Really need a name for that size sketchbook. Typing “8.5x5.5 inch“ gets to be a pain. May just fib and call it A5.


Keep sketching
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Ai -- I'll be brave and do a SP sometime soon! I want to have one so that when I get better it will be fun to look back at.

Paul -- good job on the corner of the room. Couch w/ good perspective. It reminded me that I need to fill my water brushes with more ink. We're going on a vacation in a few days and they are almost empty! Hoping to keep sketching on vacation.

White Pen -- that's a scary grasshopper. I like it.

Robin -- I like the colors in the faucet.

Joan -- thanks, feel better soonest!

Jo -- the background gives the dolly a sense of depth, it would look really odd without it!

Fletch -- ooh. wonky and tilted, I'm good at that. But I totally agree with you, I think a little wonky perspective, tiled or weird proportions sometimes give the sketch character and makes it interesting. Maybe it even shows something of how we see things or what catches our eyes. The leg is great.
Cool stuffs, everyone, welcome back WP and Julie... my prayer always goes to Jeanne. Thanks Joe for helping relaying Jeanne's health news. :)

Jo: Love your dolly rollers, and your cool sketchbook
Joe: Wonderful leg sketch... love your graphite works
Robin: Colorful fun marks as always
WP: Glad your fun quick energy drawing can be shared with us.

Sorry I've been bombarded with home renovation and preparation for my new teaching semester in less than 2 weeks, :unsure: plus I have a heep pile of home decluttering to do as lots stuffs piling up in my art room ....I will try to be brave like Ned, Joan, Robin, and Jo for making a SP. I always self-critical of my artworks...afraid that it is not good enough to show... I wish I could feel more free to show or less thinking of how it will turn out. Glad everyone, still making cool art marks.... I feel I am away from sketching regularly... I need to get back to the daily kind of things.
Joan: Sorry that you are sick... wish you speedy recovery. Take it easy as you have given so much dedication to your daily arts.

I got a few more done to lift up my own art spirit.... done with markers on scrap office paper

#3 has 5 similar shapes -- a ceramic watercolor palette
#4 leg
#5 has 3 similar shapes, a part of my necklace.


Joe, I like the legs. Sha's remark made me laugh. You're right about wonky and tilted. Most of my sketches lean left. I think I tilt it like I'm writing and don't notice. Thanks for the info from Jeanne.

Ned, thanks, the dolly has been most handy. Folds to about 24 inches x16 x 2 inches and hangs on the wall in the garage.

Ai, I love your non-art sketches. Ha. The necklace is so pretty. Take care of yourself we will patiently wait for more sketches.
Robin: Nice find for stacks and well done faucet. I really like the
use of diferent ink colors.... Thanks for hosting

Fletch: Thanks... I have done selfies before but similar problems with likeness
The legs look fine by me I like the 3D effect with the sofa and shadow, nicely done

Joan: Thanks ... sofa is comfortable my wife and I watch TV from there.

Jo: Thanks ... nice find with the dolly.

Ned: Thanks... enjoy the vacation

Ai: Nice find for 5 similar shapes, well done leg and foot, that necklace is very
Hi Paul. Thanks.

Robin, thanks for the Hunt. See you all on the next Hunt. You still have a day to sketch here. I'll post the new Hunt late tonight or early morning for Ai, Vivien and others on the "far side".

Not on the porch! In a bathroom. In the "new" sketchbook, did find it is made by BookFactory, 8 x 10 inches.
Number 6 faucet and Number 7 sink
Test post. Seems to work. I'll have my little tablet on vacation so my comments might be very brief! I can't type on it like the kids these days do. Will only have internet when we go from our cabin into town in August.

Jo -- I always seem to notice what's around your subject. I like the back of the sink, the corner, and the bottom of the mirror :) I'll make a screenshot of the new hunt before we leave tomorrow morning. Probably won't sketch much in the next 5 days though.. we'll be driving then visiting friends along the way...

Robin -- thanks for the hunt.
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#6 SP ..done with markers ..
Uhm I dont look like this, and this look younger than the real me...inspire self to do more ..

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