Scavenger Hunt #76 - July 13 - 21

Robin Gillis

Well-known member
Hi everyone,

Please refer to previous hunt for detailed info on hunt guidelines. Main focus is on sketching with any medium from life within time of hunt, comments welcome but not necessary. Let‘s go!

1 has 2 similar shaped parts ( like tweezers)
2. Has 3 similar shaped parts
3. Has 4 similar shaped parts
4. Has 5 or more similar shaped parts
5. Cone shaped
6. A radio
7. A gear
8 a shoe
10. Faucet
11. A stack
12. Sink or tub
13. A pet
14. insect
15. A leg
16. Selfie
17 free space
18. Front door of public establishment
19. favorite food
20. Teapot
21. Jewelery
22. corner of room
23. People
24. Makes a sound
25. Switch
26 fairly small moving wheeled like dolly, hand truck, skateboard
Cool list, Robin, thank you.

#1 sub. has 2 similar shapes parts with my garden gloves....done with markers

Jo and Joan: Thanks.

Jo: I got the gloves from the Dollar Tree shop in the US.
Popping out of the wabbitt first share on this site. Hmm, let's use this for 4 similar shaped objects (the pan colors) & 5 similar shaped objects

1. New set of watercolor: Sakura Koi 24-color field sketching set: I'm disappointed that it's so big! It's twice the size of the 18-color set that I can't find in my house.


2. I couldn't decide on one, so I got both. This is Kuratake Transparent set.

Fingers crossed this posts the way I intend, not the way it's showing on screen. I'm glad some of you are still in touch with Jeanne, thanks for the news. I was thinking about her recently. I have my own share of kidney issues.

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Hello Julie... Welcome back. 😊 Love both sketches, esp. the color tones in the bottom sketch. I had the top set... I feel that it is a bit too bulky for me as well. I would love to carry around the bottom set.
Julie! So good to see you. Welcome back. Love the sketches. They look free and easy going. I'm smiling.
Julie, it is great to see you pop in!!! Welcome! Your paintings of the watercolor sets would fit for any of those items 2,3,4,or 5. 24 colors is definitely a big set! Unfortunately as we are aging we're all developing some health "issues." Ugh!!!

I was sitting outside the pizza place in my "mobile studio" to sketch this. There is such a great view from that spot.
1 - has 5 or more similar shaped parts (oven handles) - watercolors and ink
2 - cone shaped (sort of) red and white drink cups
3 - stack of pizza boxes
4 - people


5 - 2 similar shaped parts (vehicle tail lights) - watercolors and ink
6 - wheeled cart
7 - 4 similar shaped parts (that you can see - boat windows)

Joan, great pizza view. Makes me hungry. The view of the house and boats, vehicles, etc., is great. Inviting to have a look at all the "stuff".

Ai, wow, great work on the car. What Joan says......classic!

Mmmm, Paul. Nice mug. I like your lines. I have a mug with the rounded top. It seems to keep the coffee warmer but I find it hard to get comfortable drinking out of it. Loose lips. Ha.
Ai - what a neat old car…great job! You captured the swank!
nice glov. Super marker prowess. The subtile gray shadow is slick and effective.

Joan. Both lovely sketches. The pizza shop is humming! Love the red and blues.

Julie - glad you bunny hopped over and shared your color palettes. The shaded division ridges and recess defined nice. Both are quite inviting to apply to blank page.

MPaul nice mug . Glad you got to sip and sketch for us.

i am going to do some now that y’all have primed my pump
Robin - Thanks for the list.

Ai - I join the group in liking the fun pattern on your garden gloved.

Julie - Welcome back. Great start.

Joan - NY Pizza. Top of list alongside bagels with things we miss. Love all the detail you achieve. What size brushes? Two story homes are also uncommon in this neck of the woods. Think your pen work sells this one.

Ai - You seem to have a knack for finding unusual cars to paint. Well done!

Paul - love the mug pen work. I am with Jo. Find the rounded in top on mugs hard to drink from.

#1- object with 4 similar shape parts X pocket screwdriver. Graphite. Image is about 2x2 in.

Keep sketching
Robin - fun finds. Nicely done.

#2 two similar shapes - paper clamp. Graphite muliple grades. Image roughly 3x3 in.

Keep sketching
Ai -- I like the "dollar tree" gardening gloves, the way you use color just makes me happy when I see it. The watercolor of the classic car is really cool, you gave it wonderful "personality"!

Julie -- One of the best things to do when you get a new watercolor set is to make a watercolor painting of it! :) You have two to choose from! I would love to hear how you like them. Well done.

Joan -- those are both great, I like the sense of life and action in the first one, it gives such a strong sense of what it is like to be there.

Paul -- like your new mug, makes me want some coffee :)

Jo -- don't know if you watched the CWS since your longhorns weren't there, but it was really fun. I'm hoping to go to Omaha in person next summer.

Fletch -- OK I stared at that for a long time and was totally stumped. But pocket screwdriver makes sense, I can see how it would work! Good job on the paper clamp, like the textures.

Robin -- Thanks for the list. I like the way you put the sketches on a single page with different colors. The hand with pistachios is really good!

It's 93°F here today ( around 34°C ) but there was a nice bench in the shade and it was very nice to sit there for a few minutes and draw. I even pulled out the watercolors at the end to put the red in. My first day retired and a page used in the sketchbook -- so, yay! total success and feeling happy!!!! :)

Getting ready to make a print later today too... maybe I'll post it here at CreativeSpark.

#1 pair of similar shapes ( railroad crossing gates, I think they are called "wishbone gates" )

Looked like this:
Hi Robin. Oh, so clever on your items. Love the three legged table. Your lines on the other items, hand, etc., are so good.

Joe, I'd forgotten the pocket screwdriver. Gene has one someplace. I should put it in my purse. Good job on the sketch. Nice clamp, I always have trouble with the similar grips.

Ned, so jealous of you going to Omaha. We followed the Longhorns to Mississippi, Arizona, Oklahoma and around Texas, but never made Omaha. The College World Series was amazing. I got the ESPN+ app to watch all the games. Our son-in-law is an LSU fan so the end was good for that reason! Your wishbone gates are super. Love the added red ... and the photo.

Sketching and watching TV so on the footstool in the large Canson mix media book.
Number 1 - 4 things with similar shape, the bluebonnet measuring cups by Lea w/Prismacolor markers and watercolor
Number 2 - shoe, Gene's trike shoe w/ Blick Gray Markers
