Scavenger Hunt from Life #123 - July 22 - 30

Hi All,
Back later to look at everything you all have done. I've been busy busy! Plumbing, chimney, gutters... this is an old house! And some fishing too! And hiking.

At the same park as before, Fort Ward... this used to be the pier for a salmon farm. They raised Atlantic salmon here in a place with 4 kinds of wild Pacific salmon. They had problems... sometimes fish got out, and some fisheries biologists thought they were causing problems for wild salmon. The wild salmon here are not doing all that well for lots of reasons. Anyway, the farm was closed a few years ago....

#1 something seen away from home
Ned, great to see your sketch of the pier. I'm picturing salmon on the loose in my head. lol

Ai, thanks for your comment.

I am posting the new hunt for those who are in an earlier time zone.
I went to downtown Bangkok's art museum (BACC) today to see my friend's botanical art on display. I paid for a bit pricy icecream there but I get to sit on their table and sketch...and the icecream was good all are great.

#10 thankful for -- visiting a big art museum...pencil + WC


Joe - the series of Donald’s made me smile. Thank you.

Joan - the detail in Carla Marla’s is amazing. The people, the bike,the dumpster..great. Judging by chaise lounge I think you can mark up digital as another medium mastered.

Ai . Great hatching on the spoon.studying the broccoli to see how you got that texture. Mario, Elvis and the spaceman look fun. Nice museum sketch. Have to admit I was looking for a painting and picture of the ice cream. 😎

Ned - Nice pen work! No photos of your catch?

Robin, Thanks for hosting.

Keep sketching
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Hi art buddies!

Thanks for participating in the hunt.

Joe1 nice duck takes. Interesting to see the difference a curve here and there makes.

Joan - nice job on Carla's. Do you sell many of these paintings to the depicted establishments? I ADORE your sunbathing reader with the purple shadow - SWEET

Ai - the marker work is great and inspiring....the slivers of reflected light are wonderfully done...I couldn't take my eye off them...The light green lines inside the puffy shapes of brocolli are marvelous. Very creative. Fun pencil figures - kids toys are fun to draw. I remember Jeannie having quite a collection she drew from. Tip Top museum piece!!!!

NedL - The story about the salmon farm is nice. Your writting style is pleasant and the texture of mild inuendo is charming. Lovely little sketch will bring pleasure in days to come I'm sure. Nice you can do little odd jobs around the old place.
Thank you Joan, Fletch, and Robin for kind support.

Robin: That is a fun and funky pool sketch... love it. Thanks for hosting this one.

BTW, I am heading for a sketch event across Thai border for a few days.... Hope to have something different to share. It is a place I have always wanted to go.
Fletch, thanks for your comment. Carla Marlas just kept growing. I had a space on the right so I included the bike after the rider went inside. The backdrop of the dumpster was too good to pass up.

Robin, thanks. On rare occasions I've shown the sketches of the establishments to the owners, but it doesn't happen often. What a fun sketch of the splash pad. Thanks for hosting!
Joan, love the sailboats on wheels and the botanic gardens with picnic table w/umbrella! Fun sketch of Caarla Marlas with the bike and all. You always amaze! The pool lady is so good and fun to see.

Ai, your stories and photos of Japan make me feel like I was with you. Applause!! Love the money sketch. I'm smiling ear to ear. Your timepieces at the dentist look great on the blue paper. I really like the spotty technique for the veggie. I got Mario and Elvis, don't know the middle one. Good sketch at the museum. Yummmy way to sketch.

Robin thanks and thanks for the Hunt. Sorry I didn't get more done. It was great having our son, David, and daughter-in-law, Lisa here for a week. They left just a while ago. Your page of sketches with face is great. I haven't seen one of the sand timers in ages. Fun to see. I like the splash pad. Great to see the kids play on those.

Fletch, yes the kernels of popcorn in my hand kept changing. Ha. Your ear and story made me smile. Good job for a stealth sketcher.

joe1lt, love your duck people. Made me chuckle. I'm wondering about your word for chuckle or small laugh.

Ned fun away from home sketches. Thanks for sharing your time off as well!

Thanks again Robin!!