Scavenger Hunt #134 - October 18 - 26

Robin, a perfect size! Love the colorful parrot.

Grapes, it was raining here all day today. Aside from heading to the market for fish and veggies this morning, I didn’t go back out. I sketched indoors instead.

17 - book shelf - watercolors and ink

This doesn’t fit the hunt but it was fun to play with the dregs of the coffee from the espresso pot. I use it to make myself one small cup of decaf in the morning.
Joan, good ones! 😊 This was the second rain day since you arrived? How's the water level at piazza San Marco and other streets? Did you ever do a sketch at San Marco? Will you go on this trip? I never did, I was scared 😨 of the police, I suppose.
Robin: Love the vibrant happy bean bag sketch.

Jo: Glad to hear how you and Gene are doing. Love your sketch of the shelf, and three people under big umbrella. Wonderful sculpture.

Joan: Gorgeous happy Burano colors... They are the girls' favorite place.... and our memorable place too .... Lovely bookshelf elegant details... My fav. is the moka pot.... wonderful happy shades of brown. ... Applaud !!!

Grapes : I did sketch inside the San Marco Basilica (Our family trip was in 2018 they did not allow photograph inside) ... but the security guard/police saw me tried to do a small ink-sketch standing for a while ... so he took a look at my sketchbook and flagged me in to sit and sketch more comfort at their church seats. I was surprised and very grateful for that.

Well, you all... I am slow at present ... trying to balance many things... works and life.
All: Pardon you all for me posting these old sketches done at Venice again. I wish one year I could be there sketching with Joan and you all.

Grapes: I wish I could go to Venice again. But here are some of my ink sketches done inside and outside San Marco in 2018.... It is great to see Joan's artworks from there every year.

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Grapes : I did sketch inside the San Marco Basilica (Our family trip was in 2018 they did not allow photograph inside) ...
WOW, they let you sketch inside the Basilica!! They were really nice 👍 🙂 with you! It's only that the police don't want painters outside at the piazza San Marco to sell their paintings fresh from the easel and not paying tax. But with a permission from police you can go to paint anywhere in the piazza.
Both of your sketches inside are spectacular as is the one at the piazza! By the way, it's gorgeous inside the Basilica! Must have been quite an experience to paint there!
I was last time in Venice 2019 on a painting trip, 2 weeks in Sept. just before the pandemic. I enjoyed sooo much painting on the streets of Venice! Although I can't really paint street scenes (maybe I'd need more experience and I'd get better ...) but I still was enjoying tremendously. Missing Venice! Maybe I go next fall again to paint there, for my birthday lol.
Grapes: I think mine were just small ink sketches on a sketchbook, so they know that it was just for my humble tourist experience. Please enjoy your next trip there for me. I don't know if I could have another trip there.
Grapes, we have had quite a few days or partial days of rain since we have very here this time. San Marco has had some high water, but not too bad. I thought I had posted this sketch done of San Marco that I did a few days ago. I only did part of it because the police told me I couldn’t sit on my own stool in the square. The only spot I found to sit was very close to the Cathedral so I only did a small part. Even that much took a long time.


Ai, thanks. I started the moka pot sketch using coffee and coffee grounds, but it wasn’t dark enough and the grinds made a mess. lol I switched to my watercolor pencils and a little bit of regular we to finish it. The police in the square were very nice when they told me I couldn’t sit there, but told me I would have to stand out if the way of the crowds of people. Luckily I found a seat on the building across from the church where a lot of other people were sitting.

Grapes, I didn’t go inside the basilica this time. The lines were really long. I’ve sketched inside a few other cathedrals on this trip to Venice. They are nice, dry places when it is raining outside.
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